January 1

Generate Leads Using this Basic Copywriting Formula


Here is a way you can, potentially, generate leads using this basic copywriting formula.

Discover how to get ______ in _______ ________ without having to ________ .

Here is is with the descriptive word or words in the parenthesis.

Discover how to (get result) in (number) (minutes/hours/days/weeks) without having to (pain/struggle).

Here is an example.

Discover how to get a flat stomach in 3 weeks without having to go to the gym.

How can you use this? A number of ways.

Simply fill in the blanks with a benefit having to do with your niche.

category: Money-saving laundry detergent
please note: This is a modified version of the copywriting formula
Discover how to get (300 loads of laundry done) for only (10-cents a load) using our (specially formulated and non-toxic) laundry detergent.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

this may or may not have been on the video

Consulting, Coaching, Marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Video Marketing, Copywriting

1. Do It Yourself - I offer you resources to help you get results / reach your goals

2. Done With You - I offer you resources and help you put them into motion to get results

3. Done For You - I do this for you to get you the results you desire

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Referral SaaS tools:

up to 20 sites - $89
one-time payment

Note: WPBeginner users can get 20% discount on their purchase by using our RafflePress coupon code: WPBEGINNER20



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

lead generation:

Thrive Leads

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thrive Themes




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What's going on with Trafficwave.net?




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Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered "Skinny Switch"

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created "Auto-Bot Algorithm"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Disover how to (get specific results) in (number) (hours/days)
without having to (pain)

Discover how to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks without having to
go to the gym or drink subscription shakes that tastes like chalk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to 10x'ing your income
Thanks to recently created "semi-automated income system"

A new solution to making piles of money online
Thanks to recently created "private ATM method"
"It's like having your own ATM machine cranking out cash at will!"

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created "online moneymaking method"

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created "online moneymaking switch"

A new solution to making money online
Thanks to recently created "easy affiliate income program"

A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to "feeling uncomfortable in clothes" (her words)
Thanks to recently discovered "skinny switch"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to "feeling uncomfortable around women"
Thanks to recently discovered "confidence switch"

A new solution to "making money online"
Thanks to recently discovered "economic engine switch"

Thanks to recently uncovered "economic shift" that will change everything.
This economic shift has been called "an economic tsunami" by industry insiders
Here's the way to prepare for it in order to survive and thrive instead of getting wiped out financially and getting your life ruined as a result

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Discover how to get a full night's sleep in 24 hours without having to take sleeping pills that have bad side effects.

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered "biomagnetic sleep switch"
Finally, we unlocked the secret to getting a full night's sleep.
The unique mineral compound within our crystal penants radiates a calming energy that will enable you to finally get the full night's sleep you've been dreaming about. - link to an "irresistible offer" - order now for only $9.97 and get free booklet + penant

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered "sleep switch"

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered "remote sleep switch"

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered "remote sleep switch"

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered "sleep switch"

A new solution to unlocking your creative genius
Thanks to recently discovered "cellular recalibration switch"

A new solution to unlocking unlimitless creativity
Thanks to recently discovered "cognitive recalibration switch"

A new solution to unlocking a photographic memory
Thanks to recently discovered "visual recalibration switch"

A new solution to unlocking a photographic memory
Thanks to recently discovered "remote mind mapping" switch

A new solution to learning a new language fast
Thanks to recently discovered "mind mapping" switch

The Healthy Sleep Architecture Solution
get a full night's sleep, guaranteed

Healthy Sleep Solutions
get a full night's sleep, guaranteed

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered "calm switch"

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered "remote anxiety recalibration" switch

A new solution to stress relief
Thanks to recently discovered "remote anxiety recalibration" switch

The "calm switch" or "relaxation button" is the specific reference point that can help you get calm in as little as 90 seconds

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered "body retargeting" switch

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered "cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to join pain
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen rebuilding/regrowth/growth" switch

A new solution to osteoperosis
Thanks to recently discovered "remote cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen growth/rebuilding" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "remote biochronometer switch"

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "biochronometer reset switch"

A new solution to anti-aging
Thanks to recently discovered "biological clock reset" switch

A new solution to eliminating wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen recalibration" switch

A new solution to eliminating wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen retargeting" switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat burning" switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat burning optimization" switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "cholesterol incincerator" switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "body recalibration" switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered "mind mapping" switch

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered "NLP mind-mapping" switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional polarity recalibration" switch

A new solution to anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered "polarity priming" switch

A new solution to anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional polarity priming" switch

A new solution to anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered "remote polarity priming" switch

A new solution to anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional polarity priming" switch

A new solution to sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered "remote sleep" switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional polarity" switch

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered "remote emotional retargeting" switch

A new solution to overcoming anxiety and building confidence
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional bimotive recalibration" switch

A new solution to overcoming anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered "quantum recalibration" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "epigenetic recalibration" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "remote epigenetic recalibration" switch

A new solution to stress relief
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional polarity" switch

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered "lipid resistance" switch

A new solution to longevity
Thanks to recently discovered "cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "hypnotic cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to hair loss
Thanks to recently discovered "follacle growth" switch

A new solution to feelings of doubt and insecurity
Thanks to recently discovered "confidence recalibration switch"

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered "blood vessel expansion" switch

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered "hetero-cellular expansion" switch
"It's been called the Miracle-Gro for your nether regions!"

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered "testosterone transformer" switch
"It's been called the Miracle-Gro for your nether regions!"

A new solution to fat legs aka "cottage cheese legs"
Thanks to recently discovered "cholesterol destroyer" switch

A new solution to fat thighs aka "cottage cheese thighs"
Thanks to recently discovered "cholesterol incinerator" switch

A new solution to reducing neck fat and losing your double chin
Thanks to recently discovered "lipid ignition" switch

A new solution to reducing butt fat
Thanks to recently discovered "lipid incinerator" switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "metabolic correction" switch

A new solution to losing belly fat
Thanks to recently discovered "metabolic accelerator" switch

A new solution to obesity
Thanks to recently discovered "metabolic correction" switch

A new solution to looking younger and having more energy
Thanks to recently discovered "metabolic correction" switch

A new solution to regaining sexual function
Thanks to recently discovered "testosterone transformer" switch

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered "testosterone transformer" switch

A new solution to increasing stamina
Thanks to recently discovered "remote testosterone multiplier" switch

A new solution to increasing libido
Thanks to recently discovered "testosterone regenerator" switch

A new solution to increasing libido
Thanks to recently discovered "remote testosterone transformer" switch

Are you suffering from memory loss? You might have lipid resistance syndrome.
Find out the early warning signs and symptoms and the scientifically proven
ways you can treat it before it gets worse.

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat dissolving" switch

A new solution to making money online in 2022 and beyond
Thanks to recently released comprehensive action plan that reveals proven techniques anyone can use to get results fast

A new solution to attracting the love of your life
Thanks to recently discovered "relationship reprogramming switch"

A new solution to attracting money into your life
Thanks to recently discovered "mindmapping switch"

A new solution to gaining clarity and focus in your life
Thanks to recently discovered "emotional retargeting" switch

A new solution to increasing muscle mass/strength and endurance levels
Thanks to recently discovered "electrolyte retargeting" switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "biomotive spinal" switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "bio-electrical spinal" switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "spinal regneration" switch

A new solution to chronic fatigue
Thanks to recently discovered "electrolyte bridge" switch

A new solution to fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue)
Thanks to recently discovered "remote electrolyte retargeting" switch

A new solution to arthritis
Thanks to recently discovered "remote cellular regeneration" switch

A new solution to preventing and reversing dementia
Thanks to recently discovered "secret cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to looking younger and feeling more energetic
Thanks to recently discovered "remote cellular regeneration" switch

A new solution to preventing wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered "remote anti-aging" switch

A new solution for chronic back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "neuroskeletal integration technique"

A new solution for chronic back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "neuro-structural integration" switch

A new solution for back pain
Thanks to recently discovered "neuro-structural integration" technique

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered "remote cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to arthritis
Thanks to recently discovered "electro-cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "remote epigenetic reprogramming" switch

A new solution to diabetes
Thanks to recently disocvered "insulin reprogramming" switch

A new solution to anti-aging
Thanks to recently discovered "cellular regeneration" switch

A new solution to diabetes
Thanks to recently discovered "insulin reduction" switch

A new solution to improved cognitive function and increased energy levels
Thanks to recently discovered "antibody update retargeting" switch

A new solution to "recession-proof" your savings
Thanks to recently created "AI Forecasting Bot"

A new solution to make money trading stocks
Thanks to recently created "AI Trading Bot"

A new solution to making money trading stocks
Thanks to recently created "AI Trading Bot"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "anti-aging" switch
Thanks to recently properties of "Marine Snow"

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered "cellular retargeting" switch

A new solution to join pain
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen rebuilding/regrowth/growth" switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "collagen growth/rebuilding" switch

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution for longevity and looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "remote rejuvenation switch"

Recently, deep sea scientists off the Adriatic Sea have discovered sub-sea
minerals whose properties seem to defy conventional wisdom.

They create their own light and are thought to live to be 800 years old.

These unique deep sea creatures were only recently discovered and live in a specific
deep sea area of the Mediterannean sea floor, near coral reefs that have been in
existence since 800 A.D.

These unique sea creatures, called Aeroquatic Planktodes thrive off
a substance known as Marine Snow.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), "Marine snow is mostly biological debris that originates from the top layers of the ocean and drifts to the seafloor, providing a primary source of energy for animals in the deep ocean."
source: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/marinesnow.html

According to Wikipedia, Marine Snow consists of a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper laywers of the water column.

It is a significant means of exporting energy from the light-rich photic zone to the aphotic zone below, which is referred to as the biological pump.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_snow

Sub-sea minerals that contain an incredibly vast array of rare and unique
mineral-rich microminerals that were thought to be unavailable to humans
on the earth ...

until now

Harvested with our underwater drones using technology that was previously available only to the U.S. military, but has now been declassified

This rare deep sea earth mineral is only available in limited quanities

Therefore, the high price

As doctor are calling this the "real fountain of youth" and the miracle cure of the twenty-first century, this extraordinary discovery

Due to UNESCO harvesting limitations and the rariety of these vents, and the danger of each mission during which we often lose drones due to the pressures of the deep, we cannot be sure that our spply will continue, and we must treat each batch as if it was the last batch.

Because it just might be.

Due to the limited supply, this miracle mineral is only available in very limited supplies.

Currently, there are only 400 bottles left.

Secure your supply now.

If you buy now, we will honor your continued purshcases

We feel that once you're on the path to recovery, it would be unfair to discontinue your journey to health.

Click here to secure your supply now.

Hurry - limited quantities

Those who complete their purchases before December, we will honor your journey to health.

However, after December, we will be unable to take any more orders, due to the extreme scarcity of this mineral supplement.

In addition, Big Pharma has discovered the powerful healing properties and are trying to prohibit this information from being shared with the general public. Why? Because Big Pharma makes money on treating people with medication and surgeries, not curing them. Big Pharma rakes in billions doing this and they seek to destroy anyone with cures that actually work!

Restore your youthful appearance with the longevity solution that scientists are calling a "modern miracle" ...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Click the Buy Now button to order your bottle today

1 bottle: $197 dollars

2 bottles: $297 dollars

6 bottles: $597 dollars

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution for longevity and looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered "remote rejuvenation switch"

Recently, deep sea scientists off the Adriatic Sea have discovered sub-sea minerals whose properties seem to defy conventional wisdom.

They create their own light and are thought to live to be 800 years old.

These unique deep sea creatures were only recently discovered and live in a specific deep sea area of the Mediterannean sea floor, near coral reefs that have been in existence since 800 A.D.

These unique sea creatures, called Aeroquatic Planktodes thrive off a substance known as Marine Snow.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, "Marine snow is mostly biological debris that originates from the top layers of the ocean and drifts to the seafloor, providing a primary source of energy for animals in the deep ocean."
source: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/marinesnow.html

According to Wikipedia, Marine Snow consists of a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper laywers of the water column.

It is a significant means of exporting energy from the light-rich photic zone to the aphotic zone below, which is referred to as the biological pump.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_snow

Dr. Lavinsky, the first isolated elixr of deep sea minerals, the unique configuration or rare minerals that are not found on the surface of the earth.

However, Dr. Lavinsky has determined that they are necessary nutrients, vital for longevity, increased energy, and improved cognitive function.

"These rare minerals are superior to current supplements as their bio-availability markers result in increased absorption to all parts of the body. So far, we've seen incredible results and signifcant improvement for our patients who suffer from joint pain," says Dr. Lavinsky. "Also, these patients their lifespans extended significantly. One such patient is living fitfully as a 130-year old, walking without a cane, and very capable of driving."

What can these unique sea creatures, the Aeroquatic Planktodes, teach us about longevity and improved cognitive function?

According to the research and mounting evidence, a lot.

According to Dr. Lionel Petersgill, evolutionary biologist, author of "Aqua-Chimp: The Fish Monkey Diaries", and professor emeritus at Cambridge University, "These mineral compounds appear to fill important niches in our biology and our biological clock. On our journey from reptiles to humans, when we slithered from the ocean and started to grow legs, little did we know, as clever as we were, that we would leave these minerals behind in the sea bed. We have been sick ever since. These mineral compounds appear to be the fuel required for our next evolutionary shift."

Dr. Carbafinkel, who runs the Natural Sciences Institute of Western Colorado, agrees with Dr. Petersgill and adds: "On our journey from water lizard to standing upright, we've left a lot behind."

Interestingly, the diet of the Gersifulsnoot Turtle, known for it's extremely long life span, is Aeroquatic Planktodes.

Is their diet of Aeroquatic Planktodes the real secret behind the longevity the Gersifulsnoot Turtle?

"Deep sea creatures, their longevity, and their propensity towards certain foods, may prove useful in gleaning bio-markers that can be used to extend human life," says Dr. Petersgill.

Dr. Petersgill is running an extensive study for an unnamed pharmaceutical firm and was unable to comment further.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Because of the bio-magnetic properties or birds, specifically seagulls,
the cartlidge of seagulls is said to have transformative properties.

The Broth of Seagull Bone / Cartlidge

Magnetic Seagull Bone

Directional Magnetic Seagull Bone

Because of unique minerals that they can get from the sea, in only tiny amounts,
the magnetic directional properties

We've found that by taking an extract of this bone, the magnetic seagull bone broth, humans were able to improve their spatial awareness and directional abilities.

Using a controlled group of octogenarians from an upstate New York nursing home, we fed them Seagull Bone Broth for two weeks.

What we discovered shocked us to the core!

This isn't for everyone.

But, if you know someone suffering from memory loss or dementia, what you're about to read just might change your life.

Due to the Greenpeace ban on seagull hunting, we only have a limited supply of seagulls that have perished due to natural causes.

Was this new law passed really to protect seagulls, or is there something more nefarious at play?

When has Big Pharma ever been interested in protecting seagulls?

Apparently, according to an industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous, Big Pharma is squashing the little guys who wish to help people get better by using small quantities of Seagull Bone in nutraceautical products, as they, Big Pharma, intend to mass produce it and sell it themselves.

"Big Pharma has a history of doing this," says the industry insider. "They shut out the little guys, so they can control the entire market themselves."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Disover how to (get specific results) in (number) (hours/days)
without having to (pain)

Discover how to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks without having to
go to the gym or drink subscription shakes that tastes like chalk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered "magno-morphic seagull bone"

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered "Marine Snow"

An orchestra of flight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to 10x'ing your income
Thanks to recently created "easy affiliate income system/method"

A new solution to making piles of money online
Thanks to recently created "private ATM method"
"It's like having your own ATM machine cranking out cash at will!"

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created "online moneymaking method"

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created "online moneymaking switch"

A new solution to making money online
Thanks to recently created "easy affiliate income program"

A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to "feeling uncomfortable in clothes" (her words)
thanks to recently discovered "skinny switch"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A variation of the above could be:
A new solution to "feeling uncomfortable in clothes"
Thanks to recently discovered "slim switch"

A new solution to "feeling uncomfortable around women"
thanks to recently discovered "confidence switch"

A new solution to "making money in 2023 and beyond"
Thanks to recently uncovered "economic retargeting switch"

"An economic tsunami" is what industry insiders are calling the coming economic upheaval

Here's the way to prepare for it in order to survive and thrive instead of getting wiped out financially and getting your life ruined as a result

Sign in with your name and email below to get our free Action Plan that reveals the
"economic retargeting switch" you can use to survive and thrive in the coming economic downturn/tsunamic/storm/upheaveal

"This is going to be catastrophic", declares Professor Jabe Mikowitze, Economic Consultant to the Circle of Countries, and author of "The Wormhole in the Apple: Connecting Physics, Fruit, and Climate Change".

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Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered "Skinny Switch"

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created "Auto-Bot Algorithm"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to (positive result)
Thanks to recently discovered (breakthrough) switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat dissolving" switch

Are you suffering obesity? You might have lipid resistance syndrome.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat dissolving" switch

Are you tired of being overweight?

Are you suffering from obesity?

Are you trying to lose weight and failing?

It might not be your fault.

You might have Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

Lipid Resistance Syndrome is, essentially, when people have the inability
to lose weight, due to a chemical deficiency caused by a deficit of one of more specific minerals.

Basically, this chemical defeciency causes the body go to into
Fat Storage Overdrive, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

What is Fat Storage Overdrive?

Think of a hoarder inheriting a one acre-sized lot of empty storage units.

What would he do?

He would likely continue his hoarding and eventually fill all of the storage units.

This is an illustration of Fat Storage Overdrive--wherein the body has multiple storage units and is hoarding the fat, causing obesity and other health issues.

Typically, this is caused a by a combination of mineral deficiences and, without taking these mineral supplements, losing weight will continue to be a struggle.

To recap, this mineral deficiency causes the body to go into Fat Storage Overdrive.

The technical term for this condition is Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

If you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome, no matter what you do, you will be unlikely
able to lose weight.

Without the correct combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutraceutical supplements that address your body's specific bio-signature, the body is likely to be immuno-compromised and a prime target for sickness, fatigue, obesity, and premature aging.

"Due to soil erosion, chemical wastewater runoff, factory farming, and a general depletion of vitamins and minerals in our soils, leading to a significant reduction of vitamins and minerals in our fruits and vegetables, people need additional supplements in order to strengthen their immune system," says David Kite, a natural health writer and popular life coach. "People ought to get tested on a yearly basis, by sending in a urine sample, a blood sample, a hair sample, in order to determine if they have a mineral or vitamin deficiency. This simple act itself would save many from sickness and disease and remind them that they can cure themselves, provided they are given the correct diagnosis."

Many other notable doctors, scientists, and natural health care practioners agree with David Kite, that the body can develop a whole portfolio that is stronger than the sum of its parts, given it has the proper fuel--foods, water, and exercise.

Discovering and treating lipid resistance syndrome
is one of the main factors that contributes to significant weight loss, and
without identifying and treating this key factor, the excess weight is unlikely
to come off, even with exercise and diet.

Curious to see if you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome?

Answer the short questionaire below, then sign in with your Name and Email to get your results.

Answers will be kept confidential. Your email will not be shared. Your privacy is guaranteed.

Sign in with your Name & Email below to get our free report, along with 5-step solution
Action Plan you can use to cure your obesity struggle once and for all.

See if you have the biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

Also, get the 5-step solution Action Plan you can use to cure your obesity struggle once and for all!

Sign in with your Name & Email to get our free report + our 5-step solution action plan!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "fat dissolving" switch

Are you tired of being overweight?

Are you suffering from obesity?

Are you trying to lose weight and failing?

If this you, I'm here to tell you something ...

It might not be your fault.

You might have Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

Lipid Resistance Syndrome is, essentially, when people have the inability
to lose weight, due to a chemical deficiency caused by a deficit of one of more specific minerals.

Basically, this chemical defeciency causes the body go to into
Fat Storage Overdrive, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

When you have Fat Storage Overdrive, no matter what you do, you'll have a hard time losing weight.

But health experts have a more technical term for Fat Storage Overdrive.

Health experts refer to this as Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

If you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome, no matter what you do, losing weight is likely to be a struggle.

Thanks to a recently discovered breakthrough, that's being called the
"fat dissolving" switch, there is hope for those trying to lose weight.

With this new breakthrough, called the "fat dissolving" switch, you'll finally be able to lose weight, feel comfortable in clothes again, and feel confident wearing a bikini or taking your shirt off at the beach!

According to top medical doctors, discovering and treating lipid resistance
is one of the main factors that contributes to significant weight loss, and
without identifying and treating this key factor, the excess weight is unlikely
to come off, even with exercise and diet.

Discover if you have lipid resistance syndrome with our free Q&A and follow-up report
that explains what it is and how it can be treated.

See if you have the biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

If you've been trying to lose weight and failing, you need this free report,
that will show you how to
- identify the early warning signs and symptoms of lipid resistance syndrome
- discover strategies to reduce the effects of lipid resistance syndrome
- get an action plan to eradicate lipid resistance syndrome
in order to lose weight and feel better.

If you're trying to lose weight and failing, you need this free report and questionaire
you can use to determine if you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

Sign in with your Name, Email, and Address below, to get more information about
Lipid Resistance Syndrome and treatments that can help you unlock lipid resistance
so you can finally shed the excess weight, get healthy, and feel comfortable in
your own skin again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered "Skinny Switch"

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created "Auto-Bot Algorithm"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lipid Resistance Syndrome

on a molecular level, it hijacks the stored fat, and moves it the kidney to be flushed out

The polymorphous

cellular congruency

DNA receptors

exposes the collagen receptors

sodium intake levels

Vitamin K inhibitor

parabolic diffusion

high concentrations of nitric acid

cholesterol lowering nutraceutical

taken in incremental amounts, this acts as a complimentary probiotic


cumulative effects of calcium

electrolyte imbalance

biomorphic indicators

this is a precursor to iron deficiency

metabolic malfunction

synthetic sugar

hypertrophic trigger

essential amino acids

hormonal repair

hormonal markers

longevity markers


establish cholesterol remodeling

inhibits the ability for cholesterol manufacturing

chromosonal biomarkers

the electrolyte bridge

complex demolition of excess lipids

the architecture of DNA and biosynthesis

oxidation on a cellular level

amplifies gene expression

increases the volume of white blood cells

triglyceride grenade


this has been called the insulin switch

essential nutrient

increases the absorption of Vitamin C

necessary for solubility of vitamins and minerals

it reduces inflammation

this becomes a key performance indicator for fat loss

these are considered "markers" for longevity

reduces and ameliorates (lessens) the ability to burn fat

this has been called the fat-burning molecule

significant reduction in chelates

helps the body with chelation therapy

introduces chelation choreography

thyroid tango


increases fat-burning performance

enhances memory


cellular continuity

at the genesis level of the cellular structure

cellular history

cellular rythym

biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome

nucleic acid


signaling pathway



mineral absorption

transmission factors

protein inhibitors

body mass index

signals metabolism

causes fluctuations in the metabolic temperature

polymeric index

metabolic profile

metabolic fatigue

bio-electrical field

systemic parasneadal cytosis

antipyretic intervention

chromosome index

chromosome strength

amplifies and accelerates healing

cellular toxicity

improves cognitive functions

stimulates the production of essential fatty acids

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered "Skinny Switch"

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created "Auto-Bot Algorithm"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Find out where your audience is hanging out.
Identify their pain points.
Learn how they speak, what words, phrases they use.
Speak to them in "their" language to offer a solution to their problem/challenges.
Add a 100% satisfaction guarantee so they can "test drive it", making it a risk-free offer.
Go to Amazon.com and see what the comments are, complaints are, then offer a product that solves those "complaints issues".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Headline ideas:

Is it worth it?

Is ClickFunnels worth it?
Is Systeme.io worth it?
Is Thrive Themes worth it?
Is ConvertKit worth it?
Is Active Campaign worth it?
Is AWeber worth it?

What everyone ought to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
- write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
- at beginning include a box that says "Why are we publishing this information?" to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader's mind of why you are publishing this information

The 5 things everyone ought to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
- write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
- at beginning include a box that says "Why are we publishing this information?" to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader's mind of why you are publishing this information

What everyone needs to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
- write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
- at beginning include a box that says "Why are we publishing this information?" to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader's mind of why you are publishing this information

5 things everyone needs to know about attracting leads in 2023
Some plain talk about (subject)
- write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
- at beginning include a box that says "Why are we publishing this information?" to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader's mind of why you are publishing this information

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Keep Lead Magnets very simple, a shortcut, a one-page 5-step solution, to help do this one thing

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Make money with YouTube

1. Find a core offer, your own or affiliate
2. Build out automated system
3. Identify and select a niche (example: How to make money online with affiliate marketing). Identify the keywords you can rank for. "How I made my first 10,000 dollars a month with (here comes the keyword phrase) these tactics to make money online with affiliate marketing".
4. Find 10 YouTube content creators who are in the same space as you are entering. Then, find what their top ten videos are that you can model. Find the keywords they are using to rank for, but make the keyword phrase longer.
5. Make one video a day that adds value in unique and clever ways. Take the videos and make one-minute version of the videos and upload them to TikTok. If people want to know more, on the TikTok video, tell them to search for you on YouTube or click the link in the bio to go to your YouTube channel.

- One way to build a list while selling other people's affiliate offers is to do what Miles Beckler recommends
"Free Video show you how to (get result) in # hours/days without having to (struggle/pain"
Put together a YouTube ad. In order to get the free video they have to sign in with name & email to watch.
You present the video. You get them on your autoresponder.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. put together music videos, with lyrics in subtitles, for
Dumpster Diver the Musical
Out of the Wilderness
etc music

2. Take the music videos and get 30-second versions to post on TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram

3. In bio, put together clean, simple site with easy-to-buy buttons for merchandise and music

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Put together funny digital marketing videos that are clever, memorable, funny and that politely make fun of make money onliners on YouTube and also scientific sounding mumbo jumbo to sell products

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

at end of commercial, have everyone "freeze" in place

- use humor and polite ridicule to entertain viewers and get them to join your email list for whatever product or service you wish to sell

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Are you tired of working for someone else?

Are you tired of having to go to a job that's boring, doing something that's draining?

How would you like to work from anywhere you want, with your laptop and an internet
connection, and earn $498.50 a day?

Is this possible?

Now, before I tell you how this can be possible, I have to warn you.

This isn't for everyone.

If you don't want to earn $498.50 a day, working only a few hours a day or less, then
this video is not for you.

However, if you would like to earn $498.50 a day, working on a few hours or less, this video is for you.

You're in for a treat.

And, before I continue, please bookmark this page and even share it with your friends.

There's enough money to go around so we can all have some money.

So, let's get to it.

In this video, I'm going to show you how you can earn $498.50 a day, working
from the comfort of wherever you want to work. All you need is a laptop, or
a smart phone, or a tablet, or a desktop computer, and an internet connection.

And, here's the cool thing: Once you get good at this, you might be able to
earn $498.50 an hour or within a few hours.

Okay, let's get started. To earn $498.50 a day or even an hour, do this:

1. Join my affiliate program. It's free to join. Takes about 5-to-10 minutes
to sign up.

2. Share your unique affiliate link.

3. Whenever you make a sale using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50

Here's a video walk-through that will show you how to join my affiliate program
and get your unique affiliate link.

Now, what I want you to do is this:

Sign in below to get my helpful training videos that will show you the best places to share your affiliate link.

Watch the training videos and share your affiliate links at the recommended sites!

Once you make a sale using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/copywriting%20books/The_16_Word_Sales_Letter_A_proven_method_copy.pdf

So What’s the Secret 16-Word Sales Letter™?

Here it is:
“The secret to converting copy is to define the one belief, then answer these ten questions.”

That’s it. I’ll make it even easier for you to remember. Just four words: One belief. Ten

The one belief will ...
set the tone of your entire copy, the common thread that keeps everything together

The ten questions will add ...
a ton of emotional triggers to your copy
help you organize your promo from lead ... to the closing.

The single most important thing you can do when you write a sales letter is to make the reader
believe that: This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s only attainable through my new mechanism.

That’s your mission. Write it down.

I learned this concept from Russel Brunson, who said: “If I can get someone to TRULY believe that
the new opportunity is the key to what they want the most, and they can only get it through my vehicle, then they have no other options but to buy.”

The New Mechanism

Once your readers believe your new opportunity is the key to their desire, now they must believe you’re the only one who can meet that need.

You have to make them believe that ONLY your new mechanism can help them.

Having a new mechanism is key in today’s competitive market environment.

No matter what niche you operate in, chances are your prospects have seen everything.

Remember the wise words of Eugene Schwartz: “If your market is at the stage where they’ve
heard all the claims, in all their extremes, then mere repetition or exaggeration won’t work any longer. What this market needs now is a new device ... a new mechanism, a new way to make the old promise work. A fresh chance, a brand-new possibility of success where only disappointment has resulted before.”

While the new opportunity reveals WHAT is unique about your solution, the new mechanism
reveals HOW it works. It’s the vehicle that deliver the new opportunity. It’s the secret sauce that explains why your solution works.

Here are a Few Examples of “The One Belief”

The one belief for P-90X:
Avoiding the plateau effect (new opportunity) is the key to building muscle (desire) and it’s
attainable only through the P90-X “muscle confusion” system (new mechanism).

The one belief for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula:
Warming up your prospects (new opportunity) is the key to successfully launching a new product
online (desire) and it’s attainable only through the Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (new

The one belief for Proactive:
Attacking acne at every stage of the cycle (new opportunity) is the key to keeping your skin clear and healthy-looking (desire) and it’s attainable only
through Proactiv’s Combination Therapy® (new mechanism).

The one belief for Invisalign:
Aligning your teeth without ugly braces (new opportunity) is the key to getting the smile you want without disrupting your life (desire) and it’s attainable only through the Invisalign proprietary technology (new mechanism).

The one belief for Subway (before Jared got arrested for child pornography):
Eating healthy fast food (new opportunity) is the key to losing weight (desire) and it’s attainable only through a diet based on Subway sandwiches (new mechanism).

Investing in private companies before they go public (new opportunity) is the key to making the
biggest gains in the stock market (desire) and it’s attainable only through the secret IPO account I uncovered (new mechanism).

And here’s the one belief for my copy method:
Following a copy system that provides clarity, purpose, and structure (new opportunity) is the key to writing converting copy in no time (desire) and it’s attainable only through the 16-word sales letter™ (new mechanism).

The first question to answer:

Question #1: How is this different from everything else I've ever seen?

That’s why your USP should always be in your headline and at the beginning of your sales letter. The new opportunity needs to feel like a breakthrough. It needs to feel like you just figured something out, and you’re revealing what you discovered to the reader.

It could be a new cure, a new way of losing weight, a new way of making money, a new business
model, etc.

In the financial niche, I’ve written about a new law, a new loophole, a new threat, a new prediction, a new discovery, a new conspiracy, a new political
scandal, a new trading system, etc.

Here’s how I started the first sales letter I wrote using this method (the one that has sold more than $30 mil):

“Hi, I’m Alan Knuckman.

I’ll introduce myself fully in just a moment.

But right now I want you to look at this piece of paper I’m holding in my hand.

