Copywriting Academy

discover the power & profit of words

Are you struggling to make sales?  Did you know that you might be a few tiny tweaks away from a 150% - 250% increase in profits?  But, do you know what tweaks you need to make? 

 Sign in with your name and email below to access "101 Profitable Headlines" e-book that offers "tweaks" to generate leads, maximize conversions, and increase sales ... 

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Before we get started, let me tell you a story.  

Years ago, a massive, multimillion dollar coal processing plant was experiencing power outages.  

The management team, desperate to fix the problem, contacted a mechanical engineer who was a specialist in the industry who lived in another country.  

They agreed to have him picked up by private jet, fly him to the city where the plant was located, and even put him up at a luxury hotel, all expenses paid, including a note for the front desk to put anything he ordered on the tab of the company.

The mechanical engineer agreed to their offer and the next morning arrived at the plant.  

With tool bag in hand, he quietly wandered around the facility examining pipes, gages, and leaning closely toward the machinery, listening for irregularities.

After 45 minutes, he stopped his walk and looked at a thin pipe nearby.  He listened.  He tapped it with his wrench.  Then, he examined a a crank wheel mounted nearby, and turned it about an inch.  He listened again.


   "That should do it," he said.


   At first, the management team did not believe him.  After checking with their engineers, the problem had indeed been fixed.  

They thanked him and asked him for a bill.  From his tool bag, he retrieved a grease-stained receipt book, and quickly made some notes.  He handed it to the management team leader.


   The bill read:  

   - Tapping on the pipe:  $1.00

   - Turning the crank wheel:  $1.00

   - Knowing the pipe to tap and the crank wheel to turn:  $99,998.00

   Total Bill:  $100,000.00

   Testing and optimizing your squeeze page or landing page can be similar.

   You might spend days, weeks, months, trying this and trying that, making changes, while still not getting the results you want.

   Or, you can learn from some of the most highest-paid copywriters and marketers who got results.

   Knowing what to write, what to type, what to say in your Video Sales Letter (VSL), knowing how to structure your story is a critical skill.

   If you want to generate leads, maximize conversions, and increase sales, for your own products or services and for those of your clients, it's time for you to get access to some of the best copywriters and marketers that are legends in the field.  These copywriters and marketers were paid so much because they got results.

   Here's your chance to get access to some of their best material, that you can "model" in order to get better results, generate leads, maximize conversions, and increase sales!

   And it's free.  : )

   Sign in with your name and email below to get access to the "tweaks" that can help you generate leads and increase sales!  


 Sign in with your name and email below to access "101 Profitable Headlines" e-book that offers "tweaks" to generate leads, maximize conversions, and increase sales ... 

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What happens next?
You get fast access (usually within seconds) to "101 Profitable Headlines" that reveals the copywriting and marketing "tweaks" you can use to generate leads and increase sales.

What's the catch?
There is no catch.  Sign in with your name and email to get access to "101 Profitable Headlines" e-book.  

How can I get more strategies to increase sales?
If you want strategies you can use to generate leads, maximize conversion, and increase sales, click here for a special offer.

Who are you?
My name is Michael Kemp.  I go by the name Kris Kemp.  I'm a writer, copywriter, build websites (mainly using WordPress & Thrive Themes), musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur.  I have a variety of interests that share the common theme of freedom--creative freedom, financial freedom, travel/location freedom.

How can I make money online?
I put together a massive course, with e-books and Video Training Modules, that reveals the strategies for making money online so you can work from anywhere in the world with a wi-fi connection and making money flipping properties--land, houses, mobile homes--in Florida or, with some modification, anywhere in the U.S.  This course is so enormous, I set it up on two websites, one on WordPress and one using HTML.  You can see the websites by clicking here and clicking here   

How can I contact you?
Michael (Kris) Kemp
347-557-5487 (please text)

 Sign in with your name and email below to access "101 Profitable Headlines" e-book that offers "tweaks" to generate leads, maximize conversions, and increase sales ... 


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© Copywriting Academy, 2023 & Beyond
discover the power & profit of words