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Congratulations on your decision to purchase the Digital Marketing Made Simple E-book bundle!

  Inside the Digital Marketing Made Simple E-book bundle, you'll discover the strategies and techniques you can use to generate massive profits!

Click the links below to access the e-books & articles!  

1.  Hooked! 
How to convert indifferent prospects into loyal customers who are hooked for life!  Seven principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life & business for success.

2.  101 Profitable Headlines
Unique headlines to capture the attention of page visitors

3.  The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint
Discover the strategies for setting up squeeze pages

4.  The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprint
Discover the strategies for setting up landing pages

5.  The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprint
An in-depth look at setting up email sequences in order to establish rapport, build trust, and generate sales for your products or services.

6.  The Ultimate Autoresponder's Comparison Guide
A comparison guide for autoresponders & CRM's.

Bonus Content - Copywriting, Sales, Marketing Books


what it is:

A plethora of rare and valuable copywriting books (PDF - Portable Document File) and articles. Some of these were hard-to-find.

Get persuasive writing strategies that can help you to build an audience, generate leads, and grow profits

Rare and valuable copywriting books (PDF version)

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For the links below, no copyright infringement is intended or implied. Any copyrighted material belongs to the individual owners. As this is considered "bonus content", no claim to copyright is intended or implied.

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Bonus Content

Bonus Content - valuable copywriting books and articles
Click the links below to access the e-books & articles! 

Sample - The Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters of All Time

The Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters of All Time

Six of the Greatest Direct Sales Emails Ever Written

The Greatest Sales Letters of All Time

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook

The ultimate sales letter : boost your sales with powerful sales letters, based on Madison Avenue techniques

No B.S. Marketing by Dan S. Kennedy

The Ultimate Marketing Plan By Dan S. Kennedy

Scientific Advertising

The Robert Collier Letter Book

Ogilvy on Advertising

Predictably Irrational - summary & notes

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape our Decisions

The 'Lost' Secrets of Breakthrough Advertising

Breakthrough Advertising

7 Lessons from Eugene Schwarz to make you a Better Copywriter

Masters of Advertising Copy

32 Key Marketing Insights from Jay Abraham

Advertising Secets of the Written Word

Million Dollar Sales Letters

Conscious Consumer Report

Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

My Life in Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins

The Boron Letters - Gary Halbert

Hey Whipple, Squeeze This - a guide to creating great advertising

Confessions of an Advertising Man - David Ogilvy

The 16-Word Sales Letter

Start with Why

The 35 Headline Formulas of John Caples

The Robert Collier Letter Book

Notes from the Book “Triggers: 30 Sales Tools You Can Use”

Mr. X Sales Letter by Jay Abraham

Reverse-Engineered Marketing & Copywriting Inspiration

The Boron Letters Summary: A Definitive Guide to Gary Halbert's Masterpiece

Ogilvy on Advertising (in the Digital Age)

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Yes! 50 scientifically proven ways to be persuasive

A Walk Thru Books

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How can I get the most out of these e-books?
Bookmark this page.  Peruse the e-books and articles.  Identify one or a few you want to read and then read them.  While reading them, take handwritten notes in a notebook and type notes onto your laptop, computer, tablet, or smartphone, saving them to a notepad or text file or some other software or application.

How can I make money using this information in the e-books?
Find a specific way to demonstrate value by learning and becoming skilled at one or more of the strategies discussed in the e-books.  For example, you could practice and become a skilled landing page designer, squeeze page designer, email marketing enthusiast.  Then, you could offer to set up squeeze pages for local businesses, helping them acquire leads in exchange for an hourly fee, a lead fee, or a project fee.

What tools are helpful in getting started?
A reliable computer.  A Macbook Pro laptop and/or a Windows computer with a high-definition screen.  If you need additional storage, consider buying an external storage drive.

For hosting, I recommend Asura Hosting.  They are very helpful and reply to emails quickly.  Also, they are very reasonably priced.

For email autoresponders, I recommend TrafficWave.net, an affordable autoresponder.

Having some notebooks and good pens is helpful for keeping notes and you can get these items at Walmart, The Dollar Tree, and The Dollar Store.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

No.  Due to the discount price, this does not come with a money-back guarantee.  Thank you for understanding.  

What if I have more questions?
Contact:  bicycledays@yahoo.com
with "questions about e-book bundle" in the subject line

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Please note: These are not "Frequently Asked Questions", rather they are questions that visitors may have regarding this website. Thank you for understanding.

Who are you?
My name is Michael Kemp.  I go by the name Kris Kemp.  I'm a writer, musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur.

How can I contact you?
email:  bicycledays@yahoo.com

Do you have other websites?
Yes.  Here are some other websites.

the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle
discover how to flip properties & how to make money online

the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle - 2nd website
discover how to flip properties & how to make money online

discover how to make about $498.50 per day with this free-to-join affiliate program

discover how to make about $498.50 per day with this free-to-join affiliate program

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discover how to make money online

get the strategies you can use to make money online

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Want more?
Click here to discover "the Flip Florida Land E-book Bundle" that reveals the strategies to finding, buying, flipping properties for profit & making money online so you can work from anywhere in the world.


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