It’s patent application # D0365193.

It was filed with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect the invention of a
powerful NEW market indicator…

The ONLY indicator in the world that can tip you off about impending big market news…

BEFORE the news becomes public.”

Notice how I begin the letter by explaining why this is different from everything else they’ve seen in the past. It has to be truly unique. Once you answer that question, your prospect’s brain will be filled with dopamine.

Question #2: What's in it for me?

So put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself “what promise can I make here at the
beginning of my letter that will get my customer salivating?”

The big promise must be tied to your customer’s key desires.

In the health space, it could be “lose up to 20 pounds a month eating nothing but donuts and pizza.”

In the biz op space it could be “make $10,000 a month online without having to build a website, hire a copywriter, or even develop a product.”

And here’s a section of one of my sales letters with the big promise: “I call it the “weekly paycheck indicator” because it gives you the chance to collect a BIG Paycheck of $10,200 or more… Every. Single. Week.”

Make that big promise in the first page of your letter. Because that will probably be the only chance you’ll have to make an emotional impact.

Question #3: How do I know this is real?

Show proof:
historical charts
third-party quotes
case studies
before & after pictures

Wrap up the proof in an ABT structure.


Replace "and" with either "but" or "therefore" ... this happens, THEREFORE this happens BUT this happens.

And - sets up the background, gives momentum to the store
But - creates conflict, adding tension that good stories require
Therefore - gives the story a conclusion

No wonder Hollywood screenwriters often follow that format when writing their logline maker, a
short description of the concept.

Here’s an example of a logline: A young man meets a crazy scientist and travels to the past in a time machine and meets his future parents. But he accidently distracts his mother from noticing and falling in love with his father. Therefore, he is forced to bring them together or he will cease to exist.

Notice that whatever follows after “but” is what really makes the story good. It’s all about the tension.

This ABT format is effective because we are hardwired for storytelling. Just like our brains are wired to pay attention to new things, they’re also wired to receive information in the ABT format.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In storytelling, replace "and" with "but" or "therefore"

Bob went to the story and bought some bread and tomatoes and tea.

Bob went to the store but on his way, noticed Sally outside the movie theatre.

Bob went to the store but on his way, noticed Sally outside the movie theatre. She invited him to go see a new movie with her and said she had an extra ticket, so (therefore) Bob joined her to watch a movie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When writing sales letters, instead of just citing scientific or anecdotal results, tell the story of the scientific discovery.

Here’s an example from a successful health promotion written by Paul Amos, one of the best in
the business:

“In the 1930s and 1940s, Dr. Warburg’s experiments on cellular respiration… the way our cells use oxygen for energy… revealed something ASTONISHING.

In order to survive, cancer cells function in a way completely unlike that of
regular cells.

They actually use a different cellular ‘fuel’ than healthy cells normally use…

And if you simply ‘shut off’ this fuel supply, cancer cells die.

But because regular cells don’t have to use this ‘fuel’… they aren’t affected at all.

The cancer cells die ... almost immediately ... and regular cells continue to stay healthy.”

A narrative is much more interesting.

Question #4: What's holding me back?

In this scenario, you're telling your customers the reason they failed in the past is that all the solutions they tried never addressed the real problem.

But now, there's finally a new solution that addresses the real problem.

It's all about giving your prospect hope.

This is, essentially, what you are selling.

Without hope, your prospect is unlikely to buy.

So, offer hope in order to get your prospect to buy.

Here's an example:

If you've tried to cut calories ...
If you've tried going to the gym ...
If you've tried subscription shakes that taste like chalk ...
If you've tried the keto-of-the-month diet ...

If you've tried some or all of these tactics
to lose weight, and failed, it's not your fault!

You probably have a (problem) malfunctioning metabolism ...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered "metabolic correction" switch
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You're revealing the real problem, the problem that can be solved by your new mechanism.

You plant seeds of hope in your prospects' minds by telling them, indirectly, that they've failed because they didn't have what you were offering.

Question #5: Who/What is to blame?

Here’s how I set up the rigged game on Wall Street as the common enemy in one of my sales

“Remember that famous line from the movie Wall Street…

When trader Gordon Gecko said…

‘You’re either on the inside or the outside.’

Well, everyday investors like you and me have always been ‘on the outside’…

I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, right?

Only insiders with access to special information were able to profit from those BIG one-day moves.

The little guy was simply left out of those big gains.

That rigged-game ends today….”

Question #6: Why now?

Typically, when someone feels like they are trying to be persuaded, there are four levels of resistance.
1. Reactance - they feel like their freedom to choose or act is being limited
2. Distrust - they feel skeptical of any claims being made
3. Scrutiny - prospect needs to see proof
4. Inertia - staying put is easier than acting on something

Plant seeds in your prospect's head that he's facing an "either-or" situation.

Either you act now, or you miss out on an incredible opportunity.

Raise the stakes.

"In fact, I want you to mark October 26 on your calendar ...

Because this single event is about to catapult cryptocurrencies into the third and most explosive stage of the boom.

I am certain that Amazon will accept Bitcoin.

They have no choice.

And this will be the tipping point that will creative massive generational wealth unlike we've ever seen before.

Given the company's history of staying ahead of its retail rivals ...

Amazon could make the accouncment as early as October 26, at 4 p.m., during its next earnings conference call.

Which is why you need to act RIGHT NOW.

Once they make this announcement, the impact on cryptocurrencies will be huge.

We'll see a buying frenzy like never before.

It'll be like a Black Friday crowd at Best Buy.

Only those who get in early will get the good deal.

Most people will be left out.

That's why I urge you to get in right now ...

Get ahead of the crowd ...

Ahead of the massive buying frenzy that will push crypocurrencies straight up."

Question 7: Why should I trust you?

Three main storylines that help establish trust and authority and maybe even credibility.

1. The "I've been in your shoes" storyline - "You're not alone. I was there, too."

I started with very little money and probably even less knowledge.

Then, I discovered (mechanism). This (mechanism) was perfect for me, someone who wanted (results) but coudn't seem to get them, no matter what I did.

That's the beauty of (this mechanism). You can (get results, build an audience, make money, attract the love of your life, etc) fast.

Look what happened to (testimonial person/case study).

When he started following my strategy a few years ago, he was (struggle state). He was (struggle state job/situation). Today, he's (success state/multimillionaire.) If he can do it, so can you.

Also, consider this ... if I, a college dropout, can do this, so can you.

2. The Robin Hood Storyline

As you know, the folkloric hero Robin Hood is a noble outlaw in Sherwood Forest who fights the
oppressive evil of King John by robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. In this storyline, you will be “stealing” a secret from the rich and giving it to the reader.

This works even better if you accidently stumbled into a secret “they didn’t want you to know.”
And now for the first time ever you’re blowing the whistle to level the playing field.

Here’s something I’ve used in one of my sales letters:

“I’ve spent most of my adult life trading derivatives on Wall Street.

As a 22-year old kid, I was already trading $100 million accounts….

After that, the stakes only got higher.

At one point, I was personally makingmillions of dollars per year…

Going on annual ski trip to Switzerland, where I stayed at billionaire Richard Branson's

Attending lavish events, like the Grand Prix in Monaco… even the Kill Bill premiere in Cannes.

If you’ve watched the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, you get the idea.

But no matter how much money I made…

I wasn’t happy working on Wall Street.

Helping the rich getting richer and watching bankers screw the little guy wasn’t fulfilling.

So after years of seeing the rotten machine from the inside…

I had finally had enough…

And decided to leave everything behind.

But here’s what’s important…

When I left Wall Street I took an income secret with me…

One that I’ve never revealed to anyone until today….”

3. The Expert Storyline

If you can’t use “I’ve been in your shoes” or Robin Hood storylines, then your next best option is to position your main character as a guru by talking about his expertise. That includes books, TV appearances, experience, or any accomplishments that proves expertise in the field.

Here’s an example from one of my sales letters: “I started my trading career in 1991,
when I joined the Chicago Board of Trade right out of college.

And I’ve spent the last 25 years on the trading floor…

Working through the ranks… from being a runner, phone clerk and broker…

All the way up to becoming a professional trader…

And a member of the Chicago Board of Trade…

Where I traded my own account on the floor…

And competed with the world’s best traders.

You might have seen me on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, and other major financial

Where I’m frequently invited to sharemy views on the market.”

These storylines are not mutually exclusive.

You can mix and match them when appropriate to make the story even more powerful. Once your
prospect knows, trusts, and likes you, by this point they should be emotionally sold.

I know I’ve covered a lot of ground so far. But on average I answer all these first seven question in the first 1/3 of the sales letter. Once the emotional sale is done, you’re going to help your prospects justify their decision with solid logic.

It’s time to show them how your new mechanism actually works.

Question 8: How does it work?

Reveal how the new mechanism works.

If you can do that by exploring an existing belief (like Dr. Brinkley did), it will make your copy stronger.

Your prospect needs to understand exactly how your new mechanism gives him the end result you’re
promising. The key here is to remember that this proof and the explanation of your mechanism are also copy. As such, they cannot be boring.

If you wrap the explanation of the mechanism in an ABT (And, But, Therefore) storytelling frame, your copy will be much easier for the reader to consume.

Here’s how I answered that question in one of my sales letters that talked about a new tax law that would trigger repatriation of money.

That repatriation was my new mechanism.

And I called it the “cash for patriots program.”

My prospects were conservatives who already believed Trump was trying to do everything he could to “make America great again.”

Here’s the copy:

“There are literally trillions of dollars at stake.

I’m talking about $27,718 on average for every American taxpayer.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, it’s important that you first understand where all this money is coming from.

The first thing you should know is that it doesn’t come from the U.S. government.

Even though this is a government program, the money comes from the private sector.

The Trump administration is simply creating the conditions to unleash $2.6 trillion into the hands of everyday Americans.

You see, because the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency…

Other countries around the world also use our currency.

For that reason, there are trillions of dollars circulating outside the U.S.

And the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) has identified a stash of $2.6 trillion ... mostly hiding in Ireland.

Trump’s plan is designed to bring some of the cash back home.

In a recent speech to the Detroit Economic Club he said his administration will ‘bring back trillions of dollars that is now parked overseas.’

He believes that’s money that belongs to American patriots.

It’s part of his ‘America comes first’ philosophy.

Why leave all the cash outside the U.S. if it can come home and help our citizens?

It’s hard to argue with that argument.

In fact, BOTH Democrats and Republicans agree it’s a good idea.

As Bloomberg says, ‘[the cash for patriots program] may be one of the few things Republicans and Democrats can agree on."

Once you show your prospect how your new mechanism works, they're likely ready to buy. Once they "see" how it works, they are likely pre-sold.

Your new opportunity is the key to their desire. And it's only available through your new mechanism.

Now, you just need to make an easy-to-accept, irresistible offer.

Question 9: How can I get started?

Put together an offer that is so good, that offers a lot of value.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This way, you can frame the "cost" or "price" as "an investment".

"Think $997 dollars is too much?

Well, that $997 dolars will eventually disappear one way or another.

Probably faster than you imagined.

But the opportunity to change your life for the better, to get the financial freedom and travel/location freedom you've always been dreaming about, might not come around again.

The opportunity to change your life may be one click away ...

Click the "Buy Now" button below to get immediate access to these proven techniques that you can use to make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world!"

Remember ... the money will come and go. Your chance to change your life for the better might not be here when you return. Think about it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. Create the perception of value by comparing it with a high-priced product that offers a similar solution.
2. Use scarcity by limiting the number of e-books, attendees, members in order to provide more value for each member by answering their questions faster, and also keeping the membership level exclusive so those who are enrolled will feel the responsibility and significance that accompanies being part of an exclusive group. You could use scarcity selling a limited number of e-books and/or access to video training modules, in order to keep the competition at minimum. Otherwise, the marketplace might be flooded and too competitive.
3. Add bonus gifts

Put together a value-stack of products. Show the value of each product, then add them all up. The goal is to show a huge value that makes your final price offer look like a total give away.

Question #10: What do I have to lose?

Oren Klaff likes to say, “people want what they can’t have, they chase what moves away from them, and they only value that which they pay for.”

Here’s how I closed one of my letters:

“Look, you’ve seen how you could have made weekend profits of $8,780, $9,100 or even $15,820 ...

All by using my simple weekend strategy.

You saw how people who are following my strategy are already making a quick fortune on the weekends…

I’ve negotiated a special charter membership offer with a one-time $2,000 discount ...

With a performance guarantee that fully covers the price of your subscription.

Now it’s time for a decision.

The Way I See It You Have Three Options ...

Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you already have enough to retire and you’re not worried about running out of money
during your golden years ...

Then maybe you don’t need this weekend strategy.

But if you’d like to make some extra income on the weekends, that leaves you with two other options ...

Option #2: Do it yourself.

You can try to keep track of all the millions of financial news and blog posts that are published every day…

Then try to analyze all the 1,887 stocks that are currently trading below $5 ...

And hope you’ll pick the right one ... the one that could pay you a fortune on Monday.

If you’re willing to work hard and spend hours in front of your computer, you might be able to pull it off.

Option #3: Let me do the heavy lifting for you

I’ll put my proven news filtering system to work for you.

I’ll do the legwork and send you my research and video alerts.

All you need to do is read my research and place the trade on a Friday if you decide to invest…

Go enjoy your weekend…

Then come back on Monday to collect your profits.

Of these three options, ask yourself ...

What’s Going to Be Easier for You?

You see, there are two types of people in this world ...

Those who only dream about achieving their financial goals without ever taking any action to make it happen ...

And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Most people will tell you they want to retire rich.

But we both know very few actually make it happen.

It’s a natural law of financial wealth ...

The classic tale of the willful and the wishful.

Most people will keep dreaming ...

While the few who are actually serious about their financial future will take action.

Since you’ve watched my entire presentation this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones ...

One of the 250 people I’m looking for.

If I’m right and you’re still with me ...

I’m ready to send you that email with the subject line: The Weekend Trade that Could Pay You $6,250 Next Monday.

Only you can decide.”

Notice how I only presented the options, without trying to convince the prospect which one he
should choose. I’ve created the illusion that he’s in control.

Then I painted the picture that nothing would change in his life if he didn’t act. But I did that without being needy. Instead, I created the impression that I couldn’t care less what he decides to do.

That’s how you want to finish the letter.

Remember, people chase what moves away from them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Putting it all together

“The secret to converting copy is to define the one belief, then answer these ten questions.”

Here’s the one belief ...

This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s attainable only through my new mechanism.

Here are the ten questions ...

1: How is this different from everything else I’ve seen?

2: What’s in it for me?

3: How do I know this is real?

4: What’s holding me back?

5: Who/What is to blame?

6: Why now?

7: Why should I trust you?

8: How does it work?

9: How can I get started?

10: What do I have to lose?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Secret #1: Email Marketing Strategy
Add videos (done by others, credit them with source to video beneath video) to your blog posts. Wrap your blog around helpful content, that includes someone else's video. In your email sequence, add the link to your blog post with someone else's video. (Email marketing)

Secret #2: Video Affiliate Strategy
Credit goes to Miles Beckler for sharing this strategy in one of his videos.
"Free Video Reveals how to (get result) without (struggle/pain)"
1. Set up a squeeze page with "Free Video reveals how to get (result) without (pain)!
Sign in with your Name & Email to watch the video"
2. Once they sign in, they are on your email subscriber list, and they get redirected to your affiliate link page with video.
3. This way, if they buy the product, you get a commission, and they are on your list. If they do not buy your product, they are still on your list.

Secret #3: Vidjack Reloaded Strategy (Vidjack.com)
Buy Vidjack Reloaded Unlimited.
Get someone's video on YouTube or your own video.
Using Vidjack Reloaded, embed video on your website, add opt-in to build list.
You can share parts of video and when you get to good part, big reveal, they have to sign in to get ... great for
Gym owners
Physical therapists
Anyone revealing helpful content

Secret #4: Upviral strategy
Offer a valuable digital product but in order to get it, they have to share with 3 other people. And to get the digital product, they have to log-in with name & email, then share it with 3 other people. This can help grow your list fast.

Bonus Strategy: Sign in with your name & best email and you'll be automatically entered to win a complimentary product, PDF with information related to product, complimentary PDF, complimentary video course on how to use product or PDF, t-shirt, etc. Once you get 1,000 emails pick a winner. Add the collected emails to email sequence and value ladder.

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How to get 100 subscribers on your email list per day
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554957
1. Create multiple entry points (YouTube, Facebook (personal, page, group), Instagram, Pinterest, blog, squeeze page, podcast - recommend YouTube and Instagram)
2. Create a simple landing page with a lead magnet that offers a clear benefit. The design is less important than the offer and the benefit.

How to convert new leads into customers
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554958
1. Right after the opt-in, take them to your sales page

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. gmail account
2. set up a Google Business listing (videos under 60-seconds, pictures, comments). Link "action button" to website squeeze page or phone number.
3. set up Instagram account
4. set up YouTube account
5. set up Pinterest account
6. set up Facebook page or Facebook group. if possible, connect with Instagram.
7. set up Facebook personal page for photography. If possible, conntect with Instagram.
8. Use the same gmail account for all of the above
9. Have all of the above have a simple Call To Action that encourages them to visit your squeeze page to get their name and email

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

How to convert new leads into customers
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554958
1. irresistible offer
2. upsells after the purchase of the irresistible offer
3. relaunch for one week to two weeks to sell the main offer
note: You can use a deadline offer with a "timer" in order to set into motion a "timefuse" that incites people to buy using "scarcity" and "Fear Of Missing Out" aka "FOMO"

How to make sales every week
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554963

1. Offer one promotion per month
2. Set up a schedule for your promotions
3. Sell products from $27 to $197
- #1 email: opportunity, explaining the main benefit of your offer, something new & unique
- #2 email: short email with FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about the product or course
- #3 email: include a link to the first part of the course for free
- #4 email: case study sharing review and/or testimonial
note: get case studies by offering course for discount or free in exchange for review

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

video: The fastest way to make money online ... Virtual Real Estate Secrets
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNZ_1Tl2m9s

Make Money Online with Virtual Real Estate
Discover the Ten-Step Action Plan you can use to find, buy, and flip websites for fun & profit

1. Research websites for sale
2. Identify websites that can use a boost in an area that 1) you are skilled with 2) you can outsource for a reasonable price.
3. Research competitor websites that are successful and seek to indentify the "gaps" that the "website for sale" needs in order to serve the customer or client better by offering a clear benefit, one with results that are measurable and specific, and by offering a high value offer, an almost-irresistible offer wherein you bundle valuable content (moreso than your competitors)
4. Buy the website
5. Fill in the gaps. Plug the leaks. Create an "leakproof" (leaking customers) and "waterproof" (protecting customers, in doing so, turning them into clients (someone you protect)), and "reliable" (trusted authority in your field) and "safe" (offering a guarantee on your products and/or services) website
6. Maintain the website. Set goals with clear, specific, measurable results.
7. Build your audience. Build your profits.
8. Hire trustworthy virtual assistants to keep the profits running on semi-autopilot.
9. Repeat steps #1 - #8 with websites-for-sale in a variety of categories/areas/markets
10. Continue to run or operate website or sell it for a profit

Lead Magnet (PDF): The Ten-Step Action Plan you can use to Make Money with Virtual Real Estate

Upsell: The Ten-Step Action Plan step-by-step video course - $37

Upsell: The Ten-Step Action Plan step-by-step video course + Bonus Bundle - $97
Fill-in-the-Blank Email Template
The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprint
The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint
The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprint

Two places to find websites for sale:

1. Flippa - flippa.com

2. Shopify Exchange - https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/your-account/exchange

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Freedom Phone
unshackle yourself
from the tyranny of surveillance (and data mining)
with a phone so dumb, it's unhackable

Freedom Phone
unshackle yourself from the tyranny of surveillance (and data mining)
our phone is so dumb, it's unhackable

- reduces 90% of robocalls
- 37% of communication is voice tone and inflection (no second-guessing caller's intent)
- save time not having to text or check worthless social media
- finally, a phone for people who prefer talking over texting

commercial: people walking into coffeehouse, getting call, saying hello
end commerical where everyone is "frozen" in place, as credits go up
do commerical with 80's-style VHS filter - this is likely to appeal to people who grew up in the 1980's, those who wonder what it was like, and the "Stranger Things" audience
this will also appeal to people who value time and personal freedom

ideal customer

notes from Frank Kern "Mass Conversion"

Defining your ideal customer

The money is in the value you provide to the list.

Our mission is to identify the characteristics of
people who are likely to buy
people who are not likely to buy

Be magnetic to buyers and repulsive to non-buyers

Getting into the mind of your prospect

surface desire - what they want (making money online, losing weight, etc)

core desire - "If I could just ... " (quit my job, fit into the clothes I used to wear)

beginners - If I could just quit my job

core desire: Freedom - make money online
Get the financial freedom and time freedom you've been dreaming about!

core desire: Confidence - lose weight
Finally, get your confidence back, feel comfortable in clothes, feel comfortable and attractive/sexy in your own body!

Get the Financial Freedom you've been dreaming about

- Standing for something makes you magnetic to buyers
- Being repulsive to non-buyers makes you magnetic to buyers

How are you being viewed by your target audience?
The foundation of your identity in the marketplace - what you stand for, what you stand against.

Be viewed as a celebrity & authority in your field.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Getting into the mind of your customer

Who is your customer/client avator?
A customer is someone you serve. A client is someone you protect. A person can be both a customer and a client. A client, however, is someone you protect on a journey that's typically longer-term than a customer. (Lawyers refer to their clients.)

Magnetic to: (who this is for)
people who want freedom (emancipate yourself from boring job)
people who are looking to put in the work
people who can identify they resonate with, then put those strategies into motion by taking action

Repulsive to: (who this is not for)
biz-opp (business opportunity) seekers, those who chase shiny objects, thos who suffer from shiny object syndrome
lazy people who are unable or refuse to follow directions
people playing the victim, then blaming others

This is an E-book Bundle, a Video Training Module, and Action Plan all wrapped up into one. But, it's more than that. It's a system that provides you with the tools and knowledge to start making money online so you can live from anywhere in the world. The techniques and strategies revealed inside this Action Plan can give you financial freedom, time freedom, and travel/location freedom.

Who is your ideal customer? (This exercise enables you to create an identity for your ideal customer/client.)
appearance: what do they wear
white collar/blue collar:
relationship status: married, single, divorced, with children

Ideal customer avator:
name: Bob
gender: male
age: 45
appearance: short hair, wears collar shirt, khaki pants
occupation: insurance sales
physical description: 25 pounds overweight, wears glasses
white collar: considers himself white collar although he is more blue collar
relationship status: married with two children
biggest desire: to quit his $48k a year job, earn 4x the money, working 1/2 the hours, in order to spend more time with his family, and go on vacations with them
biggest problem: doesn't know where to start, is getting information overload from all the YouTube ads

Once you have your ideal customer avator, your #1 focus is helping them get what they want.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Building your Lead Magnet

We are going to solve a specific problem.

Specific problems are usually caused by an underlying condition.

For example, having no or low sales, the specific underlying problem might be:
1. low traffic
2. bad conversion
3. follow-up

The low sales/not making money online are usually a symptom of an underlying condition (above).

1. low traffic - free report reveals how to get more traffic so you can increase sales
2. bad conversion - free solution reveals top ten, high-converting opt-in templates and the step-by-step method on how you can use them to get more sales, make more money money, generate more leads
3. follow-up - free video report reveals how to create an automated email system to engage more of your subscribers so you can get more sales (includes video training, fill-in-the-blank email templates, and recommended tools to put your email sequence on autopilot so you can 10x your leads in 1/2 the time)

The leads from above goes to an ELO (Educational Liquidation Offer), a tutorial which is also a sales pitch that immediately establishes authority, goodwill and helps you to make a sale.

Next, they are put into a Behaviorial Dynamic Response (BDR) campaign

Then, they are put into an Ascension campaign (value ladder) email sequence

The Lead Magnet you offer is critical to attracting the right leads

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Building your Lead Magnet
some formulas

X ways to Y
5 ways to get more prospects
7 ways to make money online that are beginner-friendly
10 ways to increase your webpage conversion
3 ways to prepare delicious coffee you probably don't know about
3 ways to make the best-tasting coffee you've ever had
4 things you can do to cure almost any disease (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to lose weight fast (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to get a flat stomach, fast (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to look younger, fast (30 days to superpowers)
3 ways to attract the woman of your dreams
10 recipes to feed your kids even if all they want to eat is sugar
5 ways to attract more life insurance clients

X ways to Y in Z time
5 ways to lose 15 pounds in the next 2 weeks
3 ways to attract the woman of your dreams by the end of summer
3 ways to quadruple your customer/client list within 30 days (works for any business)
3 techniques that any restaurant can use to triple their revenue by the end of the month

X resources to help you Y
5 free resources that can help keep your WordPress site secure
3 resources for WordPress for those who are tired of the updates
3 resources for WordPress users who prefer the "classic" wordpress platform
4 things you can do to lose weight, fast (30 days to superpowers)
5 things you can do to fet a full night's sleep (The Sleep Switch) (Sleep Solutions)
18 foods that you can eat to help you lose 3 pounds in 4 weeks
5 videos to help you build an email list
3 videos to help you generate mores sales
5 videos to help you land high-ticket clients for your digital marketing agency

X "Y" tips
15 tips for a flat stomach
5 strategies for a well-behaved dog (pug)

How to X without Y
How to lose 15 pounds without going to the gym
How to close high ticket sales without being pushy
How to build a website without knowing tech stuff
How to generate leads without relying on affiliates or joint ventures
How to generate traffic without spending a fortune

Combinations of these
7 ways to generate traffic without buying advertising
3 ways to shed weight without exercise in 2 weeks
3 ways to lose 7 pounds in the next month without going to the gym

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Use specifity (the numbered list) with specific results (10 pounds, quadruple your sales) with a specific time frame (2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 week)

The Format (for your Lead Magnet)
PDF works great
videos have high perceived value
PDF + video also good - 1 page meal plan reveals how to lose weight, 10 pounds in one month, without exercise - plus includes bonus videos for 5 slim-down meals you can fix yourself even if you've never set foot in a kitchen
Do whatever is easiest for you

The Format is not nearly as important as the title. What the Lead Magnet promises is what is important.

A Lead Magnet is something that gives them a solution to their problem very quickly.

A one-page checklist, a shortcut, a step-by-step formula, an action plan - immediate gratification, something that can consumed very quickly but still offers high value, an easy-to-implement solution.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 5: The Fast and Easy Way to Create your Lead Magnet Content
source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/mass-conversion/categories/74836/posts/194350

Situation Solution
no subscribers identify target audience, better copy, better offer, opt-in page templates
no one showing up reminder secquence, indoctrination sequence, scarcity, no replays
uncertainty process map, action plan, examples, system, blueprint, infographic
tech overwhelm website builders, systeme.io, clickfunnels, all-in-one systems
lack of confidence confidence-boosting exercises, step-by-step action plan, templates

Each one of the above can be a lead magnet, an Action Plan, Infographic, Video Training Module, A step-by-step video tutorial

Use the above "situation solution" formula to create multiple lead magnets

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 6: How to get other people to do the work for you!

Lead Magnet Big Picture Outline Worksheet. Lead Magnet name

Milestone Milestone Milestone Milestone

Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 6: How to get other people to do the work for you!


Lead Magnet Big Picture Outline Worksheet. Lead Magnet name: 5 Steps to Double Registrations

Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4
Better Targeted PPC Better page layout Page copy Email drops

Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints
competitive research don't use out of box winning headlines smartbriefs
targeting leadpages curiosity bullets ezine directory
custom audiences megaphone reason why now Google search
campaign exampes templates for rate request

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Create a Lead Magnet based on each milestone.

For example:

1. 5 Opt-in Page Templates to Boost your Subscriber List
2. 37 Trigger Words to Get Readers Excited to Join your Email List
3. ClickFunnels versus Systeme versus Thrive Themes: An easy-to-read Comparison Review

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few ways to make Lead Magnets

1. make videos - video tutorials, whiteboard animations, screenshot capture
2. making a PDF report, one-page action plan, step-by-step action plan
3. record it to mp3, then transcribe it using an app or hiring someone at Fiverr

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 1: Unlikely designs that convert like crazy!

The Secret Psychology of
Why People Refer Real Estate
Agents ... and How to Be The
ONLY One They Refer
Get My FREE Report

Free: 136 Page Workout
Book for Women!
International cover model and Mom, name,
is giving away a free 136-page training guide
with workouts and beauty tips for busy women.
Get yours here : )
Send Me The Book

Please note: Use a 2-step opt-in, wherein someone clicks the "Send Me The Book" and THEN a pop-up opt-in form appears for them to fill out their name and email. This micro-commitment that a 2-step opt-in form requires appears to make for a better opt-in rate.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

How to Script your VSL (Video Sales Letter)

Part 1: The setup
1. Begin by positioning as a tutorial
2. Ask them to grab a pen and paper
3. State what they are going to learn
4. give countdown

Part 2: Focus
1. Control focus by asking a "what if" question or series of them.
2. Begin painting a mental picture with opening statement "Imagine this scenario" and describe a scenario of them having financial freedom and time freedom and travel/location freedom
3. Imagine if ... (result) ... What if (result)
What if everytime you spoke with a beautiful woman, she expressed interest in you? What would it be like if everytime you talked to a beautiful woman, it was comfortable and easy?
- Ask what if question (result oriented)

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if suddenly you were in great demand, regardless of your price?

What if you became a celebrity (and authority) in your niche?

Part 3: Skepticism
1. Briefly address skepticism (Sound like a stretch? Sound too good to be true?)
2. Use the "feel, felt, found" formula.
I know exactly how you feel.
I used to feel the same way, until I found this unique system that I'm going to share with you right now.
Or, I felt the same way, until I found this simple formula/action plan that helped me (result).

Part 4: The Reveal
1. Reveal the "discovery" that helped you get the results you mentioned in the "found" section above
"I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way, until I discovered an incredible system that helped me to consistently (results) make sales without being hypy and while helping people. It's called (name of discovery/product) and here's how it works ...
2. Not for everyone
"It worked really well for me but it did require about an hour a day, six days a week, for two months, before I saw results. For you, it may be quicker, it may be around the same time commitment, or it may require more hours. But please keep this in mind, as this will take a few hours a week and maybe a month or two to get started. If you're unwilling to put in the time, this system/discovery is not for you."
3. Please be honest.

Please Note: If you do not have reviews, offer the system/course for free or for a discount in exchange for honest reviews, video reviews, that you can use as testimonials and for a case study.

Part 5: The Tutorial
Teach as a means to demonstrate that you can help them, by actually helping them.
Teach 3 major/big picture things that helps them get the result they are after.
1. It sells better. It leads to a happier customer.
2. It is easier for the person giving the tutorial.
3. Maintain goodwill throughout the entire webinar experience.


Part 6: The Offer
1. A great formula for this is as follows.
2. Here's what I got. Here's what it'll do for you. Here's what I want you to do next.
3. A good transition into the offer is "What I just gave you is an overview of the exact same system I used to (get result) and now that you know what to do, I'm going to show you exactly how to do it. It's called ...
4. Introduce the product
- describe the components and benefits. "You can get X, so you can Y&Z."
template: You're gonna learn (#) ways so when you (try to do this) you can (get result) without (pain).
example: In module number one, you're gonna learn 5 ways to start a conversation with a woman that doesn't make you sound creepy so you can always be confident that when you go to approach a beautiful lady, she's gonna be receptive to you and you won't feel weird."
please note: " ... so you can ... "
5. give price: You can have it today for (price)
6. Call To Action
7. Guarantee
8. Add a deadline. "This usually costs $997, you can it for only $197, a $700-dollar savings, only available for those who have watched this webinar. I will not be displaying this offer again. This is only available to you right now."
9. Tell the story of how you, or those who have purchased your product, used the product to get specific benefits.
10. This allows you to have the "buy button" in front of the viewer longer.

VSL (Video Sales Letter) Outline

Bonus: VSL Template and Walkthrough
download the PPT, take it into Google Docs or another editor, to delete Frank Kern's copy
and repace it with your own

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I want to show you a three-step formula that's working really well to ( ) so you can ( ).

I want to show you a three-step formula that's working really well to make money with affiliate marketing so you can finally start making money online.

I want to show you a three-step formula that's working really well to build your subscriber list so you can finally build a bigger audience in order to make more money online.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

VSL (Video Sales Letter) Template and Walkthrough

Part 2: Focus:
1. Begin painting a mental picture with the opening statement "Imagine this scenario ..."
2. Control focus by asking a "what if" question or series of them.
3. Make question results oriented.

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if everytime you (goal) you felt/got (positive result) instead of (current feelings/struggle)

What if everytime you approached a beautiful woman, you felt confident instead of insecure?

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if suddenly you were in great demand, regardless of your price?

What if you became a celebrity (and authority) in your niche?

Part 3: Skepticism
1. Briefly address skepticism (Sound like a stretch? Sound too good to be true?)
2. Use the "feel, felt, found" formula.
I know exactly how you feel.
I used to feel the same way, until I found this unique system that I'm going to share with you right now.
Or, I felt the same way, until I found this simple formula/action plan that helped me (result).

Sound like a stretch?

I used to think so to ...

until it happened to me.

In the past few years, I've sold over (#) (thousand/million) dollars between my own products and services and the promotions I've created for clients. (If I can do it, so can you.)

In the past few years, I've made (#) (thousand/million) dollars selling my course/bundle/training to hundreds of clients who've gone on to make hundreds-of-thousands, and even millions in some cases, of dollars online. (If they can do it, so can you.)

Sound like a stretch?

I used to think so, until it happened to me.

In the past few years, I've gone from overweight, unwashed, terribly shy introvert who suffered from crippling social anxiety and had a panic attack at the mere sight or thought of a beautiful woman to feeling confident, outgoing, physically fit and ultimately meeting the love of my life who I'm happy to call now my wife and mother of my child.

Regardless of what it is, we want to do that quick "feel, felt, found" scenario.

I've also used the exact same thing I'm about to show you to become the world's most sought after and highest paid (category/niche) to the (market/audience) industry.

I've also used the exact same thing I'm about to show you to become the world's most sought after and highest paid direct response internet marketing copywriter and consultant to the information and education marketing industry.

Part 4: The Reveal
Reveal the "discovery" that helped you get the results mentioned in the "found" section above

The thing that got me there is (product name)

The thing that got me there is "Video NLP"

(Show pictures that show you using your product and getting results, having fun, getting results, experiencing success.)

I've used "Video NLP" and made all kinds of videos, ranging from live action videos that mimic reality TV shows to funny videos where I play pranks on my friends and bring viewers along fro the ride, very serious pre-launch videos that establish celebrity and authority and maintain goodwill and unltimately lead to sales, and even simple videos like direct-to-camera, and even videos that are voiceover powerpoint presentations like the one you're watching now.

Keep it simple.

Do not bog it down with details.

Part 5: The Tutorial

This is where you begin teaching as a means to demonstrate you can help them, by actually helping them.

Everyone knows that videos work ...

If you do them right

In order to do them right, you need to follow a proven formula

In fact, if you're doing videos now ... and you're not getting the results you want, it probably has nothing to do with the way the video looks.

And it has nothing to do with how fancy it is

Or how cool the special effects are

Or what kind of equipment you use

(by setting up this "pre-frame" you are helping to overcome skepticism by deflecting concerns)

Because at the end of the day, it's now how your video looks or even what you say

it's all in how you say it

And there's a formula for saying it right.

Here it is:

Step 1: Pattern interrupt

Your prospects are bombarded with distractions more than ever before

You and I are probably on the same email lists, with emails, phone calls, incoming texts, and those annoying YouTube ads where big promises are being made by people sitting in jets, that are probably rented and still on the ground

We're bombarded with spammy ads to the point we're almost immune to it

Well, your prospects are no different

In fact, it might be worse for them than it is for us.

In fact, your video has just 9 seconds to live.

That's right.

In the first 9 seconds, you have to grab their attention and you have to "sell" them on watching the next segment of your video

And a great way to interrupt their pattern and get their attention is to control one thing

Control their focus

And a great way to change someone's focus is to ...

Ask them a question


Because it's pretty much impossible for the brain to ignore a question

And it sets you up for part two of the formula

The Payoff

People want and need a benefit from watching your video

(We are living in what's been called the "attention economy" wherein people's attention is a kind-of currency, or unit or store of value. When someone gives you their attention, they are paying you with their attention. That's why we call it "paying attention". Before they decide to pay you with their attention, they need to determine whether the "payoff" will be worth their attention.)

The trick is to write, star in, or narrate videos about ...

One thing and one thing only.

It's not you. It's not your product or service. It's not their problems.

It is THEM.

Simple tips on how to do this:

1. You want to talk more about them than about yourself.

2. You want to talk more about their desired outcome than your stuff.

Your video should be ultimately about them and their desired outcome.

Right now, you're probably watching this because you want more (result/category of product/service)

Because, usually, that's in the forefront of your brains, isn't it?

(You're paying with your attention in order to get a specific desired outcome or result.)

(Are you getting this?)

(By now, you're probably wondering, how can I find out more about this formula that I can use to build a bigger audience, get more leads, and generate more profits?)

Your prospects are no different.

They're usually thinking about the main thing they want.

And the more we can speak to that desire and show them, prove to them we can help them by actually helping them, the more sales and trust that we'll get in the long run.

So, what you want to do, is you want to show them what their desired outcome looks like, then

Educate them on how to get there.

(In NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, this is called "future pacing", wherein we use words and phrases like "Imagine if" or "What if" and then paing a picture of what life could be like)

That's the payoff for the viewer.

Once we've done that, then it's time for step 3

Step 3: Call to Action

Every video should have a purpose

It should be to make a sale or to pre-sell or pre-frame an offer, your offer or an affiliate offer

or to generate anticipation for a launch or to get an opt-in

Whatever it is, ask for it!

Give them a beneficial reason why they should take that Call to Action right now

As simple as it is, the same three-step formula has helped me to sell over $50 million dollars of products and services online for myself and my clients

And now that you now what to do, I'm going to show you exactly how to do it.

Part 6: The Offer

A great formula for this is as follows:

Here's what I got, here's what it'll do for you, here's what I want you to do next.

A good transition into the offer is, "What I just gave you is an overview of the exact same system I used to (get results) ... and now that you know what to do, I'm goig to show you exactly how to do it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Introduce product
Describe components and benefits. "You get X so you can Y and Z."
Give price.
Give Call to Action.
Give guarantee.
Give deadline (very simple if this a One Time Offer after registration)

If you want to get fancy, tell story of how you used product to get specific benefit at this stage. You'll see how to do it on slide 86.

This allows you to have a "buy button" in front of the viewer longer.

"Video Black Box" (product name)

"Copywriting Black Box"

"Online Moneymaking Blackbox"

"Moneymaking Blackbox"

"Online Profits Machine Black Box"

"Bulletproof Body Secrets"

"Bulletproof Business Secrets"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '

And now that you know what to do, I'm going to show you exactly how to do it.

I've created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting videos that sell, generate response and generate followers

(I've created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting (opt-in forms, squeeze pages, landing pages, email sequences, e-books, mindset strategies, mindset techniques, diet hacks, diet strategies, sales and marketing copywriting techniques, relationship action plan, video sales modules) that generate (results) within (#) (days)) This done-for-you solution offers a step-by-step action plan, in the form of a PDF and also in the form of Video Training Modules that you can use to get the results you've been dreaming about faster than you ever thought possible.

I've created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting videos that sell, generate response and generate followers

It's called Video Black Box

You can use it to make

Sales Videos - to generate more sales for your products or services

Celebrity Creation Videos - so you can establish yourself as a trusted authority to reach a wider audience

Launch Anticipation Videos - so when your product launches, you get more sales and make more money

Goodwill Videos - so you can build more desire and trust in your marketplace so, ultimately, they will continue to buy from you more and more, because everyone knows that, to a degree, our income is directly proportional to the amount of goodwill we have with our prospects and customers

Opt-in Videos - so you can convert better on your opt-in page, get more leads, and generate more sales

Overall, you can do this so you can
1. get a higher conversion on your opt-in page
2. generate more leads
3. get more sales
4. make more money online with your products or services

You can have it today for just (price)

source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/mass-conversion/categories/74844/posts/194385
- add video with story of how you used product to get good results
- in video, share your "hero" story of how you used the product to get success or how your customers used product to get success
- essentially, the video is sharing a testimonial
- under the video, display the Buy Now button

Share your story or customer testimonial story to show successful results.

And now I'm giving it to you.

But, it gets better.

Go ahead and take this entire training and put it to work for you and see if it works in your business.

'Cuz after all, I'm not psychic. I know that my results (or customer testimonial results) may be unique. And I know that everyone watching this who gets it is probably not going to make (money amount). Some people might not have any luck at all. But, we never know until we try.

So what I want you to do, is I want you to try it on me. I want to take all the risk. Here it is.

Take the entire course.

Put everything to work.

And use videos in your marketing. (And use these techniques and strategies for yourself.)

If, at any time, you find it wasn't worth the money or you didn't get the results you expected, let me know.

I'll immediately give you a refund, but you can still keep everything for free.

Now, listen, the price is normally $2,997 dollars, but you can have it today for just one low payment of $997 dollars.

(Now, listen, the price is normally $997 dollars, but because you trusted me with your name and email and watched this webinar, you can have it today for only $97 dollars. That's a whopping $900 dollars off the price of this course and video training module series.)

Claim your copy now, and save over $2,000 dollars.

(So, claim your copy now, and save over (#) dollars.)

With the discount and the "love it or keep it fee" guarantee, you simply cannot lose.

Click the button below and get started today.

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Getting your Video Online


Wistia - Frank Kern recommends Wistia



- try VidJack Reloaded Unlimited
- add, if possible, a "share to unlock additional content"
- add an opt-in form on the video
- share your affiliate link for VidJack Reloaded Unlimited with Frank Kern

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Opt In Page: The 2-Step

Opt in page: The Reverse Squeeze

"This template CRUSHED it for me in my promotions for this very course.

The Reverse Squeeze is a video opt in ...with a twist.

What you do is you make the video something that ....in and of itself ...is valuable to the viewer.

Then your "pitch" is for them to opt in to get MORE helpful stuff that will further move them towards achieving thier desired outcome.

In my promotion for this class, my reverse squeeze video showed the viewer a classic ad method that brought in billions, and the offer was that in exchange for their email address, I'd also send them a template, a swipe file of additional winning ads, and another case study.

And that's how you want to position yours.

Essentially, "Here's a video that will help you immediately ...and if you'd like MORE stuff that'll help you even MORE, just enter your email and tell me where to send it."

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Opt In Page #4: The Ogilvy

A long form opt-in page - A long form sales page with opt-in form near beginning, near
the middle, and at the end.

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Q&A Call - June Class

Q&A Video - June Class

Q&A Call - August Class

Stragglers! August Class

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Module 3: Creating Your Dynamic Campaigns

1. Opt-In
Offer a Lead Magnet (something of value)
for their name & email

2. Once they opt-in, present them with a One Time Offer (special offer at discount price)

3. If they do not take the One Time Offer, you can send me on a separate email sequence that nurtures the relationship, adds value, creates goodwill, and establishes yourself as an authority or "researcher" in your area. Every few email, present them an offer, with bonus add-ons because they are one of your valued email subscribers, they trusted you with their contact information, and it's the least you can to reward them for trusting you and staying subscribed.

Also you can send them helpful articles, articles that you found helpful, even if they are not your own. How? By adding that video to your blog post, then including the link to your blog post, with someone else's video, within your email campaign.

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Secret #1: Email Marketing Strategy
Add videos (done by others, credit them with source to video beneath video) to your blog posts. Wrap your blog around helpful content, that includes someone else's video. In your email sequence, add the link to your blog post with someone else's video. (Email marketing)

Secret #2: Video Affiliate Strategy
Credit goes to Miles Beckler for sharing this strategy in one of his videos.
"Free Video Reveals how to (get result) without (struggle/pain)"
1. Set up a squeeze page with "Free Video reveals how to get (result) without (pain)!
Sign in with your Name & Email to watch the video"
2. Once they sign in, they are on your email subscriber list, and they get redirected to your affiliate link page with video.
3. This way, if they buy the product, you get a commission, and they are on your list. If they do not buy your product, they are still on your list.

Secret #3: Vidjack Reloaded Strategy
Buy Vidjack Reloaded Unlimited.
Get someone's video on YouTube or your own video.
Using Vidjack Reloaded, embed video on your website, add opt-in to build list.
You can share parts of video and when you get to good part, big reveal, they have to sign in to get ... great for
Gym owners
Physical therapists
Anyone revealing helpful content

Secret #4: Upviral strategy
Offer a valuable digital product but in order to get it, they have to share with 3 other people. And to get the digital product, they have to log-in with name & email, then share it with 3 other people. This can help grow your list fast.

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The Blueprint and the Keys to your Prospects Buying Behaviors

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The Magnet

Exploit the "moving towards" motivator that causes people to naturally gravitate towards an outcome they believe to be favorable.

An obvious example of this would be "Buy this to lose 10 pounds."

However, that blatant and overt approach often gets picked up by the "sales radar".

It's better to use something that is more subtle, that flies under the sales radar, creates trust and desire, and adds value before the sale.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Secret Sauce for the Magnet Switch

R.I.A. - Results In Advance

1.4 million in 4 hours

It creates the "Snausage Effect", which is one of the most powerful and profitable reactions to marketing that you could ever generate.

We need to move from "just another marketer" to "trusted advisor" and "friend"

1. When someone joins your list and gets your lead magnet, they are at point A.
2. Their goal is to get to point B.

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In order to get from point A to point B, they have to travel through certain milestones.

Essentially, the milestones are specific tasks, combination of Video Training Modules and/or PDF's, that allow the person to build their skillset.

As they accomplish each milestone and build on their skills, their confidence grows.

By helping them to accomplish their goals and grow their confidence, you are building your rapport with them, as they begin to know, like, and trust you.

#1 - Eliminate the fear of taking action
#2 - Open up a dialogue
#3 - Establishing a rapport
#4 - Setting a commitment to meet
#5 - Meet and talk and offer a consulting package

What you want to do is to give them everything they can to help them pass through every one of those milestones in sequence.

As they accomplish each milestone and build on their skills, their confidence grows.

By helping them to accomplish their goals and grow their confidence, you are building your rapport with them, as they begin to know, like, and trust you.

With the milestones, put together a video, a kind-of Video Training Module that shows people how to get the result they need. Then, on the video, pitch the PDF or special Video Training that helps them get their result, only this training is something they pay for.

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For the Milestone Series, give an overview of how to do it. For this, you can use powerpoint slides with the step-by-step action plan and some corresponding screenshots. Basically, you're putting together a list of things they need to do to get the results they desire.

Create a powerpoint slideshow with interesting title like "How to Hijack your Competition's Best Prospects".

At the beginning of every video training, power point presentation, explain the features (what you're going to teach) and benefits (positive results) that they can get from watching your training video.

At beginning of each video training
1. Introduce the video.
2. Tell them what they're getting.
3. Tell them why it's important.
4. Continue to tell them how they will benefit.
5. Present the content.

"Are you getting this?"

"By now, you're probably wondering why I'm offering all this to you for free. A few reasons, one, I like helping people reach their goals. Two, I would like make money online and when you buy my products or services, I make money online."
6. Close.

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Big Idea
1. Establish premise - predictable teaching
2. Here's how - Establish positioning through education
3. Promise - I will train your staff and install system

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Desire: Lose weight fast
Promise: Buy P90x and you'll get shredded
Delivery Method: Constantly changing workouts, combining intense cardio, weights, and because of that, you're body is in a near-constant state of shock and because of that, you experience faster gains and as a result, increased rate of metabolism and higher fat loss

Big Idea: muscle confusion
Premise: Traditional workouts have limited results because your body gets used to it. You have to constantly "shock" the system for maximum impact

Big Idea - muscle confusion (establish premise)
Here's how muscle confusion works (establish positioning through education)
These workouts will get you ripped (promise)

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Desire: automated marking & sales
Promise: use your service and we'll help you increase sales through automation
Delivery method: Our system has multiple contigency plans for people who don't respond. We set up specialized messages for specific responses.

Big idea: Behavioral Dynamic Response
Premise: Most people don't do what you want them to do, therefore you have to have contigency plans in place to re-engage
Establish premise - Behavioral Dynamic Response
Here's how - Establish positioning through education:
Promise - increased sales through automation

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Idea.pdf

Finding your Big Idea
1. What’s their biggest desire as it relates to your stuff? What is it that they want?
2. What’s your promise? That’s easy. You’ve known your promise the entire time. That will be a simple one.
3. How do you fulfill this promise? What is unique about the way that you're fulfilling this?

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Desire: Lose weight fast
Promise: Buy P90x and you'll get shredded
Delivery Method: Constantly changing workouts, combining intense cardio, weights, etc
How will this help you get shredded - what is the delivery method? What is the "delivery method" for how this works?
Big Idea: Muscle Confusion
Premise: Traditional Workouts have limited results because your body gets used to it. If you "shock" the system by varying your workouts, you're likely to get more an impact for weight loss, building muscle, and getting a toned body.

Establish Premise - muscle confusion
Establish Positioning Through Education - here's how muscle confusion works
Present Promise - these workouts will get you ripped

Establish Premise - online moneymaking made easy
Establish Positioning - here's how, get good at affiliate marketing by setting up a squeeze page (website), email sequence (autoresponder), with high-value lead magnet + high-value content, in order to lead with value and build trust so subscribers will be more likely to buy your affiliate offer
Promise - this is a simple to follow way to make money online that you can do in as little as 6 hours a week, and for about $75 a month in software

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Finding your Big Idea

What is their desire?

What is your promise?

How do you fulfill it?

Big Idea:


ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Idea.pdf

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Advanced Closing

ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/Stacks.pdf

The closing & offer formula
1. Here's what I got
2. Here's what it'll do for you
3. Here's how it works
4. Here's what I want you to do next
5. Here's why it's safe for you to do
6. Add scarcity, bonus content if they order by a certain time

How to stack closes on top of one another to continue selling from multiple angles while in the same close

Stacks are basically re-closes. You've already made your offer, you've already stated the guarantee, you've given your call to action and most people are going to quit.

But what we're going to do is we're going to use these stacks to continue
selling, which is awesome.

You're either going to state an objection and overcome it or you're going to approach your close from another angle and we've got a lot of formulas here.

I’m going to get straight into the formulas for you.

Stacks (re-closes)

1. The Pros and Cons
Ben Franklin would do this, get a piece of paper, draw a dividing line down the middle, on the left top write Pros and the right top write Cons, then write down the pros and cons of each.

Let's say we're selling information. You would say, "Now listen, if you haven't enrolled yet, I really want to talk to you because, as great as this product is, I understand it's absolutely not for everybody. I really want you to be sure this is right for you when you enroll today.”

By the way, the use of the phrase “When you enroll today” is called a presupposition. It is presupposing that you're actually going to enroll which is a nice little linguistic play on words there.

The Pros and Cons (of one of Frank Kern's class)

Proven Methodology
Doesn't take many sales to make good money
Doesn't need a lot of traffic
Don't need a big list
Don't need to be an amazing copywriter because of the way the sales process works
You don't really need to sell hard if you do everything like I just showed you on today's webinar, such as "leading with value" by offering useful strategies that bring positive results, in advance of the offer
It's really going to help others when you do this
You'll get personal help from me
You'll be surrounded by peers
We're a community that is interested in helping you succeed

Not the cheapest thing in the world
It takes time and commitment
What if it doesn't work for me?

Sometimes, the objects are less objections and more complaints.

Objection: "It's expensive."
Answer: "It is expensive because it is valuable. In fact, it's worth 100x the amount we're selling it for. Also, there were expenses in putting this course together and there are expenses in keeping this course up and running. You get my own personal email if you ever have questions and I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have. This course is expensive because it is valuable. This course is expensive because it is extensive, containing a variety of strategies you can use to get started making money online so you can work from anywhere in the world."
"After looking at all of this and if it looks like this makes sense to you, then you really need to go ahead and enroll in the training and buy the course, before the bonuses expire within the next 72 hours and before the course attendance limit is reached. Now, why would we close the course after a specific number of attendees have signed up? Two reasons. One, so we can better serve you if you have any questions that you need answered, to answer your question as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Two, in order to keep this highly valuable information and strategies within the hands of people--a few select people like you--who will value it. This course isn't for everyone. But, if you're listening to me now and you're excited to get started, then you're probably not everyone. And if that's you, then click the "Buy Now" button below, right now, to get started with this amazing course."

2. "What I'm really hearing is ... "
What if someone says, "this sounds great, but I want a guarantee in case it doesn't work".

And then you would go in the script and you say, "What I'm really hearing is, ‘I like everything you’ve shown me but I'm not sure I can do this.’"

Next, you want to address that question.

Essentially, you've taken that objection and you've transformed it into something else by saying, “What I’m really hearing is ..."

They're asking about a guarantee and you're basically saying, "What I'm really hearing is ‘I like everything you've shown me but I'm not sure I can do this.’"

We can address that in a different way. You can demonize a refund or you could be more compassionate about it.

Here's what you could say.

“I could sit here and blow smoke up your ass and tell you this is going to be easy but it isn't. This is advanced business training for people who are serious, not beginners or dreamers."

"When you started your business, did the world offer you a guarantee it would work the first time? Of course not. But you did it anyway. There were challenges and you stuck with it and that's why you're able to provide for your family the way you do."

"You didn't expect the safety net from life and I know deep down you don't expect one from me. If you're the type of person who needs that safety net, that permission to quit when things get tough, we don't do that here."

"But I know you're not that type of person because you're still here weighing this decision. So get enrolled and let's get to work.”

What if they say, "Well, I'm not sure. What if I want a refund? What if I want a guarantee?"

You could reply: "If I give you a guarantee, it's a kind-of safety net that gives you permission to quit and if you have this, why should you give it 100%. Think about it. Think about the success you've had in life, how it took 100% of your time, energy, commitment, financially and emotionally and mentally, in order for you to achieve success in that area."

What if they say, "I want a guarantee".

We do not offer guarantees because we're looking for people who are committed to making this work and if we offer a guarantee, there's a greater chance that you will be less committed."

What if they say, "the price is too high".

The reason the price is so high is because the course is that good, it took hundreds-of-hours to put together, and it takes resources to keep the course available and online. Also, I offer my email and even texting so you can get your questions answered. Don't think of the price as a cost, think of it as an investment, an investment in yourself, in learning how to make money online so you can live and work from wherever you want, anywhere in the world with an internet connection. The cost is an investment you're making in yourself, in your ability to have financial freedom and work for yourself without having to shop up at a 9-to-5 that's slowly draining the life out of you as you work for someone who is not every nice, doing something you don't really believe in. Think about it. The price is expensive, yes, but if you decide not to purchase this course, you may be kicking yourself years down the road when you're stuck a the same job you are now--a job you don't like that's slowly draining all your dreams out of you. When you buy this course, you're making an investment in yourself, and when you do that, and commit the time necessary to learning and putting the strategies in this course to work for you, the pay off will be far greater than you every imagined."

Here's another example.

Let's say you're selling a fitness program and their objection is, “I don't have the time.”

What you could say in reply.

"A lot of people say that to me, that 'I don't have the time'."

They say, ‘This all sounds great but I just don't have the time.’"

Now, I'm pretty sure this one gets a little bit harsh. Again, I'm doing this for dramatic effect. Please don't ever be mean to anybody. I'm literally doing this as a way to emphasize the reversal here.

You would say, "What I'm really hearing is, ‘I'm not that committed to getting control of my health.’

"Here's the thing. This program takes 30 minutes a day, five days a week. If you're not willing to do that, just learn to love sweat pants and baggy shirts."

"Learn to accept the fact that your husband wishes you'd change but won't tell you because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Learn to wear wraps and flats and a one-piece bathing suit with a sarong that hides
your thighs."

"Learn to accept what your gut has been telling you."

"He's not really tired. He's just not attracted to you."

"Or you can invest just 30 minutes into having the health you deserve."

When I hear that people ask me that question, my question back to them is ...

"Are those 30 minutes so precious that you're willing to stay unhealthy just so you can have them? Of course they're not. Let's get started right now. You are worth it."

What I've done is I've taken this question of time, that 30 minutes, and turned it into something entirely different which is, "What's more important to you? Having that extra 30 minutes a day, or overcoming all of this pain that you have? Finally, getting the attention of your significant other. Feeling comfortable in clothes again. Not having to feel ashamed when you take off your shirt at the beach or pool. What's more important to you--the 30 minutes a day or getting the results that will get you feeling confident and sexy again?

Now, I told you it was harsh. I don't know if I'd ever actually say that to somebody in real life. I like to be really nice. Again, I'm doing this for dramatic effect.

I'm repositioning this objection, “I don't have time.”

“What I'm really hearing is, “I'm not that committed to getting control of my health."

Then, blam, I attack the lack of commitment and I reclose, “Of course, these 30 minutes aren't so precious to you. Let's get started right now. You're worth it.”

I've reclosed again

3. Apples to Oranges

Let's say their real objection is the 30 minutes a day. They're like, "Hey, what if I don't have time or whatever?"

What we're going to do if we're going to use the Apples to Oranges approach to transform that objection into something trivial.

You would say, "A lot of people ask me, ‘This all sounds great but I just don't have the time.’"

That's the exact same objection as before. I'm just restating that.

What you would say is, “Here's the thing. This program takes 30 minutes a day, five days a week. That's less than one episode of Real Housewives of Orange County.”

Now, see what I'm doing here? I'm taking 30 minutes and I'm turning it into something trivial which is half of an episode of Real Housewives of Orange County.

One may consider it trivial, one may consider it to be brilliant programming, that's really a matter of opinion.

So we go on, “I'm curious. Which would you rather have?

A toned body with tons of energy or part of an episode of Real Housewives? We both know that this is more important.

Don't let a TV show come between you and your health. Let's get started right now.”
You would reclose.

You would just compare that objection to something trivial which you know is right.

Come on. If we're talking about fitness. Who doesn't have 30 minutes a day?

We all know when we're sitting around watching TV or doing something, we could be on an elliptical or treadmill knocking it out.

Let's be honest with ourselves. This type of reclosing, this type of stacking is aggressive. But if you're not afraid to be brutally honest with people and say, “Hey listen, here's the deal…” then you're going to have a better chance of helping them."

4. Chunking the price

Stack number four is called “Chunking the Price.” This is when price is an issue which, with most things, price is an issue.

What we want to do is we're going to use money as an example.

Let's just assume now you're selling something that's $3,000. I just randomly pulled $3,000 from the ethers.

What I would do is I would state the objection so I'd say, "A lot of people tell me this is expensive and you know what? It is."

Hey, listen. If it's their opinion that it's expensive, then you don't want to be making them wrong.

If it's expensive to them say, "Yeah you're right, that's expensive. Don't say,

“What? Three grand’s nothing, what the hell is wrong with you?" That could be their life savings or something. You don't ever want to argue with people, just say, "Yeah, it is expensive. I get it."

Now, we're going to chunk that price that down. We're in the fitness thing again.

“Let's fast forward a year from now and assume you've been following along and you actually did the exercises.

Your body is totally transformed, your husband is chasing you around the house so much you're having to skip showers just to keep him at bay hoping that you smell bad

and you've got more energy than a troop of Boy Scouts after an espresso drinking contest.

How would that feel?

Well, if you divide that $3,000 investment by a year, it's just $8.21 a day.

What's more important?

$8.21 or having your husband chase you around like a teenager?

$8.21 or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?

$8.21 or looking so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure?

$8.21 or the incredible pride you feel every time you look in the mirror knowing that you took control of your life?

Hey, if I need to, I'll even send you a check for $8.21 to cover your first day if it's that big of a deal to you.

Why? Because $8.21 is nothing.

I'm not going to miss it and neither would you; but, if that's what it takes to help you get the body you deserve, I'll have it on your doorstep tomorrow. Just call or email after you enrolled and I'll send it FedEx."
You know what? The shipping is more than the actual check. What have I done
here? Let's really dissect this.

Well, first of all I have restated the benefits again. Number one, I've addressed the objection which is, "You know what? Yeah, it is expensive."

But then what I've done is I'm not making it about $3,000 anymore.

I'm making them fast forward a year from now to where, if they've actually done the exercises and they've gotten the results that they want ... which you should always be able to deliver on your promise by the way; if you're doing this and you can't deliver on your promise and you suck, you're going to get in trouble.

This is a given that you're selling good stuff, you're being cool to people.

Now, what we've done is I've addressed the objection. I have put their mind off of the objection and I’ve now put them into the future world. “What if I really did this?”

Now, I'm restating the benefits, “Your body's transformed, your husband is chasing you around the house.” Now, we take the $3,000 and we chunk that price by saying let's divide it by 365 days, it's $8.21 a day.

Now, I'm going to do two things. First, I'm going to restate the benefits. Again, “Husband chases you, energy to play with your kids, look so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure, incredible pride you feel when you look in the mirror knowing you took control of your life” and I'm saying, is $8.21 more important than this?

You can even do this.

I recommend you do this if your value of your customers high enough to do it.

I offer to send them a check for the $8.21 if I need to do it because that shows how trivial that $8.21 is per day.

The trick here is you really want to make sure what you're selling is good.

5. Chunking and Apples to Oranges Combo

Let's take out stack number five. This is when you combine Price Chunking with the Apples to Oranges Comparison.
This is pretty cool.

Let's take the same $3,000 objection. You say, “Some people say this $3,000 is really expensive. You know what? you're right, it is but if you divide the $3,000 by 365 days, it's just $8.21.”

Now, here's what I'm doing.

I'm chunking down the price and then I'm going to make it all about what they could get for $8.21 instead of this

“I just looked online and that's exactly the cost of a plate of chicken or a plate of barbecue. What's more important?

$8.21 or having your husband chase you around like a teenager?

$8.21 or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?”

I'm restating the benefits just like the other close. I'm going to say I'm going to send you a check just like before because $8.21 is nothing.

Now, look how we now do the Apples to Oranges comparison. In this phase, I'm saying, “Guess what you can get for $8.21?”

“I looked online and basically here's what you can get. You can get a plate of barbecue…” I just Googled what
can you get for $8.21 and this is what came up.

Now, I'm saying, “Hey you know what? If you don't want to use your $8.21 to invest in this fitness training you can maybe go get some barbecue or something because you can't get much for $8.21.”

I'm going to now make it about the barbecue and the chicken.

I say, "Hey what's more important?

Two pieces of chicken or having your husband chase you around like teenager?

A plate of barbecue or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?

Greasy food or looking so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure?

A chicken dinner or the incredible pride you feel every time you look in the mirror knowing that you took control of your life?"

Instead of making it about $8.21, I'm now making it about this trivial thing that they could get for $8.21. “What are you going to get? A plate of barbecue?

How much satisfaction benefit are you going to get from greasy fried chicken?

Come on, let's think this through.

We're taking the price chunking and combining it with the Apples to Oranges comparison.

It's pretty cool.

We're going to use the same psychology here: “Hey, if you like chicken that much, I'll send you a month's worth of organic chicken breast just to help you out.

Yeah, that's crazy but you know this is the right thing to do and if that's what it takes I'll do it for you. Just call or email after you enroll and I'll have it sent to you FedEx.”

You know what? If you make that offer, you should really honor it because you know that customer will think you are great.

If they said, “Yeah. I'm going to enroll” and, after they do, they sent you the email, “I want you to send me the month's worth of chicken,” you could send them good organic healthy chicken. This particular example would be a perfect thing to do with that offer.

Of course if you do that customer right, they're going to order from you again in the future anyway. So it's a worthwhile investment and your month’s supply of chicken might cost you $50 or something and you basically have invested $50 to close the $3,000 sale.

6. Trust and Story

Stack number six is “Trust and Story.” Remember, with all of these stacks you can combine them.

You could keep doing them one after the other. You could use them onesietwosie but this is always done after you've made your pitch.

We're just continuing the pitch here. Most people think they're done when they’re finished pitching. You're not. The real selling begins at the end of your pitch. We want to keep on selling but we just want do it in an entertaining and fun way.

Trust and story is best used to overcome skepticism in general or self-doubt.

Here's the thing. The biggest impediment to you closing a sale… whether it's in person, online or in a sales letter ... is going to be disbelief usually here in the arena of self-doubt.

If they didn't believe you, they probably won't be paying attention to you.

They probably believe you, especially if you've helped them in advance of asking them for the sale.

But they're going to say, “Well I think it would work for everybody except me. I've tried it, I failed…” I'm from a small town, my parents were both Martians, whatever.

Everyone's got their own stories about why we're not good enough. Self doubt is one of the most prevalent things, they're going to kill your ability to close sales because your customers don't believe in themselves.

We're going to use this to combat both of these things. In this case, the scripting would go, "Hey, you know a lot of people are asking me, ‘How do I know this is going to work for me?’

When I hear that, I want to say, ‘I think you're asking me that because you either don't trust me or you don't
fully trust yourself.’

You know what?

If I haven't earned your trust, then please don't order.

I don't deserve it. I haven't done my job today and I don't want something for nothing. It's
okay. My feelings aren't hurt and I apologize for wasting your time today.

But if you do trust me, then what I think you're really saying when you asked me this question is ‘I've got self-doubt and I'm not sure I can actually do this.’”

Now, we have set ourselves up for a story.

Watch how we do it.

At this stage, you want to be very kind and empathetic.

You can't fake this by the way.

Ideally, we want to build their confidence and anchor this decision to purchase something
very positive and it’s best to do it as a story.

I'm going to script the story.

I'm not in any way suggesting that you make up a story or that you're misleading or anything like that.

What I'm giving you here is literally just an example.

Please don't go and copy this verbatim and tell deceptive stories that aren't true. I know you wouldn't but somebody else might.

That's why I'm giving you that as a disclaimer.

You might say, “I completely understand because I felt the same way about a lot of things and when I feel
that way, if I'm honest with myself, it’s because I've tried something and failed and don't want to go
through the pain of that failure again.”

Ideally now, you would tell a story of loss and redemption here.

It's got to be true. It doesn't have to be related to the product though.

You would say, "I want to help you by telling you an embarrassing story ... ”

This is totally an example.

“When I was a kid I had terrible self-esteem mainly because my step dad and teachers told me I was stupid and lazy. This made me very shy and awkward with girls.

Because I didn't have any confidence, I was always amazed when I’d get a girlfriend and I'd always let them walk all over me. I was worse than the guys in the movies who get dumped and cheated on. I made those guys look like Brad Pitt.

Eventually, I got a girlfriend who didn't dump me and didn't cheat on me too badly.

My family wanted me to get married and I wanted to make them happy.

I thought, ‘Well, I'll never meet anyone better so I might as well marry this one.’

We got married. I stayed in that marriage completely miserable for six years.

When I finally got a divorce, it cost me everything I had.

My net worth dropped by about 99%.

I had two young kids I shared custody with and I thought, ‘Well, I guess I'll become a monk because no woman is ever going to want to be with me at this stage.

Then I met an honest-to-God cover model. It was literally love at first sight ... for me anyway.

I was so shy that I ended up tracking her down on Facebook after we met and waiting a month before I even sent her a friend request.

I started emailing her and since I took hours to compose every single message and response, she thought I was
kind of funny.

When I finally asked her for her number, she gave it to me.

It took me about three days to work up the courage to call her and when I finally did, I had to do it in my car because I was embarrassed that someone might overhear me sounding stupid on the phone.

The conversation was awkward but she didn't seem too repulsed by me and I thought to myself, ‘Holy smokes you might actually have a chance here.’

Now, let me tell you this woman was a perfect 10, as they say, and I figured the only way to get her to like me was to transform myself into a 20.

That's what I set out to do.

I hired a personal trainer, went to counseling to overcome all the self-esteem issues and I started courting her just like in the movies, flowers and everything.

I did that for almost three months before our first date.

I guess she didn't realize that I'd become a 20 yet.

Anyway, the first date turned into a second date, the second date into a third and eventually we got married then we had two kids.

When I look at those kids at night sometimes I think, ‘Thank God I didn't let my past failures keep these children from coming into the world.’”

Now notice, this story could be about anything unrelated to the product. What I've really done is I'm empathizing first and say, “You know, I had all these troubles too.” Now, I'm saying ‘Thank God I didn't let those past failures keep these children from coming in the world.’”

I've really escalated this issue into something as important as human life.

I've taken this little seed of self-doubt and told the story about overcoming self-doubt and now said, “What would have happened had I never overcome it?”

The children wouldn't even exist.

Don't make up your stories. I'm giving you a very dramatic example as a means of illustration so please don't overdo it. You’ve got to be telling the truth.

The philosophy that all marketers are liars, don't be one of those.

That's not necessary. You can do a better job being straight up and honest with people.

Now, I might say: “Let me ask you. If you had a time machine and could meet me the day before I made that first phone call to her, what would you tell me if I was about to let my past get in the way?”

See now what I'm doing here in the scripting is I'm putting them in the driver's seat.

I'm letting them be the hero.

I'm saying, “You wouldn't let me do that would you? You wouldn't let me let myself down, prevent these children from being born?

Psychologically, it's important so the next thing I say is: "Would you let me quit on myself or would you encourage me to give it my best? Of course, you'd encourage me and I’d do the same for you. In fact, that's what I'm trying to do for you right now.

My one decision to pick up the phone and make the call changed my life forever and it seems like you might be facing a similar decision right now.

Let me ask you.

Are you going to let fear and self-doubt cheat you out of the future that you deserve?”

Now, notice this right here. I'm not making it about them.

I'm not saying “You're wrong,” I'm saying fear and self-doubt are wrong, not them.

It's important not to say, “Hey you're being a woos, you're stupid” or whatever. You want to be empathetic.
You can’t fake empathy by the way so you really have to understand where your prospects are coming from if they have fear and self-doubt ... and they probably do because we're all human, we're on the same stuff... thankfully this is good. It makes things easier for us to do.

I'm here telling you right now to stand up for yourself and claim the happiness you deserve and now I've re-pitched. I'm able to re-pitch again so it's a very emotional way of getting to the sale.

Studies have timelessly shown that people make decisions on emotion far more often than they do on any rational evidence or anything like that.

It helps. Just please use responsibly.

7. Worst Case Best Case

Our next stack is what we call the “Worst Case, Best Case” stack. This is similar to the Pros and Cons stack but it's very conversational.

Let's assume we've given our pitch and they still haven't ordered.

You might say, "If you haven’t ordered already, I could only think it's because you're worried about making a bad decision and you know what? Maybe you are."

Now, any time you've got an objection that you're going to address, you never want to make them wrong.

You always want to say, "Maybe you are.”

Or, if the objection is “This is very expensive,” “You know what, it is expensive and I want you to consider this." Then you would chunk the price or you compare Apples to Oranges or whatever you might do.

When I’m saying “Maybe you are,” I'm doing two things.

Number one, I'm making them right. Number two, it's a little bit of takeaway.

Most people will try so hard for the sale it will turn people off. But, if you're the person who's a little bit aloof and you say, “Maybe you are,” that's going to cause them to be more receptive to what you say next. So it's important.

Now, we say: "But what if you're not? Let's get real for a minute. Let's say you get this and you hate it. That's pretty much a worst case scenario. Let's say it's the worst thing you've ever had and it's just absolutely awful. Can it get worse than that realistically?

Can we agree that this is the worst case scenario? Hey, if that happens here's how to fix it. Just send it back and you'll get a refund. It'll be like it never even happened."

Pretty easy right? What we just did is we have taken this fear that they have and we said, "Hey worst case is you don't like it, send it back and get a refund.

We've just minimized the fear, maybe it’s not that bad… which, in most cases, it’s not, unless all sales are final. So what's the worst case scenario? Get your money back. Not too big of a deal.

Now, what we want to do, now that we've minimized our worst case, we really want to make the best case look good.
What we're going to do, we're going to say:

"What if this actually works? Hey, you're still here reading this or watching this video or webinar, you know you've got a pretty strong gut feeling that this is exactly what you've been looking for.

What if your gut feeling is right? X weeks, months, days ...”

Whatever time your product takes to get the results; let’s say it's four weeks and let's go back to
our classic tomato gardening thing.

“Four weeks from now, you could be planting tomatoes like a pro. Isn't it at least worth trying?

After all, the worst that can happen is you get to hit the delete button on the whole thing and get all your money back. But the best case scenario is really life changing.”

Then you would talk about the benefits of whatever, the big tomatoes.

“Imagine the pride you're going to feel when you win the gardening competition. Imagine how happy it is going to make you when you fix fresh gazpacho for your entire family and they say they love it so much and you proudly present a giant basket of tomatoes that you picked from your own garden at home.

Imagine how good you're going to feel when you know that you're providing your children with homegrown organic super healthy produce that they just can't get anywhere else.”

We're really maximizing this best case scenario here and then we just say:

"Let's get started today."

What this really does, this best case scenario is life changing, after this, it gives you the ability to restate the benefits again.

It is another way to close.

Using the 7 Stacks

These are seven ways that I've just shown you that you can continue selling after you have made the pitch.

Here's the thing ... you're going to say, "Well which one should I use?"

And my answer to you is, “Whichever one seems logical at the time.”

You really can't go wrong with any of these as long as you're truthful and you're empathetic and you're nice to people.

Here is really my best advice on these. You will probably make more money if you use these than if you don't. It's really, really worth doing.

I really think it's physically impossible for you to go wrong adding this to your offers after you make your pitch. I hope you've enjoyed these.

I've never seen anyone teach anything like this before.

I know it's kind of cerebral. It's a little bit advanced perhaps but I'm telling you every time I've used one of these stacks after making an offer, I've gotten more sales and that's what we're here to do, make more sales so we can help more people.

Obviously your products are good. You want to get them in your customers’ hands so they can experience the benefits they're supposed to experience. This is a great way to do it.

Thanks so much for taking this training and for being a customer of mine. I look forward to hearing your success with these stacks soon. See you later.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Four-Day Cash Machine 2.0

Phase One - a "click sequence"
1. Have an educational piece of content that makes a special offer at the end
2. Special offer: discount, bonus, new twist on existing offer, new offer, etc
3. Email list about that educational content, twice a day, for three days in a row
4. Don't mention the special offer. Only "sell" the benefits of the special offer.

If they click on the video, don't send them any more email about watching the video. Instead, they are moved on to the next phase. If they never click the video, don't mention the offer. This way, all your list sees is you being super helpful, not selling.

If they click on the video, some might buy. Those who buy, but did not click, will get offers.
1. Email list, send 2 emails a day for 3 days
2. The ones who clicked, will get a deadline-based email sequence, sending them staright to a sales letter or sales video (Video Sales Letter - VSL)
3. Use scarcity for maximum effect, reference the dealine in your emails and webpages
4. Scarcity - discount goes away, bonuses go away, product goes away (in order to limit the buyers to prevent market saturation)
5. It they "click", they are moved into a "countdown sequence"
Day #1 - 2 emails
Day #2 - 1 email
Day #3 - 1 email
Day #4 - 3 emails
- On day #4, email them 3x. First email "this expires today". Second email "this expires in ___ hours". Third email "final notice".
- According to Frank Kern, in the video, the last email (Third email - final notice) gets the most sales.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Click Sequence Email

Subject Line: NAME, Please read
Subject Line: NAME!
Subject Line: Re: NAME, Please read
Subject Line: For (category marketers, copywriters, health enthusiasts) who want (result)
Subject Line: I have just made this ________ (e-book, action plan, etc) for you and it shows you how to (big benefit)
Subject Line: Use my free action plan to write email sequences in minutes instead of hours
Subject Line: Use my action plan (link inside) to write/get/accomplish ______ (results) in minutes instead of hours

The purpose of the subject line is to get the email opened

First sentence: I'm pretty sure this directly affects you. (put "this" as a hyperlink that goes to educational video)

1. Subject: NAME, please read
2. First sentence: I'm pretty sure this (hyperlink) directly affects you.
3. Image (hyperlink) of screenshot of the video
4. It's a new ______ (thing - hyperlink) that shows you how to _______ (big benefit)
5. Plus, you'll also see/discover/learn ...
- How to _______ (benefit - hyperlink) without ________ (pain/struggle/hassle)
- What never to do when you want to ________ (goal - hyperlink)
- Why everything you've learned about _______ (goal) is probably wrong, and what you should do instead (hyperlink "what you should do instead")
6. You can get it here, now (hyperlink "get it here, now") / Click here to watch it now - no email required (hyperlink "Click here")

P.S. In case you skip the PS (like me), here's the deal.

You can get this action plan, e-book, free video training, etc that shows/gives/helps you get ________ (goal) here. (hyperlink "get this action plan")

I hope you like it. Let me know if you enjoyed it.

- - - - - - -

In the above email, you can make six similar emails by changing the subject line and first sentence

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

A few different types of EESMs (Entertaining Empathetic Sales Message)

1. Us vs Them

2. Reluctant Hero

3. Hometown boy makes good

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Us vs Them "email sequence templates"

#1 Subj: <$firstname$> - will it be BANNED??

Hi <$firstname$>,

This site could be banned at any moment.

Yes, I know this sounds crazy ...but the reason I say it is simple:

You can see for yourself here:

Before you go there, you should know this is NOT my website.

I don’t own it ...and I don’t know the people who do,
but I proudly stand by them and wish them the best.


Because they’re exposing the sausage secrets that have been kept from us for so long.

People like you and me deserve this information. And if the Sausage Industry
wants to ban this site, that PROVES that these secrets are the real deal.
(Why else would they want to keep thisinformation from us?)

Anyway - here’s the website everybody’s talking about. These are the “good guys”:

Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. I really *did* hear a rumor about this being banned because
they don’t want the info being leaked out to folks like us. If
you want to see what all the fuss is about, I’d go to the site
now. It might not be there tomorrow. Here it is:

#2 Subject: <$firstname$>, did you see it?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Yesterday I told you about the website the Sausage industry hopes we never see.

Here it is: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

Rumors are flying about industry big wigs trying to get this site shut down.

Why are they trying to ban it?

I think it’s because we’re (finally) getting exposed to the sausage secrets
they’ve been hiding all along.

It’s all right here in black and white:

The sausage industry wants to keep this from us. But that’s too bad for them.

People like you and me deserve this information. And if the
Sausage Industry wants to ban this site, that PROVES that these
secrets are the real deal. (Why else would they want to keep this
information from us?)

Anyway - here’s the website everybody’s talking about.
These are the “good guys”:


Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. The way rumors are flying, this site could be taken down at
any minute. Here it is:
As soon as you read it, you’ll see what the fuss is about.

#3 <$firstname$>, why are they so angry??

Hi <$firstname$>,

Professional Sausage makers are FURIOUS about this site:


Because it shows folks like you and me (the *real* sausage
lovers) the true secrets of making sausage that’s even BETTER
than the expensive stuff they’re selling us!

It’s no wonder people are saying this site might get banned.

You’ve seen what the Sausage Makers are selling sausage for these days, right?

It’s obvious they’re getting rich off of you and me.

So it’s no wonder they see this site as a serious threat:

After all, if we know their secrets, we don’t need to give them our money!

I’ve personally put this site to the test and let me tell you,

I tried the secrets the site talks about ...and I had NO IDEA
that sausage could be *this good*. And I’m really amazed that I
was able to make such great sausage on my first try!

(I don’t know about you, but I’m not a sausage professional.
Don’t get me wrong. I *love* the stuff just as much as anybody
... but I’ve never had any expensive training or anything. So when
my first batch of sausage had everyone begging for more, I was
pleasantly surprised!)

Anyway - here’s the site. I have no idea if it will still be
there by the time you get this.

All I can say is I hope you get a chance to see it ...and to try
this out for yourself. I feel lucky that I did!

Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. Looks like you and I are part of an ever-growing group of
REAL sausage lovers. Just this week, we’ve had 1,098 other
sausage lovers from around the world subscribe to this Sausage
newsletter you’re reading!

I guess you and I aren’t the only true sausage lovers out there.
Good to know we’re not alone 🙂

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

How to build an audience & grow your profits:

1. Cultivate a herd by standing out and offering something they want. When you "stand out", you become the "attractive character" that others want to be like, want to follow, or both.

2. Build a relationship with that herd by delivering fun and entertaining messages.

3. Position yourself as the leader.

4. Use your relationship with the herd to sell your products and services, and affiliate products and services that you recommend.

Use your "personality" to make this work.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

"it's not your fault"

Subject: <$firstname$> It’s NOT your fault!

Hi <$firstname$>,

It’s NOT your fault that your sausages aren’t turning out like you want ... yet.

The truth is ... we’ve been misled by the socalled experts!

You see, 99% of the ‘professional” sausage making techniques are DEAD WRONG!

In fact, many of them will make your sausage come out worse!

For example, most pro sausage makers will tell you to use fennel seeds for that Italian flavor.

What they don’t tell you is that when fennel seeds are cooked at a temperature over 200 degrees, they release an ACID which makes the sausage taste BITTER!

But everybody knows that you HAVE to cook sausage at 350 degrees, right?

The real trick is to cook the sausage at the normal 350 degrees like we always do, and then when it’s almost done, take it out, let it cool ...and THEN press the whole fennel seeds through the skin.

When you’re done, finish it up by cooking it for 10 minutes at 175.

WARNING: If you serve this, be prepared to have your friends STALKING you for the recipe.

But let me ask you a question, <$firstname$>...

If they’re not telling you this, what else are they hiding from you?


They don’t want you to know the right way to make sausage because if you did, you’d never have to buy another product from them again!

That little tip I just gave you was only a tiny fraction of what’s being exposed here:

And that’s why I’m taking so much heat from the Sausage Making industry right now ...for revealing secrets like the one I just shared with you.

But that was nothing! When they find out how I really blow the whistle in Sausage Making Secrets, I’ll probably get all kinds of pressure to stop selling it. And that’s why this controversial Sausage making system could be taken off the market at any minute,

See for yourself what all the fuss is about here:

Talk soon,

Christopher Wallace

P.S. NOTICE: There’s talk of lawsuits being filed against me for letting this information out.

As it stands now, I will NOT back down.

However, if they have their way, I’ll have to take the site down. I urge you to get your copy of this highly confidential and controversial sausage making system immediately ... before it’s
too late! Here’s the site: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subject: <$firstname$> - Why are they so ANGRY??

Hi <$firstname$>,

Professional sausage makers are furious with me because I’m
making them look bad with my outrageous guarantee.

It’s true.

If you try my controversial (and possibly soon-to-be-BANNED)
Sausage Secrets system and you’re not the talk of every kitchen
in town, I’ll give you a refund and let you keep the entire
system for FREE.

No questions asked, no forms to fill out, no tricks. It’s all in
black and white right here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

NOBODY in the Sausage industry is willing to put their money
where their mouth is like this.

Do you know why?

Because they’re giving you BAD information! And you know what’s
really got ‘em steamed? I’m not even a professional sausage maker!

I’m just a regular guy from Alabama who loves sausage ... just like you.

The only difference is, I’ve dedicated YEARS to sausage making
... and I’ve finally “cracked the code” to the real way to make
amazing sausage every time ...even if you’re a beginner!

But don’t take my word for it, see what your fellow sausage
lovers have to say about it here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

Talk soon,
Christopher Wallace

P.S. Remember that guarantee? That’s the real deal. You can see
it in plain English here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

The fact is, if you’re not the talk of every kitchen in your
neighborhood after you put Sausage Secrets to work for you,
then I refuse to accept your money.

In fact, I’d rather you keep my entire system for free ... just as
my way of saying, “thanks for trying it out.”

Who knows, maybe you’ll have a friend who’d like to try it.
Either way, don’t you wish *everything* came with a guarantee like this?

Test drive this today. You’ll be glad you did:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

So if you were to outline the function of your auto responder components it would look
like this:

Subject line:
1. Get attention.
2. Get message opened.

Body copy:
1. Get link clicked.
2. Pre frame buyer.
3. Create bond with prospect.
4. Create anticipation for next message.

1. Get link clicked

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Find out the conversation in your prospect's minds, then enter that conversation.
Offer a solution (product/service) to any challenge they may be facing.
Offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee to make it, essentially, risk-free.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1. Make a copy version of the product you are selling, or another website selling the product "as an affiliate". Use a different "attractive character" to sell the product. You can find a free-to-use picture at Pexels.com You can get free-to-use videos at Pexels.com Also, you can hire someone to be your spokesperson, probably, at Fiverr.com or Upwork.com

2. Why lower prices when you just add more value. Similar to what Russell Brunson, add more value, create a "value stack" that turns your product into an irresistible offer, by offering a lot more than your competitors (PDF bonus books, complimentary video playlists, private Facebook group, members-only area websites, etc.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bonus Gift strategy
A way to tie-in valuable bonus offers during specific times of the year such as
Christmas - here's a gift on us + save money as this is a limited time Christmas special offer
Thanksgiving - we're thankful for staying with us - here's a bonus gift
tax time - available during tax season to help you save money during this time
summer special - available for 72 hours during our summer special

The key here is to make the bonus some how “tie in” with the tax problem. in this case,
we’d position it like this:

With taxes upon us, we sausage makers need all the extra money we can get! And that’s
why I’ve created this breakthrough report, “How To Get Premium Sausages For Pennies On The Dollar”!

If you were going to use this strategy, here’s a SAMPLE TEMPLATE of an email you might send out to promote it:

Subject: <$firstname$>, are you one of these people?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Right now, millions of people (myself included) are feeling the sting of tax time.

Are you one of us?

You’re gonna love this:

Here’s the scoop.

You know how much it costs to buy sausage these days. The stuff ain’t cheap! And with the Tax Man knocking on our doors, we need all the extra cash we can get.

And that’s why I foot the bill to get us this new system called “Free Sausage For Life.”

You can see it here: LINK

People in the Sausage community are freaking out over this. The reason why is now you can get premium sausage for pennies on the dollar ...and sometimes you can even get it free!

See how here: LINK

Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. It took me forever to figure out how to do this, but the timing couldn’t be better.

My wife tells me I should sell this new system for $97. She says we need the money for taxes!

But if you’re anything like me, you’re wanting to watch your wallet until tax season is over.

And that’s why YOU CAN JUST FLAT-OUT HAVE THIS FOR FREE. No kidding.

All you have to do is test drive my Sausage Secrets course and this amazing new “Free Sausage” system is yours at no charge.


It’s no biggie though. The catch is, I can only guarantee this for today. The reason why is once tax season is over, I plan to start selling it at full price. (It’s worth its weight in gold,
and you’ll see why when you check it out here: LINK)

Anyway - if you want this brand new system for NOTHING, you can get it here: LINK

Talk soon,

Alphonso Gomez

P.S. This offer is set to expire at the end of today. Go here and check it out before it’s too late: LINK

P.P.S. If you try to go here and the web page is gone, it means
the offer has expired already. Here’s the special site again: LINK

P.P.P.S. This is only for a select group of my closest subscribers. Please don’t share it with anyone. Let’s keep it in the family : LINK

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subject: <$firstname$> - are you one of these people?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Are you like me? You know ... one of the millions of people who hate paying taxes this time of year?

If so, you’ll love this: LINK

Here’s the scoop.

I’m guessing you’d like to hang on to your wallet until tax time is over. I know how you feel because I’m the same way.

And that’s why you can have my entire Sausage Making system today ... WITHOUT PAYING A DIME.

Yup. It’s all in black and white right here: LINK

The bottom line is you can have my entire system today for nothing ... and if you like it, you can buy it later.

If you don’t like it, no problem. You don’t pay anything and we’re still friends.

There’s no funny business or anything, and you can see it all spelled out in plain English here: LINK

BUT THERE’S A CATCH! It’s no biggie though.

The catch is, I can only guarantee this for today. The reason why is once tax season is over, I plan to start selling it at full price.

Anyway - if you want this acclaimed system for NOTHING, you can get it here: LINK

Talk soon,

Alphonso Gomez

P.S. This offer is set to expire at the end of today. Go here and check it out before it’s too late: LINK

P.P.S. If you try to go here and the web page is gone, it means the offer has expired already. Here’s the special site again: LINK

P.P.P.S. This is only for a select group of my closest subscribers. Please don’t share it with anyone. Let’s keep it in the family 🙂 If I notice an unusual amount of people taking advantage of this, I’ll assume this secret web page has been “leaked,” and I’ll have to take it down. I don’t want to give away the farm, you know 😉


source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Subject: NAME - More free videos!


I embarrassed to say it ... but I’m a SAUSAGE NERD.

You’ll probably think I’m nuts but I’ve spent the last 11 days on my computer doing NOTHING but checking out Sausage Making stuff on the internet.

Let me tell you, THERE’S SOME REALLY COOL STUFF OUT THERE! Especially when it comes to making Italian Sausage. Anyway - you gotta see some of this stuff.

Now I know you probably don’t have time to sit in front of your computer for 11 days like I did, so I’ve made you a *free* Video Series called “The Sausage Maker’s Guide To The Internet - Italian Edition!.”

In this video, I’m your “tour guide” and I show you all the neat Sausage Making “gems” I’ve found on the Internet. (Think of it as being able to take a quick “Sausage Making

Anyway - I’d love for you to have it ... FREE.

***BUT THERE’S A CATCH*** (Isn’t there always?)

It’s no biggie though.

It’s just that due to the cost of having these videos on my web site, I can only give them to 100 people. Any more than that and my web site might crash and I’ll have to pay an arm and a leg.

So if you want to take the free video tour, just go here and sign up: YOUR LINK HERE.
Remember, it doesn’t cost anything. (But I know you’ll love it!)

Talk soon,

Pablo Escobar

P.S. I can only offer this free tour for 100 people. So if you’d like the free videos, go here now 🙂


- - - - - - -

OK - here’s what you do next:

1. Make an opt-in page for the video people.

2. Make a five day follow up series for them that just gives them the links to each day’s

3. Make five videos, one for each affiliate product you’re selling, and make the videos
“jump” to your affiliate link at the end.

That’s it. You’ve just segmented your list and now you have a sub list of people who are
particularly interested in Italian Sausage.

So they’re ALL in a Sweet Spot ...and they’re targeted to Italian Sausage. Get enough of
them and you can make an Italian Sausage product.

... Or you can just give them cool content and links to Italian Sausage affiliate products.

Follow these three steps and you’ll prosper. It’s a NO-BRAINER. Just get out there and
do it.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Get opt-in subscribers a chance to know, like, trust you as soon as possible

Place a screencapture video on the opt-in page that shows people how to "confirm"

As soon as they opt in, they’ll hit a “thank you” page with a video on it. The video will
SHOW them how to confirm ...and it’ll explain why. It will SHOW them what the confirmation email will look like, it will SHOW them how to click the link in there, and it’ll explain that when they click the link to confirm, they’ll get a SURPRISE that they didn’t originally count on.

Then it will SHOW them the surprise.

So I’d basically say, “Here’s how you make sure you get your free Sausage Making report. After this video, check your email like I’m doing here. You’ll see an email just like this one in your inbox.”

“Open it like I’m doing, and click the link you see inside ...like this.” (Then, I’d click the link.)

“When you do, two things will happen. First, you’ll get your free Sausage Making Report
sent to you by email immediately.”

“Second, you’ll be taken to a special web page where you can get my latest video (or
audio or report or whatever) called “The Seven Biggest Sausage Making Myths” ...absolutely free.”

“Here’s what that looks like.”

So you’re selling them on confirming ... but you’re showing them how to do it and letting
them “get to know you” in the process by letting them hear your voice and have you guide them through the process of confirming.

Plus, you’re holding out a “carrot” that makes them want to confirm so they can get it.

This makes you look even better ...because already you’re over delivering on your promise.

Your prospect is thinking, “Man ...I just thought I was going to get a free report, but now
I’m watching a video and I’m getting this other thing too. This is good stuff!”

See? You’re killing two birds with one stone here.

First, you’re getting them to confirm ... and second, you’re making them know, like, and
trust you immediately by giving them way more than you promised.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here is a way you can, potentially, generate leads using this basic copywriting formula.

Discover how to get ______ in _______ ________ without having to ________ .

Here is is with the descriptive word or words in the parenthesis.

Discover how to (get result) in (number) (minutes/hours/days/weeks) without having to (pain/struggle).

Here is an example.

Discover how to get a flat stomach in 3 weeks without having to go to the gym.

How can you use this? A number of ways.

Simply fill in the blanks with a benefit having to do with your niche.

category: Money-saving laundry detergent
please note: This is a modified version of the copywriting formula
Discover how to get (300 loads of laundry done) for only (10-cents a load) using our (specially formulated and non-toxic) laundry detergent.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

this may or may not have been on the video

Consulting, Coaching, Marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Video Marketing, Copywriting

1. Do It Yourself – I offer you resources to help you get results / reach your goals

2. Done With You – I offer you resources and help you put them into motion to get results

3. Done For You – I do this for you to get you the results you desire

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

lead generation:

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thrive Themes




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What’s going on with Trafficwave.net?




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Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered “Skinny Switch”

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created “Auto-Bot Algorithm”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Disover how to (get specific results) in (number) (hours/days)
without having to (pain)

Discover how to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks without having to
go to the gym or drink subscription shakes that tastes like chalk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to 10x’ing your income
Thanks to recently created “semi-automated income system”

A new solution to making piles of money online
Thanks to recently created “private ATM method”
“It’s like having your own ATM machine cranking out cash at will!”

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created “online moneymaking method”

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created “online moneymaking switch”

A new solution to making money online
Thanks to recently created “easy affiliate income program”

A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to “feeling uncomfortable in clothes” (her words)
Thanks to recently discovered “skinny switch”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to “feeling uncomfortable around women”
Thanks to recently discovered “confidence switch”

A new solution to “making money online”
Thanks to recently discovered “economic engine switch”

Thanks to recently uncovered “economic shift” that will change everything.
This economic shift has been called “an economic tsunami” by industry insiders
Here’s the way to prepare for it in order to survive and thrive instead of getting wiped out financially and getting your life ruined as a result

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Discover how to get a full night’s sleep in 24 hours without having to take sleeping pills that have bad side effects.

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered “biomagnetic sleep switch”
Finally, we unlocked the secret to getting a full night’s sleep.
The unique mineral compound within our crystal penants radiates a calming energy that will enable you to finally get the full night’s sleep you’ve been dreaming about. – link to an “irresistible offer” – order now for only $9.97 and get free booklet + penant

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered “sleep switch”

A new solution to sleeplessness
Thanks to recently discovered “remote sleep switch”

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered “remote sleep switch”

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered “sleep switch”

A new solution to unlocking your creative genius
Thanks to recently discovered “cellular recalibration switch”

A new solution to unlocking unlimitless creativity
Thanks to recently discovered “cognitive recalibration switch”

A new solution to unlocking a photographic memory
Thanks to recently discovered “visual recalibration switch”

A new solution to unlocking a photographic memory
Thanks to recently discovered “remote mind mapping” switch

A new solution to learning a new language fast
Thanks to recently discovered “mind mapping” switch

The Healthy Sleep Architecture Solution
get a full night’s sleep, guaranteed

Healthy Sleep Solutions
get a full night’s sleep, guaranteed

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered “calm switch”

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered “remote anxiety recalibration” switch

A new solution to stress relief
Thanks to recently discovered “remote anxiety recalibration” switch

The “calm switch” or “relaxation button” is the specific reference point that can help you get calm in as little as 90 seconds

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered “body retargeting” switch

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered “cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to join pain
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen rebuilding/regrowth/growth” switch

A new solution to osteoperosis
Thanks to recently discovered “remote cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen growth/rebuilding” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “remote biochronometer switch”

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “biochronometer reset switch”

A new solution to anti-aging
Thanks to recently discovered “biological clock reset” switch

A new solution to eliminating wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen recalibration” switch

A new solution to eliminating wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen retargeting” switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat burning” switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat burning optimization” switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “cholesterol incincerator” switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “body recalibration” switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered “mind mapping” switch

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered “NLP mind-mapping” switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional polarity recalibration” switch

A new solution to anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered “polarity priming” switch

A new solution to anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional polarity priming” switch

A new solution to anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered “remote polarity priming” switch

A new solution to anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional polarity priming” switch

A new solution to sleep disorders
Thanks to recently discovered “remote sleep” switch

A new solution to anxiety
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional polarity” switch

A new solution to insomnia
Thanks to recently discovered “remote emotional retargeting” switch

A new solution to overcoming anxiety and building confidence
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional bimotive recalibration” switch

A new solution to overcoming anxiety and panic attacks
Thanks to recently discovered “quantum recalibration” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “epigenetic recalibration” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “remote epigenetic recalibration” switch

A new solution to stress relief
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional polarity” switch

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered “lipid resistance” switch

A new solution to longevity
Thanks to recently discovered “cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “hypnotic cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to hair loss
Thanks to recently discovered “follacle growth” switch

A new solution to feelings of doubt and insecurity
Thanks to recently discovered “confidence recalibration switch”

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered “blood vessel expansion” switch

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered “hetero-cellular expansion” switch
“It’s been called the Miracle-Gro for your nether regions!”

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered “testosterone transformer” switch
“It’s been called the Miracle-Gro for your nether regions!”

A new solution to fat legs aka “cottage cheese legs”
Thanks to recently discovered “cholesterol destroyer” switch

A new solution to fat thighs aka “cottage cheese thighs”
Thanks to recently discovered “cholesterol incinerator” switch

A new solution to reducing neck fat and losing your double chin
Thanks to recently discovered “lipid ignition” switch

A new solution to reducing butt fat
Thanks to recently discovered “lipid incinerator” switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “metabolic correction” switch

A new solution to losing belly fat
Thanks to recently discovered “metabolic accelerator” switch

A new solution to obesity
Thanks to recently discovered “metabolic correction” switch

A new solution to looking younger and having more energy
Thanks to recently discovered “metabolic correction” switch

A new solution to regaining sexual function
Thanks to recently discovered “testosterone transformer” switch

A new solution to erectile dysfunction
Thanks to recently discovered “testosterone transformer” switch

A new solution to increasing stamina
Thanks to recently discovered “remote testosterone multiplier” switch

A new solution to increasing libido
Thanks to recently discovered “testosterone regenerator” switch

A new solution to increasing libido
Thanks to recently discovered “remote testosterone transformer” switch

Are you suffering from memory loss? You might have lipid resistance syndrome.
Find out the early warning signs and symptoms and the scientifically proven
ways you can treat it before it gets worse.

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat dissolving” switch

A new solution to making money online in 2022 and beyond
Thanks to recently released comprehensive action plan that reveals proven techniques anyone can use to get results fast

A new solution to attracting the love of your life
Thanks to recently discovered “relationship reprogramming switch”

A new solution to attracting money into your life
Thanks to recently discovered “mindmapping switch”

A new solution to gaining clarity and focus in your life
Thanks to recently discovered “emotional retargeting” switch

A new solution to increasing muscle mass/strength and endurance levels
Thanks to recently discovered “electrolyte retargeting” switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “biomotive spinal” switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “bio-electrical spinal” switch

A new solution to back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “spinal regneration” switch

A new solution to chronic fatigue
Thanks to recently discovered “electrolyte bridge” switch

A new solution to fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue)
Thanks to recently discovered “remote electrolyte retargeting” switch

A new solution to arthritis
Thanks to recently discovered “remote cellular regeneration” switch

A new solution to preventing and reversing dementia
Thanks to recently discovered “secret cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to looking younger and feeling more energetic
Thanks to recently discovered “remote cellular regeneration” switch

A new solution to preventing wrinkles
Thanks to recently discovered “remote anti-aging” switch

A new solution for chronic back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “neuroskeletal integration technique”

A new solution for chronic back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “neuro-structural integration” switch

A new solution for back pain
Thanks to recently discovered “neuro-structural integration” technique

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered “remote cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to arthritis
Thanks to recently discovered “electro-cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “remote epigenetic reprogramming” switch

A new solution to diabetes
Thanks to recently disocvered “insulin reprogramming” switch

A new solution to anti-aging
Thanks to recently discovered “cellular regeneration” switch

A new solution to diabetes
Thanks to recently discovered “insulin reduction” switch

A new solution to improved cognitive function and increased energy levels
Thanks to recently discovered “antibody update retargeting” switch

A new solution to “recession-proof” your savings
Thanks to recently created “AI Forecasting Bot”

A new solution to make money trading stocks
Thanks to recently created “AI Trading Bot”

A new solution to making money trading stocks
Thanks to recently created “AI Trading Bot”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “anti-aging” switch
Thanks to recently properties of “Marine Snow”

A new solution to joint pain
Thanks to recently discovered “cellular retargeting” switch

A new solution to join pain
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen rebuilding/regrowth/growth” switch

A new solution to looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “collagen growth/rebuilding” switch

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution for longevity and looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “remote rejuvenation switch”

Recently, deep sea scientists off the Adriatic Sea have discovered sub-sea
minerals whose properties seem to defy conventional wisdom.

They create their own light and are thought to live to be 800 years old.

These unique deep sea creatures were only recently discovered and live in a specific
deep sea area of the Mediterannean sea floor, near coral reefs that have been in
existence since 800 A.D.

These unique sea creatures, called Aeroquatic Planktodes thrive off
a substance known as Marine Snow.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), “Marine snow is mostly biological debris that originates from the top layers of the ocean and drifts to the seafloor, providing a primary source of energy for animals in the deep ocean.”
source: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/marinesnow.html

According to Wikipedia, Marine Snow consists of a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper laywers of the water column.

It is a significant means of exporting energy from the light-rich photic zone to the aphotic zone below, which is referred to as the biological pump.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_snow

Sub-sea minerals that contain an incredibly vast array of rare and unique
mineral-rich microminerals that were thought to be unavailable to humans
on the earth …

until now

Harvested with our underwater drones using technology that was previously available only to the U.S. military, but has now been declassified

This rare deep sea earth mineral is only available in limited quanities

Therefore, the high price

As doctor are calling this the “real fountain of youth” and the miracle cure of the twenty-first century, this extraordinary discovery

Due to UNESCO harvesting limitations and the rariety of these vents, and the danger of each mission during which we often lose drones due to the pressures of the deep, we cannot be sure that our spply will continue, and we must treat each batch as if it was the last batch.

Because it just might be.

Due to the limited supply, this miracle mineral is only available in very limited supplies.

Currently, there are only 400 bottles left.

Secure your supply now.

If you buy now, we will honor your continued purshcases

We feel that once you’re on the path to recovery, it would be unfair to discontinue your journey to health.

Click here to secure your supply now.

Hurry – limited quantities

Those who complete their purchases before December, we will honor your journey to health.

However, after December, we will be unable to take any more orders, due to the extreme scarcity of this mineral supplement.

In addition, Big Pharma has discovered the powerful healing properties and are trying to prohibit this information from being shared with the general public. Why? Because Big Pharma makes money on treating people with medication and surgeries, not curing them. Big Pharma rakes in billions doing this and they seek to destroy anyone with cures that actually work!

Restore your youthful appearance with the longevity solution that scientists are calling a “modern miracle” …

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Click the Buy Now button to order your bottle today

1 bottle: $197 dollars

2 bottles: $297 dollars

6 bottles: $597 dollars

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution for longevity and looking younger
Thanks to recently discovered “remote rejuvenation switch”

Recently, deep sea scientists off the Adriatic Sea have discovered sub-sea minerals whose properties seem to defy conventional wisdom.

They create their own light and are thought to live to be 800 years old.

These unique deep sea creatures were only recently discovered and live in a specific deep sea area of the Mediterannean sea floor, near coral reefs that have been in existence since 800 A.D.

These unique sea creatures, called Aeroquatic Planktodes thrive off a substance known as Marine Snow.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, “Marine snow is mostly biological debris that originates from the top layers of the ocean and drifts to the seafloor, providing a primary source of energy for animals in the deep ocean.”
source: https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/marinesnow.html

According to Wikipedia, Marine Snow consists of a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the upper laywers of the water column.

It is a significant means of exporting energy from the light-rich photic zone to the aphotic zone below, which is referred to as the biological pump.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_snow

Dr. Lavinsky, the first isolated elixr of deep sea minerals, the unique configuration or rare minerals that are not found on the surface of the earth.

However, Dr. Lavinsky has determined that they are necessary nutrients, vital for longevity, increased energy, and improved cognitive function.

“These rare minerals are superior to current supplements as their bio-availability markers result in increased absorption to all parts of the body. So far, we’ve seen incredible results and signifcant improvement for our patients who suffer from joint pain,” says Dr. Lavinsky. “Also, these patients their lifespans extended significantly. One such patient is living fitfully as a 130-year old, walking without a cane, and very capable of driving.”

What can these unique sea creatures, the Aeroquatic Planktodes, teach us about longevity and improved cognitive function?

According to the research and mounting evidence, a lot.

According to Dr. Lionel Petersgill, evolutionary biologist, author of “Aqua-Chimp: The Fish Monkey Diaries”, and professor emeritus at Cambridge University, “These mineral compounds appear to fill important niches in our biology and our biological clock. On our journey from reptiles to humans, when we slithered from the ocean and started to grow legs, little did we know, as clever as we were, that we would leave these minerals behind in the sea bed. We have been sick ever since. These mineral compounds appear to be the fuel required for our next evolutionary shift.”

Dr. Carbafinkel, who runs the Natural Sciences Institute of Western Colorado, agrees with Dr. Petersgill and adds: “On our journey from water lizard to standing upright, we’ve left a lot behind.”

Interestingly, the diet of the Gersifulsnoot Turtle, known for it’s extremely long life span, is Aeroquatic Planktodes.

Is their diet of Aeroquatic Planktodes the real secret behind the longevity the Gersifulsnoot Turtle?

“Deep sea creatures, their longevity, and their propensity towards certain foods, may prove useful in gleaning bio-markers that can be used to extend human life,” says Dr. Petersgill.

Dr. Petersgill is running an extensive study for an unnamed pharmaceutical firm and was unable to comment further.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Because of the bio-magnetic properties or birds, specifically seagulls,
the cartlidge of seagulls is said to have transformative properties.

The Broth of Seagull Bone / Cartlidge

Magnetic Seagull Bone

Directional Magnetic Seagull Bone

Because of unique minerals that they can get from the sea, in only tiny amounts,
the magnetic directional properties

We’ve found that by taking an extract of this bone, the magnetic seagull bone broth, humans were able to improve their spatial awareness and directional abilities.

Using a controlled group of octogenarians from an upstate New York nursing home, we fed them Seagull Bone Broth for two weeks.

What we discovered shocked us to the core!

This isn’t for everyone.

But, if you know someone suffering from memory loss or dementia, what you’re about to read just might change your life.

Due to the Greenpeace ban on seagull hunting, we only have a limited supply of seagulls that have perished due to natural causes.

Was this new law passed really to protect seagulls, or is there something more nefarious at play?

When has Big Pharma ever been interested in protecting seagulls?

Apparently, according to an industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous, Big Pharma is squashing the little guys who wish to help people get better by using small quantities of Seagull Bone in nutraceautical products, as they, Big Pharma, intend to mass produce it and sell it themselves.

“Big Pharma has a history of doing this,” says the industry insider. “They shut out the little guys, so they can control the entire market themselves.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Disover how to (get specific results) in (number) (hours/days)
without having to (pain)

Discover how to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks without having to
go to the gym or drink subscription shakes that tastes like chalk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered “magno-morphic seagull bone”

A new solution to memory loss
Thanks to recently discovered “Marine Snow”

An orchestra of flight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to 10x’ing your income
Thanks to recently created “easy affiliate income system/method”

A new solution to making piles of money online
Thanks to recently created “private ATM method”
“It’s like having your own ATM machine cranking out cash at will!”

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created “online moneymaking method”

A new solution to making hundreds of dollars an hour online
Thanks to recently created “online moneymaking switch”

A new solution to making money online
Thanks to recently created “easy affiliate income program”

A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to “feeling uncomfortable in clothes” (her words)
thanks to recently discovered “skinny switch”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A variation of the above could be:
A new solution to “feeling uncomfortable in clothes”
Thanks to recently discovered “slim switch”

A new solution to “feeling uncomfortable around women”
thanks to recently discovered “confidence switch”

A new solution to “making money in 2023 and beyond”
Thanks to recently uncovered “economic retargeting switch”

“An economic tsunami” is what industry insiders are calling the coming economic upheaval

Here’s the way to prepare for it in order to survive and thrive instead of getting wiped out financially and getting your life ruined as a result

Sign in with your name and email below to get our free Action Plan that reveals the
“economic retargeting switch” you can use to survive and thrive in the coming economic downturn/tsunamic/storm/upheaveal

“This is going to be catastrophic”, declares Professor Jabe Mikowitze, Economic Consultant to the Circle of Countries, and author of “The Wormhole in the Apple: Connecting Physics, Fruit, and Climate Change”.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered “Skinny Switch”

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created “Auto-Bot Algorithm”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to (positive result)
Thanks to recently discovered (breakthrough) switch

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat dissolving” switch

Are you suffering obesity? You might have lipid resistance syndrome.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat dissolving” switch

Are you tired of being overweight?

Are you suffering from obesity?

Are you trying to lose weight and failing?

It might not be your fault.

You might have Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

Lipid Resistance Syndrome is, essentially, when people have the inability
to lose weight, due to a chemical deficiency caused by a deficit of one of more specific minerals.

Basically, this chemical defeciency causes the body go to into
Fat Storage Overdrive, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

What is Fat Storage Overdrive?

Think of a hoarder inheriting a one acre-sized lot of empty storage units.

What would he do?

He would likely continue his hoarding and eventually fill all of the storage units.

This is an illustration of Fat Storage Overdrive–wherein the body has multiple storage units and is hoarding the fat, causing obesity and other health issues.

Typically, this is caused a by a combination of mineral deficiences and, without taking these mineral supplements, losing weight will continue to be a struggle.

To recap, this mineral deficiency causes the body to go into Fat Storage Overdrive.

The technical term for this condition is Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

If you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome, no matter what you do, you will be unlikely
able to lose weight.

Without the correct combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutraceutical supplements that address your body’s specific bio-signature, the body is likely to be immuno-compromised and a prime target for sickness, fatigue, obesity, and premature aging.

“Due to soil erosion, chemical wastewater runoff, factory farming, and a general depletion of vitamins and minerals in our soils, leading to a significant reduction of vitamins and minerals in our fruits and vegetables, people need additional supplements in order to strengthen their immune system,” says David Kite, a natural health writer and popular life coach. “People ought to get tested on a yearly basis, by sending in a urine sample, a blood sample, a hair sample, in order to determine if they have a mineral or vitamin deficiency. This simple act itself would save many from sickness and disease and remind them that they can cure themselves, provided they are given the correct diagnosis.”

Many other notable doctors, scientists, and natural health care practioners agree with David Kite, that the body can develop a whole portfolio that is stronger than the sum of its parts, given it has the proper fuel–foods, water, and exercise.

Discovering and treating lipid resistance syndrome
is one of the main factors that contributes to significant weight loss, and
without identifying and treating this key factor, the excess weight is unlikely
to come off, even with exercise and diet.

Curious to see if you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome?

Answer the short questionaire below, then sign in with your Name and Email to get your results.

Answers will be kept confidential. Your email will not be shared. Your privacy is guaranteed.

Sign in with your Name & Email below to get our free report, along with 5-step solution
Action Plan you can use to cure your obesity struggle once and for all.

See if you have the biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

Also, get the 5-step solution Action Plan you can use to cure your obesity struggle once and for all!

Sign in with your Name & Email to get our free report + our 5-step solution action plan!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “fat dissolving” switch

Are you tired of being overweight?

Are you suffering from obesity?

Are you trying to lose weight and failing?

If this you, I’m here to tell you something …

It might not be your fault.

You might have Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

Lipid Resistance Syndrome is, essentially, when people have the inability
to lose weight, due to a chemical deficiency caused by a deficit of one of more specific minerals.

Basically, this chemical defeciency causes the body go to into
Fat Storage Overdrive, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

When you have Fat Storage Overdrive, no matter what you do, you’ll have a hard time losing weight.

But health experts have a more technical term for Fat Storage Overdrive.

Health experts refer to this as Lipid Resistance Syndrome.

If you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome, no matter what you do, losing weight is likely to be a struggle.

Thanks to a recently discovered breakthrough, that’s being called the
“fat dissolving” switch, there is hope for those trying to lose weight.

With this new breakthrough, called the “fat dissolving” switch, you’ll finally be able to lose weight, feel comfortable in clothes again, and feel confident wearing a bikini or taking your shirt off at the beach!

According to top medical doctors, discovering and treating lipid resistance
is one of the main factors that contributes to significant weight loss, and
without identifying and treating this key factor, the excess weight is unlikely
to come off, even with exercise and diet.

Discover if you have lipid resistance syndrome with our free Q&A and follow-up report
that explains what it is and how it can be treated.

See if you have the biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and failing, you need this free report,
that will show you how to
– identify the early warning signs and symptoms of lipid resistance syndrome
– discover strategies to reduce the effects of lipid resistance syndrome
– get an action plan to eradicate lipid resistance syndrome
in order to lose weight and feel better.

If you’re trying to lose weight and failing, you need this free report and questionaire
you can use to determine if you have Lipid Resistance Syndrome!

Sign in with your Name, Email, and Address below, to get more information about
Lipid Resistance Syndrome and treatments that can help you unlock lipid resistance
so you can finally shed the excess weight, get healthy, and feel comfortable in
your own skin again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered “Skinny Switch”

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created “Auto-Bot Algorithm”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lipid Resistance Syndrome

on a molecular level, it hijacks the stored fat, and moves it the kidney to be flushed out

The polymorphous

cellular congruency

DNA receptors

exposes the collagen receptors

sodium intake levels

Vitamin K inhibitor

parabolic diffusion

high concentrations of nitric acid

cholesterol lowering nutraceutical

taken in incremental amounts, this acts as a complimentary probiotic


cumulative effects of calcium

electrolyte imbalance

biomorphic indicators

this is a precursor to iron deficiency

metabolic malfunction

synthetic sugar

hypertrophic trigger

essential amino acids

hormonal repair

hormonal markers

longevity markers


establish cholesterol remodeling

inhibits the ability for cholesterol manufacturing

chromosonal biomarkers

the electrolyte bridge

complex demolition of excess lipids

the architecture of DNA and biosynthesis

oxidation on a cellular level

amplifies gene expression

increases the volume of white blood cells

triglyceride grenade


this has been called the insulin switch

essential nutrient

increases the absorption of Vitamin C

necessary for solubility of vitamins and minerals

it reduces inflammation

this becomes a key performance indicator for fat loss

these are considered “markers” for longevity

reduces and ameliorates (lessens) the ability to burn fat

this has been called the fat-burning molecule

significant reduction in chelates

helps the body with chelation therapy

introduces chelation choreography

thyroid tango


increases fat-burning performance

enhances memory


cellular continuity

at the genesis level of the cellular structure

cellular history

cellular rythym

biomarkers for Lipid Resistance Syndrome

nucleic acid


signaling pathway



mineral absorption

transmission factors

protein inhibitors

body mass index

signals metabolism

causes fluctuations in the metabolic temperature

polymeric index

metabolic profile

metabolic fatigue

bio-electrical field

systemic parasneadal cytosis

antipyretic intervention

chromosome index

chromosome strength

amplifies and accelerates healing

cellular toxicity

improves cognitive functions

stimulates the production of essential fatty acids

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDux87FOoks


A new solution to (problem)
Thanks to recently discovered (hook)

A new solution to feeling uncomfortable in clothes
Thanks to recently discovered “Skinny Switch”

A new solution to Crypto Investing
Thanks to recently created “Auto-Bot Algorithm”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Find out where your audience is hanging out.
Identify their pain points.
Learn how they speak, what words, phrases they use.
Speak to them in “their” language to offer a solution to their problem/challenges.
Add a 100% satisfaction guarantee so they can “test drive it”, making it a risk-free offer.
Go to Amazon.com and see what the comments are, complaints are, then offer a product that solves those “complaints issues”.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Headline ideas:

Is it worth it?

Is ClickFunnels worth it?
Is Systeme.io worth it?
Is Thrive Themes worth it?
Is ConvertKit worth it?
Is Active Campaign worth it?
Is AWeber worth it?

What everyone ought to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
– write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
– at beginning include a box that says “Why are we publishing this information?” to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader’s mind of why you are publishing this information

The 5 things everyone ought to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
– write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
– at beginning include a box that says “Why are we publishing this information?” to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader’s mind of why you are publishing this information

What everyone needs to know about (subject)
subheadline: Some plain talk about (subject)
– write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
– at beginning include a box that says “Why are we publishing this information?” to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader’s mind of why you are publishing this information

5 things everyone needs to know about attracting leads in 2023
Some plain talk about (subject)
– write an advertorial (advertisement disguised as an editorial)
– at beginning include a box that says “Why are we publishing this information?” to satisfy the curiosity
in the reader’s mind of why you are publishing this information

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Keep Lead Magnets very simple, a shortcut, a one-page 5-step solution, to help do this one thing

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Make money with YouTube

1. Find a core offer, your own or affiliate
2. Build out automated system
3. Identify and select a niche (example: How to make money online with affiliate marketing). Identify the keywords you can rank for. “How I made my first 10,000 dollars a month with (here comes the keyword phrase) these tactics to make money online with affiliate marketing”.
4. Find 10 YouTube content creators who are in the same space as you are entering. Then, find what their top ten videos are that you can model. Find the keywords they are using to rank for, but make the keyword phrase longer.
5. Make one video a day that adds value in unique and clever ways. Take the videos and make one-minute version of the videos and upload them to TikTok. If people want to know more, on the TikTok video, tell them to search for you on YouTube or click the link in the bio to go to your YouTube channel.

– One way to build a list while selling other people’s affiliate offers is to do what Miles Beckler recommends
“Free Video show you how to (get result) in # hours/days without having to (struggle/pain”
Put together a YouTube ad. In order to get the free video they have to sign in with name & email to watch.
You present the video. You get them on your autoresponder.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. put together music videos, with lyrics in subtitles, for
Dumpster Diver the Musical
Out of the Wilderness
etc music

2. Take the music videos and get 30-second versions to post on TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram

3. In bio, put together clean, simple site with easy-to-buy buttons for merchandise and music

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Put together funny digital marketing videos that are clever, memorable, funny and that politely make fun of make money onliners on YouTube and also scientific sounding mumbo jumbo to sell products

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

at end of commercial, have everyone “freeze” in place

– use humor and polite ridicule to entertain viewers and get them to join your email list for whatever product or service you wish to sell

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Are you tired of working for someone else?

Are you tired of having to go to a job that’s boring, doing something that’s draining?

How would you like to work from anywhere you want, with your laptop and an internet
connection, and earn $498.50 a day?

Is this possible?

Now, before I tell you how this can be possible, I have to warn you.

This isn’t for everyone.

If you don’t want to earn $498.50 a day, working only a few hours a day or less, then
this video is not for you.

However, if you would like to earn $498.50 a day, working on a few hours or less, this video is for you.

You’re in for a treat.

And, before I continue, please bookmark this page and even share it with your friends.

There’s enough money to go around so we can all have some money.

So, let’s get to it.

In this video, I’m going to show you how you can earn $498.50 a day, working
from the comfort of wherever you want to work. All you need is a laptop, or
a smart phone, or a tablet, or a desktop computer, and an internet connection.

And, here’s the cool thing: Once you get good at this, you might be able to
earn $498.50 an hour or within a few hours.

Okay, let’s get started. To earn $498.50 a day or even an hour, do this:

1. Join my affiliate program. It’s free to join. Takes about 5-to-10 minutes
to sign up.

2. Share your unique affiliate link.

3. Whenever you make a sale using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50

Here’s a video walk-through that will show you how to join my affiliate program
and get your unique affiliate link.

Now, what I want you to do is this:

Sign in below to get my helpful training videos that will show you the best places to share your affiliate link.

Watch the training videos and share your affiliate links at the recommended sites!

Once you make a sale using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/copywriting%20books/The_16_Word_Sales_Letter_A_proven_method_copy.pdf

So What’s the Secret 16-Word Sales Letter™?

Here it is:
“The secret to converting copy is to define the one belief, then answer these ten questions.”

That’s it. I’ll make it even easier for you to remember. Just four words: One belief. Ten

The one belief will …
set the tone of your entire copy, the common thread that keeps everything together

The ten questions will add …
a ton of emotional triggers to your copy
help you organize your promo from lead … to the closing.

The single most important thing you can do when you write a sales letter is to make the reader
believe that: This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s only attainable through my new mechanism.

That’s your mission. Write it down.

I learned this concept from Russel Brunson, who said: “If I can get someone to TRULY believe that
the new opportunity is the key to what they want the most, and they can only get it through my vehicle, then they have no other options but to buy.”

The New Mechanism

Once your readers believe your new opportunity is the key to their desire, now they must believe you’re the only one who can meet that need.

You have to make them believe that ONLY your new mechanism can help them.

Having a new mechanism is key in today’s competitive market environment.

No matter what niche you operate in, chances are your prospects have seen everything.

Remember the wise words of Eugene Schwartz: “If your market is at the stage where they’ve
heard all the claims, in all their extremes, then mere repetition or exaggeration won’t work any longer. What this market needs now is a new device … a new mechanism, a new way to make the old promise work. A fresh chance, a brand-new possibility of success where only disappointment has resulted before.”

While the new opportunity reveals WHAT is unique about your solution, the new mechanism
reveals HOW it works. It’s the vehicle that deliver the new opportunity. It’s the secret sauce that explains why your solution works.

Here are a Few Examples of “The One Belief”

The one belief for P-90X:
Avoiding the plateau effect (new opportunity) is the key to building muscle (desire) and it’s
attainable only through the P90-X “muscle confusion” system (new mechanism).

The one belief for Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula:
Warming up your prospects (new opportunity) is the key to successfully launching a new product
online (desire) and it’s attainable only through the Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (new

The one belief for Proactive:
Attacking acne at every stage of the cycle (new opportunity) is the key to keeping your skin clear and healthy-looking (desire) and it’s attainable only
through Proactiv’s Combination Therapy® (new mechanism).

The one belief for Invisalign:
Aligning your teeth without ugly braces (new opportunity) is the key to getting the smile you want without disrupting your life (desire) and it’s attainable only through the Invisalign proprietary technology (new mechanism).

The one belief for Subway (before Jared got arrested for child pornography):
Eating healthy fast food (new opportunity) is the key to losing weight (desire) and it’s attainable only through a diet based on Subway sandwiches (new mechanism).

Investing in private companies before they go public (new opportunity) is the key to making the
biggest gains in the stock market (desire) and it’s attainable only through the secret IPO account I uncovered (new mechanism).

And here’s the one belief for my copy method:
Following a copy system that provides clarity, purpose, and structure (new opportunity) is the key to writing converting copy in no time (desire) and it’s attainable only through the 16-word sales letter™ (new mechanism).

The first question to answer:

Question #1: How is this different from everything else I’ve ever seen?

That’s why your USP should always be in your headline and at the beginning of your sales letter. The new opportunity needs to feel like a breakthrough. It needs to feel like you just figured something out, and you’re revealing what you discovered to the reader.

It could be a new cure, a new way of losing weight, a new way of making money, a new business
model, etc.

In the financial niche, I’ve written about a new law, a new loophole, a new threat, a new prediction, a new discovery, a new conspiracy, a new political
scandal, a new trading system, etc.

Here’s how I started the first sales letter I wrote using this method (the one that has sold more than $30 mil):

“Hi, I’m Alan Knuckman.

I’ll introduce myself fully in just a moment.

But right now I want you to look at this piece of paper I’m holding in my hand.

It’s patent application # D0365193.

It was filed with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect the invention of a
powerful NEW market indicator…

The ONLY indicator in the world that can tip you off about impending big market news…

BEFORE the news becomes public.”

Notice how I begin the letter by explaining why this is different from everything else they’ve seen in the past. It has to be truly unique. Once you answer that question, your prospect’s brain will be filled with dopamine.

Question #2: What’s in it for me?

So put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself “what promise can I make here at the
beginning of my letter that will get my customer salivating?”

The big promise must be tied to your customer’s key desires.

In the health space, it could be “lose up to 20 pounds a month eating nothing but donuts and pizza.”

In the biz op space it could be “make $10,000 a month online without having to build a website, hire a copywriter, or even develop a product.”

And here’s a section of one of my sales letters with the big promise: “I call it the “weekly paycheck indicator” because it gives you the chance to collect a BIG Paycheck of $10,200 or more… Every. Single. Week.”

Make that big promise in the first page of your letter. Because that will probably be the only chance you’ll have to make an emotional impact.

Question #3: How do I know this is real?

Show proof:
historical charts
third-party quotes
case studies
before & after pictures

Wrap up the proof in an ABT structure.


Replace “and” with either “but” or “therefore” … this happens, THEREFORE this happens BUT this happens.

And – sets up the background, gives momentum to the store
But – creates conflict, adding tension that good stories require
Therefore – gives the story a conclusion

No wonder Hollywood screenwriters often follow that format when writing their logline maker, a
short description of the concept.

Here’s an example of a logline: A young man meets a crazy scientist and travels to the past in a time machine and meets his future parents. But he accidently distracts his mother from noticing and falling in love with his father. Therefore, he is forced to bring them together or he will cease to exist.

Notice that whatever follows after “but” is what really makes the story good. It’s all about the tension.

This ABT format is effective because we are hardwired for storytelling. Just like our brains are wired to pay attention to new things, they’re also wired to receive information in the ABT format.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In storytelling, replace “and” with “but” or “therefore”

Bob went to the story and bought some bread and tomatoes and tea.

Bob went to the store but on his way, noticed Sally outside the movie theatre.

Bob went to the store but on his way, noticed Sally outside the movie theatre. She invited him to go see a new movie with her and said she had an extra ticket, so (therefore) Bob joined her to watch a movie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When writing sales letters, instead of just citing scientific or anecdotal results, tell the story of the scientific discovery.

Here’s an example from a successful health promotion written by Paul Amos, one of the best in
the business:

“In the 1930s and 1940s, Dr. Warburg’s experiments on cellular respiration… the way our cells use oxygen for energy… revealed something ASTONISHING.

In order to survive, cancer cells function in a way completely unlike that of
regular cells.

They actually use a different cellular ‘fuel’ than healthy cells normally use…

And if you simply ‘shut off’ this fuel supply, cancer cells die.

But because regular cells don’t have to use this ‘fuel’… they aren’t affected at all.

The cancer cells die … almost immediately … and regular cells continue to stay healthy.”

A narrative is much more interesting.

Question #4: What’s holding me back?

In this scenario, you’re telling your customers the reason they failed in the past is that all the solutions they tried never addressed the real problem.

But now, there’s finally a new solution that addresses the real problem.

It’s all about giving your prospect hope.

This is, essentially, what you are selling.

Without hope, your prospect is unlikely to buy.

So, offer hope in order to get your prospect to buy.

Here’s an example:

If you’ve tried to cut calories …
If you’ve tried going to the gym …
If you’ve tried subscription shakes that taste like chalk …
If you’ve tried the keto-of-the-month diet …

If you’ve tried some or all of these tactics
to lose weight, and failed, it’s not your fault!

You probably have a (problem) malfunctioning metabolism …

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A new solution to weight loss
Thanks to recently discovered “metabolic correction” switch
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You’re revealing the real problem, the problem that can be solved by your new mechanism.

You plant seeds of hope in your prospects’ minds by telling them, indirectly, that they’ve failed because they didn’t have what you were offering.

Question #5: Who/What is to blame?

Here’s how I set up the rigged game on Wall Street as the common enemy in one of my sales

“Remember that famous line from the movie Wall Street…

When trader Gordon Gecko said…

‘You’re either on the inside or the outside.’

Well, everyday investors like you and me have always been ‘on the outside’…

I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, right?

Only insiders with access to special information were able to profit from those BIG one-day moves.

The little guy was simply left out of those big gains.

That rigged-game ends today….”

Question #6: Why now?

Typically, when someone feels like they are trying to be persuaded, there are four levels of resistance.
1. Reactance – they feel like their freedom to choose or act is being limited
2. Distrust – they feel skeptical of any claims being made
3. Scrutiny – prospect needs to see proof
4. Inertia – staying put is easier than acting on something

Plant seeds in your prospect’s head that he’s facing an “either-or” situation.

Either you act now, or you miss out on an incredible opportunity.

Raise the stakes.

“In fact, I want you to mark October 26 on your calendar …

Because this single event is about to catapult cryptocurrencies into the third and most explosive stage of the boom.

I am certain that Amazon will accept Bitcoin.

They have no choice.

And this will be the tipping point that will creative massive generational wealth unlike we’ve ever seen before.

Given the company’s history of staying ahead of its retail rivals …

Amazon could make the accouncment as early as October 26, at 4 p.m., during its next earnings conference call.

Which is why you need to act RIGHT NOW.

Once they make this announcement, the impact on cryptocurrencies will be huge.

We’ll see a buying frenzy like never before.

It’ll be like a Black Friday crowd at Best Buy.

Only those who get in early will get the good deal.

Most people will be left out.

That’s why I urge you to get in right now …

Get ahead of the crowd …

Ahead of the massive buying frenzy that will push crypocurrencies straight up.”

Question 7: Why should I trust you?

Three main storylines that help establish trust and authority and maybe even credibility.

1. The “I’ve been in your shoes” storyline – “You’re not alone. I was there, too.”

I started with very little money and probably even less knowledge.

Then, I discovered (mechanism). This (mechanism) was perfect for me, someone who wanted (results) but coudn’t seem to get them, no matter what I did.

That’s the beauty of (this mechanism). You can (get results, build an audience, make money, attract the love of your life, etc) fast.

Look what happened to (testimonial person/case study).

When he started following my strategy a few years ago, he was (struggle state). He was (struggle state job/situation). Today, he’s (success state/multimillionaire.) If he can do it, so can you.

Also, consider this … if I, a college dropout, can do this, so can you.

2. The Robin Hood Storyline

As you know, the folkloric hero Robin Hood is a noble outlaw in Sherwood Forest who fights the
oppressive evil of King John by robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. In this storyline, you will be “stealing” a secret from the rich and giving it to the reader.

This works even better if you accidently stumbled into a secret “they didn’t want you to know.”
And now for the first time ever you’re blowing the whistle to level the playing field.

Here’s something I’ve used in one of my sales letters:

“I’ve spent most of my adult life trading derivatives on Wall Street.

As a 22-year old kid, I was already trading $100 million accounts….

After that, the stakes only got higher.

At one point, I was personally makingmillions of dollars per year…

Going on annual ski trip to Switzerland, where I stayed at billionaire Richard Branson’s

Attending lavish events, like the Grand Prix in Monaco… even the Kill Bill premiere in Cannes.

If you’ve watched the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, you get the idea.

But no matter how much money I made…

I wasn’t happy working on Wall Street.

Helping the rich getting richer and watching bankers screw the little guy wasn’t fulfilling.

So after years of seeing the rotten machine from the inside…

I had finally had enough…

And decided to leave everything behind.

But here’s what’s important…

When I left Wall Street I took an income secret with me…

One that I’ve never revealed to anyone until today….”

3. The Expert Storyline

If you can’t use “I’ve been in your shoes” or Robin Hood storylines, then your next best option is to position your main character as a guru by talking about his expertise. That includes books, TV appearances, experience, or any accomplishments that proves expertise in the field.

Here’s an example from one of my sales letters: “I started my trading career in 1991,
when I joined the Chicago Board of Trade right out of college.

And I’ve spent the last 25 years on the trading floor…

Working through the ranks… from being a runner, phone clerk and broker…

All the way up to becoming a professional trader…

And a member of the Chicago Board of Trade…

Where I traded my own account on the floor…

And competed with the world’s best traders.

You might have seen me on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, and other major financial

Where I’m frequently invited to sharemy views on the market.”

These storylines are not mutually exclusive.

You can mix and match them when appropriate to make the story even more powerful. Once your
prospect knows, trusts, and likes you, by this point they should be emotionally sold.

I know I’ve covered a lot of ground so far. But on average I answer all these first seven question in the first 1/3 of the sales letter. Once the emotional sale is done, you’re going to help your prospects justify their decision with solid logic.

It’s time to show them how your new mechanism actually works.

Question 8: How does it work?

Reveal how the new mechanism works.

If you can do that by exploring an existing belief (like Dr. Brinkley did), it will make your copy stronger.

Your prospect needs to understand exactly how your new mechanism gives him the end result you’re
promising. The key here is to remember that this proof and the explanation of your mechanism are also copy. As such, they cannot be boring.

If you wrap the explanation of the mechanism in an ABT (And, But, Therefore) storytelling frame, your copy will be much easier for the reader to consume.

Here’s how I answered that question in one of my sales letters that talked about a new tax law that would trigger repatriation of money.

That repatriation was my new mechanism.

And I called it the “cash for patriots program.”

My prospects were conservatives who already believed Trump was trying to do everything he could to “make America great again.”

Here’s the copy:

“There are literally trillions of dollars at stake.

I’m talking about $27,718 on average for every American taxpayer.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, it’s important that you first understand where all this money is coming from.

The first thing you should know is that it doesn’t come from the U.S. government.

Even though this is a government program, the money comes from the private sector.

The Trump administration is simply creating the conditions to unleash $2.6 trillion into the hands of everyday Americans.

You see, because the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency…

Other countries around the world also use our currency.

For that reason, there are trillions of dollars circulating outside the U.S.

And the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) has identified a stash of $2.6 trillion … mostly hiding in Ireland.

Trump’s plan is designed to bring some of the cash back home.

In a recent speech to the Detroit Economic Club he said his administration will ‘bring back trillions of dollars that is now parked overseas.’

He believes that’s money that belongs to American patriots.

It’s part of his ‘America comes first’ philosophy.

Why leave all the cash outside the U.S. if it can come home and help our citizens?

It’s hard to argue with that argument.

In fact, BOTH Democrats and Republicans agree it’s a good idea.

As Bloomberg says, ‘[the cash for patriots program] may be one of the few things Republicans and Democrats can agree on.”

Once you show your prospect how your new mechanism works, they’re likely ready to buy. Once they “see” how it works, they are likely pre-sold.

Your new opportunity is the key to their desire. And it’s only available through your new mechanism.

Now, you just need to make an easy-to-accept, irresistible offer.

Question 9: How can I get started?

Put together an offer that is so good, that offers a lot of value.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This way, you can frame the “cost” or “price” as “an investment”.

“Think $997 dollars is too much?

Well, that $997 dolars will eventually disappear one way or another.

Probably faster than you imagined.

But the opportunity to change your life for the better, to get the financial freedom and travel/location freedom you’ve always been dreaming about, might not come around again.

The opportunity to change your life may be one click away …

Click the “Buy Now” button below to get immediate access to these proven techniques that you can use to make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world!”

Remember … the money will come and go. Your chance to change your life for the better might not be here when you return. Think about it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. Create the perception of value by comparing it with a high-priced product that offers a similar solution.
2. Use scarcity by limiting the number of e-books, attendees, members in order to provide more value for each member by answering their questions faster, and also keeping the membership level exclusive so those who are enrolled will feel the responsibility and significance that accompanies being part of an exclusive group. You could use scarcity selling a limited number of e-books and/or access to video training modules, in order to keep the competition at minimum. Otherwise, the marketplace might be flooded and too competitive.
3. Add bonus gifts

Put together a value-stack of products. Show the value of each product, then add them all up. The goal is to show a huge value that makes your final price offer look like a total give away.

Question #10: What do I have to lose?

Oren Klaff likes to say, “people want what they can’t have, they chase what moves away from them, and they only value that which they pay for.”

Here’s how I closed one of my letters:

“Look, you’ve seen how you could have made weekend profits of $8,780, $9,100 or even $15,820 …

All by using my simple weekend strategy.

You saw how people who are following my strategy are already making a quick fortune on the weekends…

I’ve negotiated a special charter membership offer with a one-time $2,000 discount …

With a performance guarantee that fully covers the price of your subscription.

Now it’s time for a decision.

The Way I See It You Have Three Options …

Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you already have enough to retire and you’re not worried about running out of money
during your golden years …

Then maybe you don’t need this weekend strategy.

But if you’d like to make some extra income on the weekends, that leaves you with two other options …

Option #2: Do it yourself.

You can try to keep track of all the millions of financial news and blog posts that are published every day…

Then try to analyze all the 1,887 stocks that are currently trading below $5 …

And hope you’ll pick the right one … the one that could pay you a fortune on Monday.

If you’re willing to work hard and spend hours in front of your computer, you might be able to pull it off.

Option #3: Let me do the heavy lifting for you

I’ll put my proven news filtering system to work for you.

I’ll do the legwork and send you my research and video alerts.

All you need to do is read my research and place the trade on a Friday if you decide to invest…

Go enjoy your weekend…

Then come back on Monday to collect your profits.

Of these three options, ask yourself …

What’s Going to Be Easier for You?

You see, there are two types of people in this world …

Those who only dream about achieving their financial goals without ever taking any action to make it happen …

And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Most people will tell you they want to retire rich.

But we both know very few actually make it happen.

It’s a natural law of financial wealth …

The classic tale of the willful and the wishful.

Most people will keep dreaming …

While the few who are actually serious about their financial future will take action.

Since you’ve watched my entire presentation this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones …

One of the 250 people I’m looking for.

If I’m right and you’re still with me …

I’m ready to send you that email with the subject line: The Weekend Trade that Could Pay You $6,250 Next Monday.

Only you can decide.”

Notice how I only presented the options, without trying to convince the prospect which one he
should choose. I’ve created the illusion that he’s in control.

Then I painted the picture that nothing would change in his life if he didn’t act. But I did that without being needy. Instead, I created the impression that I couldn’t care less what he decides to do.

That’s how you want to finish the letter.

Remember, people chase what moves away from them.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Putting it all together

“The secret to converting copy is to define the one belief, then answer these ten questions.”

Here’s the one belief …

This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s attainable only through my new mechanism.

Here are the ten questions …

1: How is this different from everything else I’ve seen?

2: What’s in it for me?

3: How do I know this is real?

4: What’s holding me back?

5: Who/What is to blame?

6: Why now?

7: Why should I trust you?

8: How does it work?

9: How can I get started?

10: What do I have to lose?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Secret #1: Email Marketing Strategy
Add videos (done by others, credit them with source to video beneath video) to your blog posts. Wrap your blog around helpful content, that includes someone else’s video. In your email sequence, add the link to your blog post with someone else’s video. (Email marketing)

Secret #2: Video Affiliate Strategy
Credit goes to Miles Beckler for sharing this strategy in one of his videos.
“Free Video Reveals how to (get result) without (struggle/pain)”
1. Set up a squeeze page with “Free Video reveals how to get (result) without (pain)!
Sign in with your Name & Email to watch the video”
2. Once they sign in, they are on your email subscriber list, and they get redirected to your affiliate link page with video.
3. This way, if they buy the product, you get a commission, and they are on your list. If they do not buy your product, they are still on your list.

Secret #3: Vidjack Reloaded Strategy (Vidjack.com)
Buy Vidjack Reloaded Unlimited.
Get someone’s video on YouTube or your own video.
Using Vidjack Reloaded, embed video on your website, add opt-in to build list.
You can share parts of video and when you get to good part, big reveal, they have to sign in to get … great for
Gym owners
Physical therapists
Anyone revealing helpful content

Secret #4: Upviral strategy
Offer a valuable digital product but in order to get it, they have to share with 3 other people. And to get the digital product, they have to log-in with name & email, then share it with 3 other people. This can help grow your list fast.

Bonus Strategy: Sign in with your name & best email and you’ll be automatically entered to win a complimentary product, PDF with information related to product, complimentary PDF, complimentary video course on how to use product or PDF, t-shirt, etc. Once you get 1,000 emails pick a winner. Add the collected emails to email sequence and value ladder.

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How to get 100 subscribers on your email list per day
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554957
1. Create multiple entry points (YouTube, Facebook (personal, page, group), Instagram, Pinterest, blog, squeeze page, podcast – recommend YouTube and Instagram)
2. Create a simple landing page with a lead magnet that offers a clear benefit. The design is less important than the offer and the benefit.

How to convert new leads into customers
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554958
1. Right after the opt-in, take them to your sales page

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1. gmail account
2. set up a Google Business listing (videos under 60-seconds, pictures, comments). Link “action button” to website squeeze page or phone number.
3. set up Instagram account
4. set up YouTube account
5. set up Pinterest account
6. set up Facebook page or Facebook group. if possible, connect with Instagram.
7. set up Facebook personal page for photography. If possible, conntect with Instagram.
8. Use the same gmail account for all of the above
9. Have all of the above have a simple Call To Action that encourages them to visit your squeeze page to get their name and email

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

How to convert new leads into customers
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554958
1. irresistible offer
2. upsells after the purchase of the irresistible offer
3. relaunch for one week to two weeks to sell the main offer
note: You can use a deadline offer with a “timer” in order to set into motion a “timefuse” that incites people to buy using “scarcity” and “Fear Of Missing Out” aka “FOMO”

How to make sales every week
source: https://rmif.systeme.io/course/r6ccf394/lecture/554963

1. Offer one promotion per month
2. Set up a schedule for your promotions
3. Sell products from $27 to $197
– #1 email: opportunity, explaining the main benefit of your offer, something new & unique
– #2 email: short email with FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about the product or course
– #3 email: include a link to the first part of the course for free
– #4 email: case study sharing review and/or testimonial
note: get case studies by offering course for discount or free in exchange for review

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video: The fastest way to make money online … Virtual Real Estate Secrets
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNZ_1Tl2m9s

Make Money Online with Virtual Real Estate
Discover the Ten-Step Action Plan you can use to find, buy, and flip websites for fun & profit

1. Research websites for sale
2. Identify websites that can use a boost in an area that 1) you are skilled with 2) you can outsource for a reasonable price.
3. Research competitor websites that are successful and seek to indentify the “gaps” that the “website for sale” needs in order to serve the customer or client better by offering a clear benefit, one with results that are measurable and specific, and by offering a high value offer, an almost-irresistible offer wherein you bundle valuable content (moreso than your competitors)
4. Buy the website
5. Fill in the gaps. Plug the leaks. Create an “leakproof” (leaking customers) and “waterproof” (protecting customers, in doing so, turning them into clients (someone you protect)), and “reliable” (trusted authority in your field) and “safe” (offering a guarantee on your products and/or services) website
6. Maintain the website. Set goals with clear, specific, measurable results.
7. Build your audience. Build your profits.
8. Hire trustworthy virtual assistants to keep the profits running on semi-autopilot.
9. Repeat steps #1 – #8 with websites-for-sale in a variety of categories/areas/markets
10. Continue to run or operate website or sell it for a profit

Lead Magnet (PDF): The Ten-Step Action Plan you can use to Make Money with Virtual Real Estate

Upsell: The Ten-Step Action Plan step-by-step video course – $37

Upsell: The Ten-Step Action Plan step-by-step video course + Bonus Bundle – $97
Fill-in-the-Blank Email Template
The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprint
The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint
The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprint

Two places to find websites for sale:

1. Flippa – flippa.com

2. Shopify Exchange – https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/your-account/exchange

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Freedom Phone
unshackle yourself
from the tyranny of surveillance (and data mining)
with a phone so dumb, it’s unhackable

Freedom Phone
unshackle yourself from the tyranny of surveillance (and data mining)
our phone is so dumb, it’s unhackable

– reduces 90% of robocalls
– 37% of communication is voice tone and inflection (no second-guessing caller’s intent)
– save time not having to text or check worthless social media
– finally, a phone for people who prefer talking over texting

commercial: people walking into coffeehouse, getting call, saying hello
end commerical where everyone is “frozen” in place, as credits go up
do commerical with 80’s-style VHS filter – this is likely to appeal to people who grew up in the 1980’s, those who wonder what it was like, and the “Stranger Things” audience
this will also appeal to people who value time and personal freedom

ideal customer

notes from Frank Kern “Mass Conversion”

Defining your ideal customer

The money is in the value you provide to the list.

Our mission is to identify the characteristics of
people who are likely to buy
people who are not likely to buy

Be magnetic to buyers and repulsive to non-buyers

Getting into the mind of your prospect

surface desire – what they want (making money online, losing weight, etc)

core desire – “If I could just … ” (quit my job, fit into the clothes I used to wear)

beginners – If I could just quit my job

core desire: Freedom – make money online
Get the financial freedom and time freedom you’ve been dreaming about!

core desire: Confidence – lose weight
Finally, get your confidence back, feel comfortable in clothes, feel comfortable and attractive/sexy in your own body!

Get the Financial Freedom you’ve been dreaming about

– Standing for something makes you magnetic to buyers
– Being repulsive to non-buyers makes you magnetic to buyers

How are you being viewed by your target audience?
The foundation of your identity in the marketplace – what you stand for, what you stand against.

Be viewed as a celebrity & authority in your field.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Getting into the mind of your customer

Who is your customer/client avator?
A customer is someone you serve. A client is someone you protect. A person can be both a customer and a client. A client, however, is someone you protect on a journey that’s typically longer-term than a customer. (Lawyers refer to their clients.)

Magnetic to: (who this is for)
people who want freedom (emancipate yourself from boring job)
people who are looking to put in the work
people who can identify they resonate with, then put those strategies into motion by taking action

Repulsive to: (who this is not for)
biz-opp (business opportunity) seekers, those who chase shiny objects, thos who suffer from shiny object syndrome
lazy people who are unable or refuse to follow directions
people playing the victim, then blaming others

This is an E-book Bundle, a Video Training Module, and Action Plan all wrapped up into one. But, it’s more than that. It’s a system that provides you with the tools and knowledge to start making money online so you can live from anywhere in the world. The techniques and strategies revealed inside this Action Plan can give you financial freedom, time freedom, and travel/location freedom.

Who is your ideal customer? (This exercise enables you to create an identity for your ideal customer/client.)
appearance: what do they wear
white collar/blue collar:
relationship status: married, single, divorced, with children

Ideal customer avator:
name: Bob
gender: male
age: 45
appearance: short hair, wears collar shirt, khaki pants
occupation: insurance sales
physical description: 25 pounds overweight, wears glasses
white collar: considers himself white collar although he is more blue collar
relationship status: married with two children
biggest desire: to quit his $48k a year job, earn 4x the money, working 1/2 the hours, in order to spend more time with his family, and go on vacations with them
biggest problem: doesn’t know where to start, is getting information overload from all the YouTube ads

Once you have your ideal customer avator, your #1 focus is helping them get what they want.

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Building your Lead Magnet

We are going to solve a specific problem.

Specific problems are usually caused by an underlying condition.

For example, having no or low sales, the specific underlying problem might be:
1. low traffic
2. bad conversion
3. follow-up

The low sales/not making money online are usually a symptom of an underlying condition (above).

1. low traffic – free report reveals how to get more traffic so you can increase sales
2. bad conversion – free solution reveals top ten, high-converting opt-in templates and the step-by-step method on how you can use them to get more sales, make more money money, generate more leads
3. follow-up – free video report reveals how to create an automated email system to engage more of your subscribers so you can get more sales (includes video training, fill-in-the-blank email templates, and recommended tools to put your email sequence on autopilot so you can 10x your leads in 1/2 the time)

The leads from above goes to an ELO (Educational Liquidation Offer), a tutorial which is also a sales pitch that immediately establishes authority, goodwill and helps you to make a sale.

Next, they are put into a Behaviorial Dynamic Response (BDR) campaign

Then, they are put into an Ascension campaign (value ladder) email sequence

The Lead Magnet you offer is critical to attracting the right leads

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Building your Lead Magnet
some formulas

X ways to Y
5 ways to get more prospects
7 ways to make money online that are beginner-friendly
10 ways to increase your webpage conversion
3 ways to prepare delicious coffee you probably don’t know about
3 ways to make the best-tasting coffee you’ve ever had
4 things you can do to cure almost any disease (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to lose weight fast (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to get a flat stomach, fast (30 days to superpowers)
4 things you can do to look younger, fast (30 days to superpowers)
3 ways to attract the woman of your dreams
10 recipes to feed your kids even if all they want to eat is sugar
5 ways to attract more life insurance clients

X ways to Y in Z time
5 ways to lose 15 pounds in the next 2 weeks
3 ways to attract the woman of your dreams by the end of summer
3 ways to quadruple your customer/client list within 30 days (works for any business)
3 techniques that any restaurant can use to triple their revenue by the end of the month

X resources to help you Y
5 free resources that can help keep your WordPress site secure
3 resources for WordPress for those who are tired of the updates
3 resources for WordPress users who prefer the “classic” wordpress platform
4 things you can do to lose weight, fast (30 days to superpowers)
5 things you can do to fet a full night’s sleep (The Sleep Switch) (Sleep Solutions)
18 foods that you can eat to help you lose 3 pounds in 4 weeks
5 videos to help you build an email list
3 videos to help you generate mores sales
5 videos to help you land high-ticket clients for your digital marketing agency

X “Y” tips
15 tips for a flat stomach
5 strategies for a well-behaved dog (pug)

How to X without Y
How to lose 15 pounds without going to the gym
How to close high ticket sales without being pushy
How to build a website without knowing tech stuff
How to generate leads without relying on affiliates or joint ventures
How to generate traffic without spending a fortune

Combinations of these
7 ways to generate traffic without buying advertising
3 ways to shed weight without exercise in 2 weeks
3 ways to lose 7 pounds in the next month without going to the gym

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Use specifity (the numbered list) with specific results (10 pounds, quadruple your sales) with a specific time frame (2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 week)

The Format (for your Lead Magnet)
PDF works great
videos have high perceived value
PDF + video also good – 1 page meal plan reveals how to lose weight, 10 pounds in one month, without exercise – plus includes bonus videos for 5 slim-down meals you can fix yourself even if you’ve never set foot in a kitchen
Do whatever is easiest for you

The Format is not nearly as important as the title. What the Lead Magnet promises is what is important.

A Lead Magnet is something that gives them a solution to their problem very quickly.

A one-page checklist, a shortcut, a step-by-step formula, an action plan – immediate gratification, something that can consumed very quickly but still offers high value, an easy-to-implement solution.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 5: The Fast and Easy Way to Create your Lead Magnet Content
source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/mass-conversion/categories/74836/posts/194350

Situation Solution
no subscribers identify target audience, better copy, better offer, opt-in page templates
no one showing up reminder secquence, indoctrination sequence, scarcity, no replays
uncertainty process map, action plan, examples, system, blueprint, infographic
tech overwhelm website builders, systeme.io, clickfunnels, all-in-one systems
lack of confidence confidence-boosting exercises, step-by-step action plan, templates

Each one of the above can be a lead magnet, an Action Plan, Infographic, Video Training Module, A step-by-step video tutorial

Use the above “situation solution” formula to create multiple lead magnets

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 6: How to get other people to do the work for you!

Lead Magnet Big Picture Outline Worksheet. Lead Magnet name

Milestone Milestone Milestone Milestone

Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 6: How to get other people to do the work for you!


Lead Magnet Big Picture Outline Worksheet. Lead Magnet name: 5 Steps to Double Registrations

Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4
Better Targeted PPC Better page layout Page copy Email drops

Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints Checkpoints
competitive research don’t use out of box winning headlines smartbriefs
targeting leadpages curiosity bullets ezine directory
custom audiences megaphone reason why now Google search
campaign exampes templates for rate request

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Create a Lead Magnet based on each milestone.

For example:

1. 5 Opt-in Page Templates to Boost your Subscriber List
2. 37 Trigger Words to Get Readers Excited to Join your Email List
3. ClickFunnels versus Systeme versus Thrive Themes: An easy-to-read Comparison Review

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few ways to make Lead Magnets

1. make videos – video tutorials, whiteboard animations, screenshot capture
2. making a PDF report, one-page action plan, step-by-step action plan
3. record it to mp3, then transcribe it using an app or hiring someone at Fiverr

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Video 1: Unlikely designs that convert like crazy!

The Secret Psychology of
Why People Refer Real Estate
Agents … and How to Be The
ONLY One They Refer
Get My FREE Report

Free: 136 Page Workout
Book for Women!
International cover model and Mom, name,
is giving away a free 136-page training guide
with workouts and beauty tips for busy women.
Get yours here : )
Send Me The Book

Please note: Use a 2-step opt-in, wherein someone clicks the “Send Me The Book” and THEN a pop-up opt-in form appears for them to fill out their name and email. This micro-commitment that a 2-step opt-in form requires appears to make for a better opt-in rate.

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How to Script your VSL (Video Sales Letter)

Part 1: The setup
1. Begin by positioning as a tutorial
2. Ask them to grab a pen and paper
3. State what they are going to learn
4. give countdown

Part 2: Focus
1. Control focus by asking a “what if” question or series of them.
2. Begin painting a mental picture with opening statement “Imagine this scenario” and describe a scenario of them having financial freedom and time freedom and travel/location freedom
3. Imagine if … (result) … What if (result)
What if everytime you spoke with a beautiful woman, she expressed interest in you? What would it be like if everytime you talked to a beautiful woman, it was comfortable and easy?
– Ask what if question (result oriented)

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if suddenly you were in great demand, regardless of your price?

What if you became a celebrity (and authority) in your niche?

Part 3: Skepticism
1. Briefly address skepticism (Sound like a stretch? Sound too good to be true?)
2. Use the “feel, felt, found” formula.
I know exactly how you feel.
I used to feel the same way, until I found this unique system that I’m going to share with you right now.
Or, I felt the same way, until I found this simple formula/action plan that helped me (result).

Part 4: The Reveal
1. Reveal the “discovery” that helped you get the results you mentioned in the “found” section above
“I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way, until I discovered an incredible system that helped me to consistently (results) make sales without being hypy and while helping people. It’s called (name of discovery/product) and here’s how it works …
2. Not for everyone
“It worked really well for me but it did require about an hour a day, six days a week, for two months, before I saw results. For you, it may be quicker, it may be around the same time commitment, or it may require more hours. But please keep this in mind, as this will take a few hours a week and maybe a month or two to get started. If you’re unwilling to put in the time, this system/discovery is not for you.”
3. Please be honest.

Please Note: If you do not have reviews, offer the system/course for free or for a discount in exchange for honest reviews, video reviews, that you can use as testimonials and for a case study.

Part 5: The Tutorial
Teach as a means to demonstrate that you can help them, by actually helping them.
Teach 3 major/big picture things that helps them get the result they are after.
1. It sells better. It leads to a happier customer.
2. It is easier for the person giving the tutorial.
3. Maintain goodwill throughout the entire webinar experience.


Part 6: The Offer
1. A great formula for this is as follows.
2. Here’s what I got. Here’s what it’ll do for you. Here’s what I want you to do next.
3. A good transition into the offer is “What I just gave you is an overview of the exact same system I used to (get result) and now that you know what to do, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it. It’s called …
4. Introduce the product
– describe the components and benefits. “You can get X, so you can Y&Z.”
template: You’re gonna learn (#) ways so when you (try to do this) you can (get result) without (pain).
example: In module number one, you’re gonna learn 5 ways to start a conversation with a woman that doesn’t make you sound creepy so you can always be confident that when you go to approach a beautiful lady, she’s gonna be receptive to you and you won’t feel weird.”
please note: ” … so you can … “
5. give price: You can have it today for (price)
6. Call To Action
7. Guarantee
8. Add a deadline. “This usually costs $997, you can it for only $197, a $700-dollar savings, only available for those who have watched this webinar. I will not be displaying this offer again. This is only available to you right now.”
9. Tell the story of how you, or those who have purchased your product, used the product to get specific benefits.
10. This allows you to have the “buy button” in front of the viewer longer.

VSL (Video Sales Letter) Outline

Bonus: VSL Template and Walkthrough
download the PPT, take it into Google Docs or another editor, to delete Frank Kern’s copy
and repace it with your own

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I want to show you a three-step formula that’s working really well to ( ) so you can ( ).

I want to show you a three-step formula that’s working really well to make money with affiliate marketing so you can finally start making money online.

I want to show you a three-step formula that’s working really well to build your subscriber list so you can finally build a bigger audience in order to make more money online.

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VSL (Video Sales Letter) Template and Walkthrough

Part 2: Focus:
1. Begin painting a mental picture with the opening statement “Imagine this scenario …”
2. Control focus by asking a “what if” question or series of them.
3. Make question results oriented.

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if everytime you (goal) you felt/got (positive result) instead of (current feelings/struggle)

What if everytime you approached a beautiful woman, you felt confident instead of insecure?

What if you were suddently recognized as a global expert and authority in your field!

What if suddenly you were in great demand, regardless of your price?

What if you became a celebrity (and authority) in your niche?

Part 3: Skepticism
1. Briefly address skepticism (Sound like a stretch? Sound too good to be true?)
2. Use the “feel, felt, found” formula.
I know exactly how you feel.
I used to feel the same way, until I found this unique system that I’m going to share with you right now.
Or, I felt the same way, until I found this simple formula/action plan that helped me (result).

Sound like a stretch?

I used to think so to …

until it happened to me.

In the past few years, I’ve sold over (#) (thousand/million) dollars between my own products and services and the promotions I’ve created for clients. (If I can do it, so can you.)

In the past few years, I’ve made (#) (thousand/million) dollars selling my course/bundle/training to hundreds of clients who’ve gone on to make hundreds-of-thousands, and even millions in some cases, of dollars online. (If they can do it, so can you.)

Sound like a stretch?

I used to think so, until it happened to me.

In the past few years, I’ve gone from overweight, unwashed, terribly shy introvert who suffered from crippling social anxiety and had a panic attack at the mere sight or thought of a beautiful woman to feeling confident, outgoing, physically fit and ultimately meeting the love of my life who I’m happy to call now my wife and mother of my child.

Regardless of what it is, we want to do that quick “feel, felt, found” scenario.

I’ve also used the exact same thing I’m about to show you to become the world’s most sought after and highest paid (category/niche) to the (market/audience) industry.

I’ve also used the exact same thing I’m about to show you to become the world’s most sought after and highest paid direct response internet marketing copywriter and consultant to the information and education marketing industry.

Part 4: The Reveal
Reveal the “discovery” that helped you get the results mentioned in the “found” section above

The thing that got me there is (product name)

The thing that got me there is “Video NLP”

(Show pictures that show you using your product and getting results, having fun, getting results, experiencing success.)

I’ve used “Video NLP” and made all kinds of videos, ranging from live action videos that mimic reality TV shows to funny videos where I play pranks on my friends and bring viewers along fro the ride, very serious pre-launch videos that establish celebrity and authority and maintain goodwill and unltimately lead to sales, and even simple videos like direct-to-camera, and even videos that are voiceover powerpoint presentations like the one you’re watching now.

Keep it simple.

Do not bog it down with details.

Part 5: The Tutorial

This is where you begin teaching as a means to demonstrate you can help them, by actually helping them.

Everyone knows that videos work …

If you do them right

In order to do them right, you need to follow a proven formula

In fact, if you’re doing videos now … and you’re not getting the results you want, it probably has nothing to do with the way the video looks.

And it has nothing to do with how fancy it is

Or how cool the special effects are

Or what kind of equipment you use

(by setting up this “pre-frame” you are helping to overcome skepticism by deflecting concerns)

Because at the end of the day, it’s now how your video looks or even what you say

it’s all in how you say it

And there’s a formula for saying it right.

Here it is:

Step 1: Pattern interrupt

Your prospects are bombarded with distractions more than ever before

You and I are probably on the same email lists, with emails, phone calls, incoming texts, and those annoying YouTube ads where big promises are being made by people sitting in jets, that are probably rented and still on the ground

We’re bombarded with spammy ads to the point we’re almost immune to it

Well, your prospects are no different

In fact, it might be worse for them than it is for us.

In fact, your video has just 9 seconds to live.

That’s right.

In the first 9 seconds, you have to grab their attention and you have to “sell” them on watching the next segment of your video

And a great way to interrupt their pattern and get their attention is to control one thing

Control their focus

And a great way to change someone’s focus is to …

Ask them a question


Because it’s pretty much impossible for the brain to ignore a question

And it sets you up for part two of the formula

The Payoff

People want and need a benefit from watching your video

(We are living in what’s been called the “attention economy” wherein people’s attention is a kind-of currency, or unit or store of value. When someone gives you their attention, they are paying you with their attention. That’s why we call it “paying attention”. Before they decide to pay you with their attention, they need to determine whether the “payoff” will be worth their attention.)

The trick is to write, star in, or narrate videos about …

One thing and one thing only.

It’s not you. It’s not your product or service. It’s not their problems.

It is THEM.

Simple tips on how to do this:

1. You want to talk more about them than about yourself.

2. You want to talk more about their desired outcome than your stuff.

Your video should be ultimately about them and their desired outcome.

Right now, you’re probably watching this because you want more (result/category of product/service)

Because, usually, that’s in the forefront of your brains, isn’t it?

(You’re paying with your attention in order to get a specific desired outcome or result.)

(Are you getting this?)

(By now, you’re probably wondering, how can I find out more about this formula that I can use to build a bigger audience, get more leads, and generate more profits?)

Your prospects are no different.

They’re usually thinking about the main thing they want.

And the more we can speak to that desire and show them, prove to them we can help them by actually helping them, the more sales and trust that we’ll get in the long run.

So, what you want to do, is you want to show them what their desired outcome looks like, then

Educate them on how to get there.

(In NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, this is called “future pacing”, wherein we use words and phrases like “Imagine if” or “What if” and then paing a picture of what life could be like)

That’s the payoff for the viewer.

Once we’ve done that, then it’s time for step 3

Step 3: Call to Action

Every video should have a purpose

It should be to make a sale or to pre-sell or pre-frame an offer, your offer or an affiliate offer

or to generate anticipation for a launch or to get an opt-in

Whatever it is, ask for it!

Give them a beneficial reason why they should take that Call to Action right now

As simple as it is, the same three-step formula has helped me to sell over $50 million dollars of products and services online for myself and my clients

And now that you now what to do, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.

Part 6: The Offer

A great formula for this is as follows:

Here’s what I got, here’s what it’ll do for you, here’s what I want you to do next.

A good transition into the offer is, “What I just gave you is an overview of the exact same system I used to (get results) … and now that you know what to do, I’m goig to show you exactly how to do it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Introduce product
Describe components and benefits. “You get X so you can Y and Z.”
Give price.
Give Call to Action.
Give guarantee.
Give deadline (very simple if this a One Time Offer after registration)

If you want to get fancy, tell story of how you used product to get specific benefit at this stage. You’ll see how to do it on slide 86.

This allows you to have a “buy button” in front of the viewer longer.

“Video Black Box” (product name)

“Copywriting Black Box”

“Online Moneymaking Blackbox”

“Moneymaking Blackbox”

“Online Profits Machine Black Box”

“Bulletproof Body Secrets”

“Bulletproof Business Secrets”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘

And now that you know what to do, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.

I’ve created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting videos that sell, generate response and generate followers

(I’ve created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting (opt-in forms, squeeze pages, landing pages, email sequences, e-books, mindset strategies, mindset techniques, diet hacks, diet strategies, sales and marketing copywriting techniques, relationship action plan, video sales modules) that generate (results) within (#) (days)) This done-for-you solution offers a step-by-step action plan, in the form of a PDF and also in the form of Video Training Modules that you can use to get the results you’ve been dreaming about faster than you ever thought possible.

I’ve created a brand new training exclusively on how to make high-impact, high-converting videos that sell, generate response and generate followers

It’s called Video Black Box

You can use it to make

Sales Videos – to generate more sales for your products or services

Celebrity Creation Videos – so you can establish yourself as a trusted authority to reach a wider audience

Launch Anticipation Videos – so when your product launches, you get more sales and make more money

Goodwill Videos – so you can build more desire and trust in your marketplace so, ultimately, they will continue to buy from you more and more, because everyone knows that, to a degree, our income is directly proportional to the amount of goodwill we have with our prospects and customers

Opt-in Videos – so you can convert better on your opt-in page, get more leads, and generate more sales

Overall, you can do this so you can
1. get a higher conversion on your opt-in page
2. generate more leads
3. get more sales
4. make more money online with your products or services

You can have it today for just (price)

source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/mass-conversion/categories/74844/posts/194385
– add video with story of how you used product to get good results
– in video, share your “hero” story of how you used the product to get success or how your customers used product to get success
– essentially, the video is sharing a testimonial
– under the video, display the Buy Now button

Share your story or customer testimonial story to show successful results.

And now I’m giving it to you.

But, it gets better.

Go ahead and take this entire training and put it to work for you and see if it works in your business.

‘Cuz after all, I’m not psychic. I know that my results (or customer testimonial results) may be unique. And I know that everyone watching this who gets it is probably not going to make (money amount). Some people might not have any luck at all. But, we never know until we try.

So what I want you to do, is I want you to try it on me. I want to take all the risk. Here it is.

Take the entire course.

Put everything to work.

And use videos in your marketing. (And use these techniques and strategies for yourself.)

If, at any time, you find it wasn’t worth the money or you didn’t get the results you expected, let me know.

I’ll immediately give you a refund, but you can still keep everything for free.

Now, listen, the price is normally $2,997 dollars, but you can have it today for just one low payment of $997 dollars.

(Now, listen, the price is normally $997 dollars, but because you trusted me with your name and email and watched this webinar, you can have it today for only $97 dollars. That’s a whopping $900 dollars off the price of this course and video training module series.)

Claim your copy now, and save over $2,000 dollars.

(So, claim your copy now, and save over (#) dollars.)

With the discount and the “love it or keep it fee” guarantee, you simply cannot lose.

Click the button below and get started today.

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Getting your Video Online


Wistia – Frank Kern recommends Wistia



– try VidJack Reloaded Unlimited
– add, if possible, a “share to unlock additional content”
– add an opt-in form on the video
– share your affiliate link for VidJack Reloaded Unlimited with Frank Kern

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Opt In Page: The 2-Step

Opt in page: The Reverse Squeeze

“This template CRUSHED it for me in my promotions for this very course.

The Reverse Squeeze is a video opt in …with a twist.

What you do is you make the video something that ….in and of itself …is valuable to the viewer.

Then your “pitch” is for them to opt in to get MORE helpful stuff that will further move them towards achieving thier desired outcome.

In my promotion for this class, my reverse squeeze video showed the viewer a classic ad method that brought in billions, and the offer was that in exchange for their email address, I’d also send them a template, a swipe file of additional winning ads, and another case study.

And that’s how you want to position yours.

Essentially, “Here’s a video that will help you immediately …and if you’d like MORE stuff that’ll help you even MORE, just enter your email and tell me where to send it.”

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Opt In Page #4: The Ogilvy

A long form opt-in page – A long form sales page with opt-in form near beginning, near
the middle, and at the end.

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Q&A Call – June Class

Q&A Video – June Class

Q&A Call – August Class

Stragglers! August Class

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Module 3: Creating Your Dynamic Campaigns

1. Opt-In
Offer a Lead Magnet (something of value)
for their name & email

2. Once they opt-in, present them with a One Time Offer (special offer at discount price)

3. If they do not take the One Time Offer, you can send me on a separate email sequence that nurtures the relationship, adds value, creates goodwill, and establishes yourself as an authority or “researcher” in your area. Every few email, present them an offer, with bonus add-ons because they are one of your valued email subscribers, they trusted you with their contact information, and it’s the least you can to reward them for trusting you and staying subscribed.

Also you can send them helpful articles, articles that you found helpful, even if they are not your own. How? By adding that video to your blog post, then including the link to your blog post, with someone else’s video, within your email campaign.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Secret #1: Email Marketing Strategy
Add videos (done by others, credit them with source to video beneath video) to your blog posts. Wrap your blog around helpful content, that includes someone else’s video. In your email sequence, add the link to your blog post with someone else’s video. (Email marketing)

Secret #2: Video Affiliate Strategy
Credit goes to Miles Beckler for sharing this strategy in one of his videos.
“Free Video Reveals how to (get result) without (struggle/pain)”
1. Set up a squeeze page with “Free Video reveals how to get (result) without (pain)!
Sign in with your Name & Email to watch the video”
2. Once they sign in, they are on your email subscriber list, and they get redirected to your affiliate link page with video.
3. This way, if they buy the product, you get a commission, and they are on your list. If they do not buy your product, they are still on your list.

Secret #3: Vidjack Reloaded Strategy
Buy Vidjack Reloaded Unlimited.
Get someone’s video on YouTube or your own video.
Using Vidjack Reloaded, embed video on your website, add opt-in to build list.
You can share parts of video and when you get to good part, big reveal, they have to sign in to get … great for
Gym owners
Physical therapists
Anyone revealing helpful content

Secret #4: Upviral strategy
Offer a valuable digital product but in order to get it, they have to share with 3 other people. And to get the digital product, they have to log-in with name & email, then share it with 3 other people. This can help grow your list fast.

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The Blueprint and the Keys to your Prospects Buying Behaviors

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The Magnet

Exploit the “moving towards” motivator that causes people to naturally gravitate towards an outcome they believe to be favorable.

An obvious example of this would be “Buy this to lose 10 pounds.”

However, that blatant and overt approach often gets picked up by the “sales radar”.

It’s better to use something that is more subtle, that flies under the sales radar, creates trust and desire, and adds value before the sale.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Secret Sauce for the Magnet Switch

R.I.A. – Results In Advance

1.4 million in 4 hours

It creates the “Snausage Effect”, which is one of the most powerful and profitable reactions to marketing that you could ever generate.

We need to move from “just another marketer” to “trusted advisor” and “friend”

1. When someone joins your list and gets your lead magnet, they are at point A.
2. Their goal is to get to point B.

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In order to get from point A to point B, they have to travel through certain milestones.

Essentially, the milestones are specific tasks, combination of Video Training Modules and/or PDF’s, that allow the person to build their skillset.

As they accomplish each milestone and build on their skills, their confidence grows.

By helping them to accomplish their goals and grow their confidence, you are building your rapport with them, as they begin to know, like, and trust you.

#1 – Eliminate the fear of taking action
#2 – Open up a dialogue
#3 – Establishing a rapport
#4 – Setting a commitment to meet
#5 – Meet and talk and offer a consulting package

What you want to do is to give them everything they can to help them pass through every one of those milestones in sequence.

As they accomplish each milestone and build on their skills, their confidence grows.

By helping them to accomplish their goals and grow their confidence, you are building your rapport with them, as they begin to know, like, and trust you.

With the milestones, put together a video, a kind-of Video Training Module that shows people how to get the result they need. Then, on the video, pitch the PDF or special Video Training that helps them get their result, only this training is something they pay for.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


For the Milestone Series, give an overview of how to do it. For this, you can use powerpoint slides with the step-by-step action plan and some corresponding screenshots. Basically, you’re putting together a list of things they need to do to get the results they desire.

Create a powerpoint slideshow with interesting title like “How to Hijack your Competition’s Best Prospects”.

At the beginning of every video training, power point presentation, explain the features (what you’re going to teach) and benefits (positive results) that they can get from watching your training video.

At beginning of each video training
1. Introduce the video.
2. Tell them what they’re getting.
3. Tell them why it’s important.
4. Continue to tell them how they will benefit.
5. Present the content.

“Are you getting this?”

“By now, you’re probably wondering why I’m offering all this to you for free. A few reasons, one, I like helping people reach their goals. Two, I would like make money online and when you buy my products or services, I make money online.”
6. Close.

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Big Idea
1. Establish premise – predictable teaching
2. Here’s how – Establish positioning through education
3. Promise – I will train your staff and install system

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source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Desire: Lose weight fast
Promise: Buy P90x and you’ll get shredded
Delivery Method: Constantly changing workouts, combining intense cardio, weights, and because of that, you’re body is in a near-constant state of shock and because of that, you experience faster gains and as a result, increased rate of metabolism and higher fat loss

Big Idea: muscle confusion
Premise: Traditional workouts have limited results because your body gets used to it. You have to constantly “shock” the system for maximum impact

Big Idea – muscle confusion (establish premise)
Here’s how muscle confusion works (establish positioning through education)
These workouts will get you ripped (promise)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

Desire: automated marking & sales
Promise: use your service and we’ll help you increase sales through automation
Delivery method: Our system has multiple contigency plans for people who don’t respond. We set up specialized messages for specific responses.

Big idea: Behavioral Dynamic Response
Premise: Most people don’t do what you want them to do, therefore you have to have contigency plans in place to re-engage
Establish premise – Behavioral Dynamic Response
Here’s how – Establish positioning through education:
Promise – increased sales through automation

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: https://frankkern.mykajabi.com/products/the-four-course-bundle/categories/4218787/posts/14166059

ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Idea.pdf

Finding your Big Idea
1. What’s their biggest desire as it relates to your stuff? What is it that they want?
2. What’s your promise? That’s easy. You’ve known your promise the entire time. That will be a simple one.
3. How do you fulfill this promise? What is unique about the way that you’re fulfilling this?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Desire: Lose weight fast
Promise: Buy P90x and you’ll get shredded
Delivery Method: Constantly changing workouts, combining intense cardio, weights, etc
How will this help you get shredded – what is the delivery method? What is the “delivery method” for how this works?
Big Idea: Muscle Confusion
Premise: Traditional Workouts have limited results because your body gets used to it. If you “shock” the system by varying your workouts, you’re likely to get more an impact for weight loss, building muscle, and getting a toned body.

Establish Premise – muscle confusion
Establish Positioning Through Education – here’s how muscle confusion works
Present Promise – these workouts will get you ripped

Establish Premise – online moneymaking made easy
Establish Positioning – here’s how, get good at affiliate marketing by setting up a squeeze page (website), email sequence (autoresponder), with high-value lead magnet + high-value content, in order to lead with value and build trust so subscribers will be more likely to buy your affiliate offer
Promise – this is a simple to follow way to make money online that you can do in as little as 6 hours a week, and for about $75 a month in software

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Finding your Big Idea

What is their desire?

What is your promise?

How do you fulfill it?

Big Idea:


ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Idea.pdf

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Advanced Closing

ebook: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/Stacks.pdf

The closing & offer formula
1. Here’s what I got
2. Here’s what it’ll do for you
3. Here’s how it works
4. Here’s what I want you to do next
5. Here’s why it’s safe for you to do
6. Add scarcity, bonus content if they order by a certain time

How to stack closes on top of one another to continue selling from multiple angles while in the same close

Stacks are basically re-closes. You’ve already made your offer, you’ve already stated the guarantee, you’ve given your call to action and most people are going to quit.

But what we’re going to do is we’re going to use these stacks to continue
selling, which is awesome.

You’re either going to state an objection and overcome it or you’re going to approach your close from another angle and we’ve got a lot of formulas here.

I’m going to get straight into the formulas for you.

Stacks (re-closes)

1. The Pros and Cons
Ben Franklin would do this, get a piece of paper, draw a dividing line down the middle, on the left top write Pros and the right top write Cons, then write down the pros and cons of each.

Let’s say we’re selling information. You would say, “Now listen, if you haven’t enrolled yet, I really want to talk to you because, as great as this product is, I understand it’s absolutely not for everybody. I really want you to be sure this is right for you when you enroll today.”

By the way, the use of the phrase “When you enroll today” is called a presupposition. It is presupposing that you’re actually going to enroll which is a nice little linguistic play on words there.

The Pros and Cons (of one of Frank Kern’s class)

Proven Methodology
Doesn’t take many sales to make good money
Doesn’t need a lot of traffic
Don’t need a big list
Don’t need to be an amazing copywriter because of the way the sales process works
You don’t really need to sell hard if you do everything like I just showed you on today’s webinar, such as “leading with value” by offering useful strategies that bring positive results, in advance of the offer
It’s really going to help others when you do this
You’ll get personal help from me
You’ll be surrounded by peers
We’re a community that is interested in helping you succeed

Not the cheapest thing in the world
It takes time and commitment
What if it doesn’t work for me?

Sometimes, the objects are less objections and more complaints.

Objection: “It’s expensive.”
Answer: “It is expensive because it is valuable. In fact, it’s worth 100x the amount we’re selling it for. Also, there were expenses in putting this course together and there are expenses in keeping this course up and running. You get my own personal email if you ever have questions and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you may have. This course is expensive because it is valuable. This course is expensive because it is extensive, containing a variety of strategies you can use to get started making money online so you can work from anywhere in the world.”
“After looking at all of this and if it looks like this makes sense to you, then you really need to go ahead and enroll in the training and buy the course, before the bonuses expire within the next 72 hours and before the course attendance limit is reached. Now, why would we close the course after a specific number of attendees have signed up? Two reasons. One, so we can better serve you if you have any questions that you need answered, to answer your question as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Two, in order to keep this highly valuable information and strategies within the hands of people–a few select people like you–who will value it. This course isn’t for everyone. But, if you’re listening to me now and you’re excited to get started, then you’re probably not everyone. And if that’s you, then click the “Buy Now” button below, right now, to get started with this amazing course.”

2. “What I’m really hearing is … “
What if someone says, “this sounds great, but I want a guarantee in case it doesn’t work”.

And then you would go in the script and you say, “What I’m really hearing is, ‘I like everything you’ve shown me but I’m not sure I can do this.’”

Next, you want to address that question.

Essentially, you’ve taken that objection and you’ve transformed it into something else by saying, “What I’m really hearing is …”

They’re asking about a guarantee and you’re basically saying, “What I’m really hearing is ‘I like everything you’ve shown me but I’m not sure I can do this.’”

We can address that in a different way. You can demonize a refund or you could be more compassionate about it.

Here’s what you could say.

“I could sit here and blow smoke up your ass and tell you this is going to be easy but it isn’t. This is advanced business training for people who are serious, not beginners or dreamers.”

“When you started your business, did the world offer you a guarantee it would work the first time? Of course not. But you did it anyway. There were challenges and you stuck with it and that’s why you’re able to provide for your family the way you do.”

“You didn’t expect the safety net from life and I know deep down you don’t expect one from me. If you’re the type of person who needs that safety net, that permission to quit when things get tough, we don’t do that here.”

“But I know you’re not that type of person because you’re still here weighing this decision. So get enrolled and let’s get to work.”

What if they say, “Well, I’m not sure. What if I want a refund? What if I want a guarantee?”

You could reply: “If I give you a guarantee, it’s a kind-of safety net that gives you permission to quit and if you have this, why should you give it 100%. Think about it. Think about the success you’ve had in life, how it took 100% of your time, energy, commitment, financially and emotionally and mentally, in order for you to achieve success in that area.”

What if they say, “I want a guarantee”.

We do not offer guarantees because we’re looking for people who are committed to making this work and if we offer a guarantee, there’s a greater chance that you will be less committed.”

What if they say, “the price is too high”.

The reason the price is so high is because the course is that good, it took hundreds-of-hours to put together, and it takes resources to keep the course available and online. Also, I offer my email and even texting so you can get your questions answered. Don’t think of the price as a cost, think of it as an investment, an investment in yourself, in learning how to make money online so you can live and work from wherever you want, anywhere in the world with an internet connection. The cost is an investment you’re making in yourself, in your ability to have financial freedom and work for yourself without having to shop up at a 9-to-5 that’s slowly draining the life out of you as you work for someone who is not every nice, doing something you don’t really believe in. Think about it. The price is expensive, yes, but if you decide not to purchase this course, you may be kicking yourself years down the road when you’re stuck a the same job you are now–a job you don’t like that’s slowly draining all your dreams out of you. When you buy this course, you’re making an investment in yourself, and when you do that, and commit the time necessary to learning and putting the strategies in this course to work for you, the pay off will be far greater than you every imagined.”

Here’s another example.

Let’s say you’re selling a fitness program and their objection is, “I don’t have the time.”

What you could say in reply.

“A lot of people say that to me, that ‘I don’t have the time’.”

They say, ‘This all sounds great but I just don’t have the time.’”

Now, I’m pretty sure this one gets a little bit harsh. Again, I’m doing this for dramatic effect. Please don’t ever be mean to anybody. I’m literally doing this as a way to emphasize the reversal here.

You would say, “What I’m really hearing is, ‘I’m not that committed to getting control of my health.’

“Here’s the thing. This program takes 30 minutes a day, five days a week. If you’re not willing to do that, just learn to love sweat pants and baggy shirts.”

“Learn to accept the fact that your husband wishes you’d change but won’t tell you because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Learn to wear wraps and flats and a one-piece bathing suit with a sarong that hides
your thighs.”

“Learn to accept what your gut has been telling you.”

“He’s not really tired. He’s just not attracted to you.”

“Or you can invest just 30 minutes into having the health you deserve.”

When I hear that people ask me that question, my question back to them is …

“Are those 30 minutes so precious that you’re willing to stay unhealthy just so you can have them? Of course they’re not. Let’s get started right now. You are worth it.”

What I’ve done is I’ve taken this question of time, that 30 minutes, and turned it into something entirely different which is, “What’s more important to you? Having that extra 30 minutes a day, or overcoming all of this pain that you have? Finally, getting the attention of your significant other. Feeling comfortable in clothes again. Not having to feel ashamed when you take off your shirt at the beach or pool. What’s more important to you–the 30 minutes a day or getting the results that will get you feeling confident and sexy again?

Now, I told you it was harsh. I don’t know if I’d ever actually say that to somebody in real life. I like to be really nice. Again, I’m doing this for dramatic effect.

I’m repositioning this objection, “I don’t have time.”

“What I’m really hearing is, “I’m not that committed to getting control of my health.”

Then, blam, I attack the lack of commitment and I reclose, “Of course, these 30 minutes aren’t so precious to you. Let’s get started right now. You’re worth it.”

I’ve reclosed again

3. Apples to Oranges

Let’s say their real objection is the 30 minutes a day. They’re like, “Hey, what if I don’t have time or whatever?”

What we’re going to do if we’re going to use the Apples to Oranges approach to transform that objection into something trivial.

You would say, “A lot of people ask me, ‘This all sounds great but I just don’t have the time.’”

That’s the exact same objection as before. I’m just restating that.

What you would say is, “Here’s the thing. This program takes 30 minutes a day, five days a week. That’s less than one episode of Real Housewives of Orange County.”

Now, see what I’m doing here? I’m taking 30 minutes and I’m turning it into something trivial which is half of an episode of Real Housewives of Orange County.

One may consider it trivial, one may consider it to be brilliant programming, that’s really a matter of opinion.

So we go on, “I’m curious. Which would you rather have?

A toned body with tons of energy or part of an episode of Real Housewives? We both know that this is more important.

Don’t let a TV show come between you and your health. Let’s get started right now.”
You would reclose.

You would just compare that objection to something trivial which you know is right.

Come on. If we’re talking about fitness. Who doesn’t have 30 minutes a day?

We all know when we’re sitting around watching TV or doing something, we could be on an elliptical or treadmill knocking it out.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. This type of reclosing, this type of stacking is aggressive. But if you’re not afraid to be brutally honest with people and say, “Hey listen, here’s the deal…” then you’re going to have a better chance of helping them.”

4. Chunking the price

Stack number four is called “Chunking the Price.” This is when price is an issue which, with most things, price is an issue.

What we want to do is we’re going to use money as an example.

Let’s just assume now you’re selling something that’s $3,000. I just randomly pulled $3,000 from the ethers.

What I would do is I would state the objection so I’d say, “A lot of people tell me this is expensive and you know what? It is.”

Hey, listen. If it’s their opinion that it’s expensive, then you don’t want to be making them wrong.

If it’s expensive to them say, “Yeah you’re right, that’s expensive. Don’t say,

“What? Three grand’s nothing, what the hell is wrong with you?” That could be their life savings or something. You don’t ever want to argue with people, just say, “Yeah, it is expensive. I get it.”

Now, we’re going to chunk that price that down. We’re in the fitness thing again.

“Let’s fast forward a year from now and assume you’ve been following along and you actually did the exercises.

Your body is totally transformed, your husband is chasing you around the house so much you’re having to skip showers just to keep him at bay hoping that you smell bad

and you’ve got more energy than a troop of Boy Scouts after an espresso drinking contest.

How would that feel?

Well, if you divide that $3,000 investment by a year, it’s just $8.21 a day.

What’s more important?

$8.21 or having your husband chase you around like a teenager?

$8.21 or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?

$8.21 or looking so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure?

$8.21 or the incredible pride you feel every time you look in the mirror knowing that you took control of your life?

Hey, if I need to, I’ll even send you a check for $8.21 to cover your first day if it’s that big of a deal to you.

Why? Because $8.21 is nothing.

I’m not going to miss it and neither would you; but, if that’s what it takes to help you get the body you deserve, I’ll have it on your doorstep tomorrow. Just call or email after you enrolled and I’ll send it FedEx.”
You know what? The shipping is more than the actual check. What have I done
here? Let’s really dissect this.

Well, first of all I have restated the benefits again. Number one, I’ve addressed the objection which is, “You know what? Yeah, it is expensive.”

But then what I’ve done is I’m not making it about $3,000 anymore.

I’m making them fast forward a year from now to where, if they’ve actually done the exercises and they’ve gotten the results that they want … which you should always be able to deliver on your promise by the way; if you’re doing this and you can’t deliver on your promise and you suck, you’re going to get in trouble.

This is a given that you’re selling good stuff, you’re being cool to people.

Now, what we’ve done is I’ve addressed the objection. I have put their mind off of the objection and I’ve now put them into the future world. “What if I really did this?”

Now, I’m restating the benefits, “Your body’s transformed, your husband is chasing you around the house.” Now, we take the $3,000 and we chunk that price by saying let’s divide it by 365 days, it’s $8.21 a day.

Now, I’m going to do two things. First, I’m going to restate the benefits. Again, “Husband chases you, energy to play with your kids, look so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure, incredible pride you feel when you look in the mirror knowing you took control of your life” and I’m saying, is $8.21 more important than this?

You can even do this.

I recommend you do this if your value of your customers high enough to do it.

I offer to send them a check for the $8.21 if I need to do it because that shows how trivial that $8.21 is per day.

The trick here is you really want to make sure what you’re selling is good.

5. Chunking and Apples to Oranges Combo

Let’s take out stack number five. This is when you combine Price Chunking with the Apples to Oranges Comparison.
This is pretty cool.

Let’s take the same $3,000 objection. You say, “Some people say this $3,000 is really expensive. You know what? you’re right, it is but if you divide the $3,000 by 365 days, it’s just $8.21.”

Now, here’s what I’m doing.

I’m chunking down the price and then I’m going to make it all about what they could get for $8.21 instead of this

“I just looked online and that’s exactly the cost of a plate of chicken or a plate of barbecue. What’s more important?

$8.21 or having your husband chase you around like a teenager?

$8.21 or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?”

I’m restating the benefits just like the other close. I’m going to say I’m going to send you a check just like before because $8.21 is nothing.

Now, look how we now do the Apples to Oranges comparison. In this phase, I’m saying, “Guess what you can get for $8.21?”

“I looked online and basically here’s what you can get. You can get a plate of barbecue…” I just Googled what
can you get for $8.21 and this is what came up.

Now, I’m saying, “Hey you know what? If you don’t want to use your $8.21 to invest in this fitness training you can maybe go get some barbecue or something because you can’t get much for $8.21.”

I’m going to now make it about the barbecue and the chicken.

I say, “Hey what’s more important?

Two pieces of chicken or having your husband chase you around like teenager?

A plate of barbecue or having the energy to play with your kids no matter what time it is?

Greasy food or looking so good your friends secretly think you had some kind of procedure?

A chicken dinner or the incredible pride you feel every time you look in the mirror knowing that you took control of your life?”

Instead of making it about $8.21, I’m now making it about this trivial thing that they could get for $8.21. “What are you going to get? A plate of barbecue?

How much satisfaction benefit are you going to get from greasy fried chicken?

Come on, let’s think this through.

We’re taking the price chunking and combining it with the Apples to Oranges comparison.

It’s pretty cool.

We’re going to use the same psychology here: “Hey, if you like chicken that much, I’ll send you a month’s worth of organic chicken breast just to help you out.

Yeah, that’s crazy but you know this is the right thing to do and if that’s what it takes I’ll do it for you. Just call or email after you enroll and I’ll have it sent to you FedEx.”

You know what? If you make that offer, you should really honor it because you know that customer will think you are great.

If they said, “Yeah. I’m going to enroll” and, after they do, they sent you the email, “I want you to send me the month’s worth of chicken,” you could send them good organic healthy chicken. This particular example would be a perfect thing to do with that offer.

Of course if you do that customer right, they’re going to order from you again in the future anyway. So it’s a worthwhile investment and your month’s supply of chicken might cost you $50 or something and you basically have invested $50 to close the $3,000 sale.

6. Trust and Story

Stack number six is “Trust and Story.” Remember, with all of these stacks you can combine them.

You could keep doing them one after the other. You could use them onesietwosie but this is always done after you’ve made your pitch.

We’re just continuing the pitch here. Most people think they’re done when they’re finished pitching. You’re not. The real selling begins at the end of your pitch. We want to keep on selling but we just want do it in an entertaining and fun way.

Trust and story is best used to overcome skepticism in general or self-doubt.

Here’s the thing. The biggest impediment to you closing a sale… whether it’s in person, online or in a sales letter … is going to be disbelief usually here in the arena of self-doubt.

If they didn’t believe you, they probably won’t be paying attention to you.

They probably believe you, especially if you’ve helped them in advance of asking them for the sale.

But they’re going to say, “Well I think it would work for everybody except me. I’ve tried it, I failed…” I’m from a small town, my parents were both Martians, whatever.

Everyone’s got their own stories about why we’re not good enough. Self doubt is one of the most prevalent things, they’re going to kill your ability to close sales because your customers don’t believe in themselves.

We’re going to use this to combat both of these things. In this case, the scripting would go, “Hey, you know a lot of people are asking me, ‘How do I know this is going to work for me?’

When I hear that, I want to say, ‘I think you’re asking me that because you either don’t trust me or you don’t
fully trust yourself.’

You know what?

If I haven’t earned your trust, then please don’t order.

I don’t deserve it. I haven’t done my job today and I don’t want something for nothing. It’s
okay. My feelings aren’t hurt and I apologize for wasting your time today.

But if you do trust me, then what I think you’re really saying when you asked me this question is ‘I’ve got self-doubt and I’m not sure I can actually do this.’”

Now, we have set ourselves up for a story.

Watch how we do it.

At this stage, you want to be very kind and empathetic.

You can’t fake this by the way.

Ideally, we want to build their confidence and anchor this decision to purchase something
very positive and it’s best to do it as a story.

I’m going to script the story.

I’m not in any way suggesting that you make up a story or that you’re misleading or anything like that.

What I’m giving you here is literally just an example.

Please don’t go and copy this verbatim and tell deceptive stories that aren’t true. I know you wouldn’t but somebody else might.

That’s why I’m giving you that as a disclaimer.

You might say, “I completely understand because I felt the same way about a lot of things and when I feel
that way, if I’m honest with myself, it’s because I’ve tried something and failed and don’t want to go
through the pain of that failure again.”

Ideally now, you would tell a story of loss and redemption here.

It’s got to be true. It doesn’t have to be related to the product though.

You would say, “I want to help you by telling you an embarrassing story … ”

This is totally an example.

“When I was a kid I had terrible self-esteem mainly because my step dad and teachers told me I was stupid and lazy. This made me very shy and awkward with girls.

Because I didn’t have any confidence, I was always amazed when I’d get a girlfriend and I’d always let them walk all over me. I was worse than the guys in the movies who get dumped and cheated on. I made those guys look like Brad Pitt.

Eventually, I got a girlfriend who didn’t dump me and didn’t cheat on me too badly.

My family wanted me to get married and I wanted to make them happy.

I thought, ‘Well, I’ll never meet anyone better so I might as well marry this one.’

We got married. I stayed in that marriage completely miserable for six years.

When I finally got a divorce, it cost me everything I had.

My net worth dropped by about 99%.

I had two young kids I shared custody with and I thought, ‘Well, I guess I’ll become a monk because no woman is ever going to want to be with me at this stage.

Then I met an honest-to-God cover model. It was literally love at first sight … for me anyway.

I was so shy that I ended up tracking her down on Facebook after we met and waiting a month before I even sent her a friend request.

I started emailing her and since I took hours to compose every single message and response, she thought I was
kind of funny.

When I finally asked her for her number, she gave it to me.

It took me about three days to work up the courage to call her and when I finally did, I had to do it in my car because I was embarrassed that someone might overhear me sounding stupid on the phone.

The conversation was awkward but she didn’t seem too repulsed by me and I thought to myself, ‘Holy smokes you might actually have a chance here.’

Now, let me tell you this woman was a perfect 10, as they say, and I figured the only way to get her to like me was to transform myself into a 20.

That’s what I set out to do.

I hired a personal trainer, went to counseling to overcome all the self-esteem issues and I started courting her just like in the movies, flowers and everything.

I did that for almost three months before our first date.

I guess she didn’t realize that I’d become a 20 yet.

Anyway, the first date turned into a second date, the second date into a third and eventually we got married then we had two kids.

When I look at those kids at night sometimes I think, ‘Thank God I didn’t let my past failures keep these children from coming into the world.’”

Now notice, this story could be about anything unrelated to the product. What I’ve really done is I’m empathizing first and say, “You know, I had all these troubles too.” Now, I’m saying ‘Thank God I didn’t let those past failures keep these children from coming in the world.’”

I’ve really escalated this issue into something as important as human life.

I’ve taken this little seed of self-doubt and told the story about overcoming self-doubt and now said, “What would have happened had I never overcome it?”

The children wouldn’t even exist.

Don’t make up your stories. I’m giving you a very dramatic example as a means of illustration so please don’t overdo it. You’ve got to be telling the truth.

The philosophy that all marketers are liars, don’t be one of those.

That’s not necessary. You can do a better job being straight up and honest with people.

Now, I might say: “Let me ask you. If you had a time machine and could meet me the day before I made that first phone call to her, what would you tell me if I was about to let my past get in the way?”

See now what I’m doing here in the scripting is I’m putting them in the driver’s seat.

I’m letting them be the hero.

I’m saying, “You wouldn’t let me do that would you? You wouldn’t let me let myself down, prevent these children from being born?

Psychologically, it’s important so the next thing I say is: “Would you let me quit on myself or would you encourage me to give it my best? Of course, you’d encourage me and I’d do the same for you. In fact, that’s what I’m trying to do for you right now.

My one decision to pick up the phone and make the call changed my life forever and it seems like you might be facing a similar decision right now.

Let me ask you.

Are you going to let fear and self-doubt cheat you out of the future that you deserve?”

Now, notice this right here. I’m not making it about them.

I’m not saying “You’re wrong,” I’m saying fear and self-doubt are wrong, not them.

It’s important not to say, “Hey you’re being a woos, you’re stupid” or whatever. You want to be empathetic.
You can’t fake empathy by the way so you really have to understand where your prospects are coming from if they have fear and self-doubt … and they probably do because we’re all human, we’re on the same stuff… thankfully this is good. It makes things easier for us to do.

I’m here telling you right now to stand up for yourself and claim the happiness you deserve and now I’ve re-pitched. I’m able to re-pitch again so it’s a very emotional way of getting to the sale.

Studies have timelessly shown that people make decisions on emotion far more often than they do on any rational evidence or anything like that.

It helps. Just please use responsibly.

7. Worst Case Best Case

Our next stack is what we call the “Worst Case, Best Case” stack. This is similar to the Pros and Cons stack but it’s very conversational.

Let’s assume we’ve given our pitch and they still haven’t ordered.

You might say, “If you haven’t ordered already, I could only think it’s because you’re worried about making a bad decision and you know what? Maybe you are.”

Now, any time you’ve got an objection that you’re going to address, you never want to make them wrong.

You always want to say, “Maybe you are.”

Or, if the objection is “This is very expensive,” “You know what, it is expensive and I want you to consider this.” Then you would chunk the price or you compare Apples to Oranges or whatever you might do.

When I’m saying “Maybe you are,” I’m doing two things.

Number one, I’m making them right. Number two, it’s a little bit of takeaway.

Most people will try so hard for the sale it will turn people off. But, if you’re the person who’s a little bit aloof and you say, “Maybe you are,” that’s going to cause them to be more receptive to what you say next. So it’s important.

Now, we say: “But what if you’re not? Let’s get real for a minute. Let’s say you get this and you hate it. That’s pretty much a worst case scenario. Let’s say it’s the worst thing you’ve ever had and it’s just absolutely awful. Can it get worse than that realistically?

Can we agree that this is the worst case scenario? Hey, if that happens here’s how to fix it. Just send it back and you’ll get a refund. It’ll be like it never even happened.”

Pretty easy right? What we just did is we have taken this fear that they have and we said, “Hey worst case is you don’t like it, send it back and get a refund.

We’ve just minimized the fear, maybe it’s not that bad… which, in most cases, it’s not, unless all sales are final. So what’s the worst case scenario? Get your money back. Not too big of a deal.

Now, what we want to do, now that we’ve minimized our worst case, we really want to make the best case look good.
What we’re going to do, we’re going to say:

“What if this actually works? Hey, you’re still here reading this or watching this video or webinar, you know you’ve got a pretty strong gut feeling that this is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

What if your gut feeling is right? X weeks, months, days …”

Whatever time your product takes to get the results; let’s say it’s four weeks and let’s go back to
our classic tomato gardening thing.

“Four weeks from now, you could be planting tomatoes like a pro. Isn’t it at least worth trying?

After all, the worst that can happen is you get to hit the delete button on the whole thing and get all your money back. But the best case scenario is really life changing.”

Then you would talk about the benefits of whatever, the big tomatoes.

“Imagine the pride you’re going to feel when you win the gardening competition. Imagine how happy it is going to make you when you fix fresh gazpacho for your entire family and they say they love it so much and you proudly present a giant basket of tomatoes that you picked from your own garden at home.

Imagine how good you’re going to feel when you know that you’re providing your children with homegrown organic super healthy produce that they just can’t get anywhere else.”

We’re really maximizing this best case scenario here and then we just say:

“Let’s get started today.”

What this really does, this best case scenario is life changing, after this, it gives you the ability to restate the benefits again.

It is another way to close.

Using the 7 Stacks

These are seven ways that I’ve just shown you that you can continue selling after you have made the pitch.

Here’s the thing … you’re going to say, “Well which one should I use?”

And my answer to you is, “Whichever one seems logical at the time.”

You really can’t go wrong with any of these as long as you’re truthful and you’re empathetic and you’re nice to people.

Here is really my best advice on these. You will probably make more money if you use these than if you don’t. It’s really, really worth doing.

I really think it’s physically impossible for you to go wrong adding this to your offers after you make your pitch. I hope you’ve enjoyed these.

I’ve never seen anyone teach anything like this before.

I know it’s kind of cerebral. It’s a little bit advanced perhaps but I’m telling you every time I’ve used one of these stacks after making an offer, I’ve gotten more sales and that’s what we’re here to do, make more sales so we can help more people.

Obviously your products are good. You want to get them in your customers’ hands so they can experience the benefits they’re supposed to experience. This is a great way to do it.

Thanks so much for taking this training and for being a customer of mine. I look forward to hearing your success with these stacks soon. See you later.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Four-Day Cash Machine 2.0

Phase One – a “click sequence”
1. Have an educational piece of content that makes a special offer at the end
2. Special offer: discount, bonus, new twist on existing offer, new offer, etc
3. Email list about that educational content, twice a day, for three days in a row
4. Don’t mention the special offer. Only “sell” the benefits of the special offer.

If they click on the video, don’t send them any more email about watching the video. Instead, they are moved on to the next phase. If they never click the video, don’t mention the offer. This way, all your list sees is you being super helpful, not selling.

If they click on the video, some might buy. Those who buy, but did not click, will get offers.
1. Email list, send 2 emails a day for 3 days
2. The ones who clicked, will get a deadline-based email sequence, sending them staright to a sales letter or sales video (Video Sales Letter – VSL)
3. Use scarcity for maximum effect, reference the dealine in your emails and webpages
4. Scarcity – discount goes away, bonuses go away, product goes away (in order to limit the buyers to prevent market saturation)
5. It they “click”, they are moved into a “countdown sequence”
Day #1 – 2 emails
Day #2 – 1 email
Day #3 – 1 email
Day #4 – 3 emails
– On day #4, email them 3x. First email “this expires today”. Second email “this expires in ___ hours”. Third email “final notice”.
– According to Frank Kern, in the video, the last email (Third email – final notice) gets the most sales.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Click Sequence Email

Subject Line: NAME, Please read
Subject Line: NAME!
Subject Line: Re: NAME, Please read
Subject Line: For (category marketers, copywriters, health enthusiasts) who want (result)
Subject Line: I have just made this ________ (e-book, action plan, etc) for you and it shows you how to (big benefit)
Subject Line: Use my free action plan to write email sequences in minutes instead of hours
Subject Line: Use my action plan (link inside) to write/get/accomplish ______ (results) in minutes instead of hours

The purpose of the subject line is to get the email opened

First sentence: I’m pretty sure this directly affects you. (put “this” as a hyperlink that goes to educational video)

1. Subject: NAME, please read
2. First sentence: I’m pretty sure this (hyperlink) directly affects you.
3. Image (hyperlink) of screenshot of the video
4. It’s a new ______ (thing – hyperlink) that shows you how to _______ (big benefit)
5. Plus, you’ll also see/discover/learn …
– How to _______ (benefit – hyperlink) without ________ (pain/struggle/hassle)
– What never to do when you want to ________ (goal – hyperlink)
– Why everything you’ve learned about _______ (goal) is probably wrong, and what you should do instead (hyperlink “what you should do instead”)
6. You can get it here, now (hyperlink “get it here, now”) / Click here to watch it now – no email required (hyperlink “Click here”)

P.S. In case you skip the PS (like me), here’s the deal.

You can get this action plan, e-book, free video training, etc that shows/gives/helps you get ________ (goal) here. (hyperlink “get this action plan”)

I hope you like it. Let me know if you enjoyed it.

– – – – – – –

In the above email, you can make six similar emails by changing the subject line and first sentence

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

A few different types of EESMs (Entertaining Empathetic Sales Message)

1. Us vs Them

2. Reluctant Hero

3. Hometown boy makes good

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Us vs Them “email sequence templates”

#1 Subj: <$firstname$> – will it be BANNED??

Hi <$firstname$>,

This site could be banned at any moment.

Yes, I know this sounds crazy …but the reason I say it is simple:

You can see for yourself here:

Before you go there, you should know this is NOT my website.

I don’t own it …and I don’t know the people who do,
but I proudly stand by them and wish them the best.


Because they’re exposing the sausage secrets that have been kept from us for so long.

People like you and me deserve this information. And if the Sausage Industry
wants to ban this site, that PROVES that these secrets are the real deal.
(Why else would they want to keep thisinformation from us?)

Anyway – here’s the website everybody’s talking about. These are the “good guys”:

Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. I really *did* hear a rumor about this being banned because
they don’t want the info being leaked out to folks like us. If
you want to see what all the fuss is about, I’d go to the site
now. It might not be there tomorrow. Here it is:

#2 Subject: <$firstname$>, did you see it?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Yesterday I told you about the website the Sausage industry hopes we never see.

Here it is: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

Rumors are flying about industry big wigs trying to get this site shut down.

Why are they trying to ban it?

I think it’s because we’re (finally) getting exposed to the sausage secrets
they’ve been hiding all along.

It’s all right here in black and white:

The sausage industry wants to keep this from us. But that’s too bad for them.

People like you and me deserve this information. And if the
Sausage Industry wants to ban this site, that PROVES that these
secrets are the real deal. (Why else would they want to keep this
information from us?)

Anyway – here’s the website everybody’s talking about.
These are the “good guys”:


Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. The way rumors are flying, this site could be taken down at
any minute. Here it is:
As soon as you read it, you’ll see what the fuss is about.

#3 <$firstname$>, why are they so angry??

Hi <$firstname$>,

Professional Sausage makers are FURIOUS about this site:


Because it shows folks like you and me (the *real* sausage
lovers) the true secrets of making sausage that’s even BETTER
than the expensive stuff they’re selling us!

It’s no wonder people are saying this site might get banned.

You’ve seen what the Sausage Makers are selling sausage for these days, right?

It’s obvious they’re getting rich off of you and me.

So it’s no wonder they see this site as a serious threat:

After all, if we know their secrets, we don’t need to give them our money!

I’ve personally put this site to the test and let me tell you,

I tried the secrets the site talks about …and I had NO IDEA
that sausage could be *this good*. And I’m really amazed that I
was able to make such great sausage on my first try!

(I don’t know about you, but I’m not a sausage professional.
Don’t get me wrong. I *love* the stuff just as much as anybody
… but I’ve never had any expensive training or anything. So when
my first batch of sausage had everyone begging for more, I was
pleasantly surprised!)

Anyway – here’s the site. I have no idea if it will still be
there by the time you get this.

All I can say is I hope you get a chance to see it …and to try
this out for yourself. I feel lucky that I did!

Talk soon,
Hermilio Vasquez

P.S. Looks like you and I are part of an ever-growing group of
REAL sausage lovers. Just this week, we’ve had 1,098 other
sausage lovers from around the world subscribe to this Sausage
newsletter you’re reading!

I guess you and I aren’t the only true sausage lovers out there.
Good to know we’re not alone 🙂

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

How to build an audience & grow your profits:

1. Cultivate a herd by standing out and offering something they want. When you “stand out”, you become the “attractive character” that others want to be like, want to follow, or both.

2. Build a relationship with that herd by delivering fun and entertaining messages.

3. Position yourself as the leader.

4. Use your relationship with the herd to sell your products and services, and affiliate products and services that you recommend.

Use your “personality” to make this work.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

“it’s not your fault”

Subject: <$firstname$> It’s NOT your fault!

Hi <$firstname$>,

It’s NOT your fault that your sausages aren’t turning out like you want … yet.

The truth is … we’ve been misled by the socalled experts!

You see, 99% of the ‘professional” sausage making techniques are DEAD WRONG!

In fact, many of them will make your sausage come out worse!

For example, most pro sausage makers will tell you to use fennel seeds for that Italian flavor.

What they don’t tell you is that when fennel seeds are cooked at a temperature over 200 degrees, they release an ACID which makes the sausage taste BITTER!

But everybody knows that you HAVE to cook sausage at 350 degrees, right?

The real trick is to cook the sausage at the normal 350 degrees like we always do, and then when it’s almost done, take it out, let it cool …and THEN press the whole fennel seeds through the skin.

When you’re done, finish it up by cooking it for 10 minutes at 175.

WARNING: If you serve this, be prepared to have your friends STALKING you for the recipe.

But let me ask you a question, <$firstname$>…

If they’re not telling you this, what else are they hiding from you?


They don’t want you to know the right way to make sausage because if you did, you’d never have to buy another product from them again!

That little tip I just gave you was only a tiny fraction of what’s being exposed here:

And that’s why I’m taking so much heat from the Sausage Making industry right now …for revealing secrets like the one I just shared with you.

But that was nothing! When they find out how I really blow the whistle in Sausage Making Secrets, I’ll probably get all kinds of pressure to stop selling it. And that’s why this controversial Sausage making system could be taken off the market at any minute,

See for yourself what all the fuss is about here:

Talk soon,

Christopher Wallace

P.S. NOTICE: There’s talk of lawsuits being filed against me for letting this information out.

As it stands now, I will NOT back down.

However, if they have their way, I’ll have to take the site down. I urge you to get your copy of this highly confidential and controversial sausage making system immediately … before it’s
too late! Here’s the site: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Subject: <$firstname$> – Why are they so ANGRY??

Hi <$firstname$>,

Professional sausage makers are furious with me because I’m
making them look bad with my outrageous guarantee.

It’s true.

If you try my controversial (and possibly soon-to-be-BANNED)
Sausage Secrets system and you’re not the talk of every kitchen
in town, I’ll give you a refund and let you keep the entire
system for FREE.

No questions asked, no forms to fill out, no tricks. It’s all in
black and white right here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

NOBODY in the Sausage industry is willing to put their money
where their mouth is like this.

Do you know why?

Because they’re giving you BAD information! And you know what’s
really got ‘em steamed? I’m not even a professional sausage maker!

I’m just a regular guy from Alabama who loves sausage … just like you.

The only difference is, I’ve dedicated YEARS to sausage making
… and I’ve finally “cracked the code” to the real way to make
amazing sausage every time …even if you’re a beginner!

But don’t take my word for it, see what your fellow sausage
lovers have to say about it here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

Talk soon,
Christopher Wallace

P.S. Remember that guarantee? That’s the real deal. You can see
it in plain English here: http://www.sausagesecrets.com

The fact is, if you’re not the talk of every kitchen in your
neighborhood after you put Sausage Secrets to work for you,
then I refuse to accept your money.

In fact, I’d rather you keep my entire system for free … just as
my way of saying, “thanks for trying it out.”

Who knows, maybe you’ll have a friend who’d like to try it.
Either way, don’t you wish *everything* came with a guarantee like this?

Test drive this today. You’ll be glad you did:

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

So if you were to outline the function of your auto responder components it would look
like this:

Subject line:
1. Get attention.
2. Get message opened.

Body copy:
1. Get link clicked.
2. Pre frame buyer.
3. Create bond with prospect.
4. Create anticipation for next message.

1. Get link clicked

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Find out the conversation in your prospect’s minds, then enter that conversation.
Offer a solution (product/service) to any challenge they may be facing.
Offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee to make it, essentially, risk-free.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


1. Make a copy version of the product you are selling, or another website selling the product “as an affiliate”. Use a different “attractive character” to sell the product. You can find a free-to-use picture at Pexels.com You can get free-to-use videos at Pexels.com Also, you can hire someone to be your spokesperson, probably, at Fiverr.com or Upwork.com

2. Why lower prices when you just add more value. Similar to what Russell Brunson, add more value, create a “value stack” that turns your product into an irresistible offer, by offering a lot more than your competitors (PDF bonus books, complimentary video playlists, private Facebook group, members-only area websites, etc.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Bonus Gift strategy
A way to tie-in valuable bonus offers during specific times of the year such as
Christmas – here’s a gift on us + save money as this is a limited time Christmas special offer
Thanksgiving – we’re thankful for staying with us – here’s a bonus gift
tax time – available during tax season to help you save money during this time
summer special – available for 72 hours during our summer special

The key here is to make the bonus some how “tie in” with the tax problem. in this case,
we’d position it like this:

With taxes upon us, we sausage makers need all the extra money we can get! And that’s
why I’ve created this breakthrough report, “How To Get Premium Sausages For Pennies On The Dollar”!

If you were going to use this strategy, here’s a SAMPLE TEMPLATE of an email you might send out to promote it:

Subject: <$firstname$>, are you one of these people?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Right now, millions of people (myself included) are feeling the sting of tax time.

Are you one of us?

You’re gonna love this:

Here’s the scoop.

You know how much it costs to buy sausage these days. The stuff ain’t cheap! And with the Tax Man knocking on our doors, we need all the extra cash we can get.

And that’s why I foot the bill to get us this new system called “Free Sausage For Life.”

You can see it here: LINK

People in the Sausage community are freaking out over this. The reason why is now you can get premium sausage for pennies on the dollar …and sometimes you can even get it free!

See how here: LINK

Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. It took me forever to figure out how to do this, but the timing couldn’t be better.

My wife tells me I should sell this new system for $97. She says we need the money for taxes!

But if you’re anything like me, you’re wanting to watch your wallet until tax season is over.

And that’s why YOU CAN JUST FLAT-OUT HAVE THIS FOR FREE. No kidding.

All you have to do is test drive my Sausage Secrets course and this amazing new “Free Sausage” system is yours at no charge.


It’s no biggie though. The catch is, I can only guarantee this for today. The reason why is once tax season is over, I plan to start selling it at full price. (It’s worth its weight in gold,
and you’ll see why when you check it out here: LINK)

Anyway – if you want this brand new system for NOTHING, you can get it here: LINK

Talk soon,

Alphonso Gomez

P.S. This offer is set to expire at the end of today. Go here and check it out before it’s too late: LINK

P.P.S. If you try to go here and the web page is gone, it means
the offer has expired already. Here’s the special site again: LINK

P.P.P.S. This is only for a select group of my closest subscribers. Please don’t share it with anyone. Let’s keep it in the family : LINK

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Subject: <$firstname$> – are you one of these people?

Hi <$firstname$>,

Are you like me? You know … one of the millions of people who hate paying taxes this time of year?

If so, you’ll love this: LINK

Here’s the scoop.

I’m guessing you’d like to hang on to your wallet until tax time is over. I know how you feel because I’m the same way.

And that’s why you can have my entire Sausage Making system today … WITHOUT PAYING A DIME.

Yup. It’s all in black and white right here: LINK

The bottom line is you can have my entire system today for nothing … and if you like it, you can buy it later.

If you don’t like it, no problem. You don’t pay anything and we’re still friends.

There’s no funny business or anything, and you can see it all spelled out in plain English here: LINK

BUT THERE’S A CATCH! It’s no biggie though.

The catch is, I can only guarantee this for today. The reason why is once tax season is over, I plan to start selling it at full price.

Anyway – if you want this acclaimed system for NOTHING, you can get it here: LINK

Talk soon,

Alphonso Gomez

P.S. This offer is set to expire at the end of today. Go here and check it out before it’s too late: LINK

P.P.S. If you try to go here and the web page is gone, it means the offer has expired already. Here’s the special site again: LINK

P.P.P.S. This is only for a select group of my closest subscribers. Please don’t share it with anyone. Let’s keep it in the family 🙂 If I notice an unusual amount of people taking advantage of this, I’ll assume this secret web page has been “leaked,” and I’ll have to take it down. I don’t want to give away the farm, you know 😉


source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Subject: NAME – More free videos!


I embarrassed to say it … but I’m a SAUSAGE NERD.

You’ll probably think I’m nuts but I’ve spent the last 11 days on my computer doing NOTHING but checking out Sausage Making stuff on the internet.

Let me tell you, THERE’S SOME REALLY COOL STUFF OUT THERE! Especially when it comes to making Italian Sausage. Anyway – you gotta see some of this stuff.

Now I know you probably don’t have time to sit in front of your computer for 11 days like I did, so I’ve made you a *free* Video Series called “The Sausage Maker’s Guide To The Internet – Italian Edition!.”

In this video, I’m your “tour guide” and I show you all the neat Sausage Making “gems” I’ve found on the Internet. (Think of it as being able to take a quick “Sausage Making

Anyway – I’d love for you to have it … FREE.

***BUT THERE’S A CATCH*** (Isn’t there always?)

It’s no biggie though.

It’s just that due to the cost of having these videos on my web site, I can only give them to 100 people. Any more than that and my web site might crash and I’ll have to pay an arm and a leg.

So if you want to take the free video tour, just go here and sign up: YOUR LINK HERE.
Remember, it doesn’t cost anything. (But I know you’ll love it!)

Talk soon,

Pablo Escobar

P.S. I can only offer this free tour for 100 people. So if you’d like the free videos, go here now 🙂


– – – – – – –

OK – here’s what you do next:

1. Make an opt-in page for the video people.

2. Make a five day follow up series for them that just gives them the links to each day’s

3. Make five videos, one for each affiliate product you’re selling, and make the videos
“jump” to your affiliate link at the end.

That’s it. You’ve just segmented your list and now you have a sub list of people who are
particularly interested in Italian Sausage.

So they’re ALL in a Sweet Spot …and they’re targeted to Italian Sausage. Get enough of
them and you can make an Italian Sausage product.

… Or you can just give them cool content and links to Italian Sausage affiliate products.

Follow these three steps and you’ll prosper. It’s a NO-BRAINER. Just get out there and
do it.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Get opt-in subscribers a chance to know, like, trust you as soon as possible

Place a screencapture video on the opt-in page that shows people how to “confirm”

As soon as they opt in, they’ll hit a “thank you” page with a video on it. The video will
SHOW them how to confirm …and it’ll explain why. It will SHOW them what the confirmation email will look like, it will SHOW them how to click the link in there, and it’ll explain that when they click the link to confirm, they’ll get a SURPRISE that they didn’t originally count on.

Then it will SHOW them the surprise.

So I’d basically say, “Here’s how you make sure you get your free Sausage Making report. After this video, check your email like I’m doing here. You’ll see an email just like this one in your inbox.”

“Open it like I’m doing, and click the link you see inside …like this.” (Then, I’d click the link.)

“When you do, two things will happen. First, you’ll get your free Sausage Making Report
sent to you by email immediately.”

“Second, you’ll be taken to a special web page where you can get my latest video (or
audio or report or whatever) called “The Seven Biggest Sausage Making Myths” …absolutely free.”

“Here’s what that looks like.”

So you’re selling them on confirming … but you’re showing them how to do it and letting
them “get to know you” in the process by letting them hear your voice and have you guide them through the process of confirming.

Plus, you’re holding out a “carrot” that makes them want to confirm so they can get it.

This makes you look even better …because already you’re over delivering on your promise.

Your prospect is thinking, “Man …I just thought I was going to get a free report, but now
I’m watching a video and I’m getting this other thing too. This is good stuff!”

See? You’re killing two birds with one stone here.

First, you’re getting them to confirm … and second, you’re making them know, like, and
trust you immediately by giving them way more than you promised.

source: file:///C:/Users/grace/OneDrive/Desktop/Frank%20Kern/The_Big_Question_Mark.pdf

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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